Upon successful completion of the associate degree nursing program requirements, graduates are eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses. The curriculum is divided among nursing courses and non-nursing courses. The nursing courses consist of classroom activities and hospital experience caring for clients of all ages with a variety of health deviations.

Program accreditation is held through the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). For current information on the program status, please go to http://www.acenursing.us/accreditedprograms/programsearch.htm and search for Cuyahoga Community College.

Accrediting Commission for Education in Nursing, Inc. (ACEN)
3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400
Atlanta, GA 30326
(404) 975-5000

Program contact: Learn more

This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates which will be automatically awarded when the certificate requirements are completed. If you do not want to receive the embedded certificate(s), please notify the Office of the Registrar at RegistrarOffice@tri-c.edu.

Learn more about how certificate credits apply to the related degree.

Related Degrees and Certificates

Related Training and Credentials

Program Admissions Requirements

The Division of Nursing has implemented a concept-based, one-plus-one curriculum. The nursing curriculum is presented as a career ladder designed to improve nursing career mobility. It provides seamless progression from nurse aide certification to practical nurse certification to the associate degree in applied science in nursing. The program is highly individualized, in that it blends classroom instruction and offers students excellent hands-on experience in real world health care settings.

  • Students who successfully complete the two prerequisite nursing courses are eligible to sit for the ODH STNA (Ohio Department of Health State Tested Nurse Aide) examination and progress to the nursing program after meeting all admission requirements.
  • Students who successfully complete the first year of the program will be awarded a certificate of proficiency in practical nursing and are eligible to sit for the NCLEX-PN.
  • Students who complete the second year of the nursing program will be awarded an associate degree in applied science and are eligible to sit for the NCLEX-RN. All students are admitted using a common admission criteria.

All students are admitted using the admission process below for the Generic ADN Track (4 Semesters to complete - Fall or Spring Start). 

Step One:   Seek advisement from the counseling department

Step Two:  Prior to requesting admission to the nursing program, the applicant must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • Students must be 18 years or older and have a high school diploma transcript, GED Equivalency or higher degree transcript on file in the Office of the Registrar.
  • Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 from Tri-C with a minimum of 9 credit hours from courses that may be used to meet the general education requirements for the Associate of Applied Science Degree.
  • Complete the required prerequisite coursework with a "C" or higher unless stated otherwise.

Prerequisite Course Work

BIO-2331Anatomy and Physiology I (must be completed with a grade of "B" or higher)4
MATH-1410Elementary Probability and Statistics I 13
NURS-1000Introduction to Healthcare Concepts (5 week hybrid course) 21
NURS-1010Introduction to Patient Care Concepts (8 week lab/clinical course) 2, 3, 44
Select one of the following:3
General Psychology
Honors General Psychology

MATH-1240 taken prior to Fall 2024 will be accepted to meet the math requirements for admission.


Applicants must successfully pass the HESI A2 and  NURS-1000 Introduction to Healthcare Concepts before being authorized to register for NURS-1010.  Due to COVID-19 restrictions, these courses cannot be taken in the same semester at this time.  A student can take NURS-1000 in Fall and NURS-1010 in Spring, or NURS-1000 in Spring and NURS-1010 in Summer.  It is important to plan ahead and register for the HESI exam in a timely manner, as day/timeslots for taking the exam sometimes fill quickly and you may need to register a couple of months in advance of an available testing date.  It is also important to note that it takes 4-6 weeks for test scores to be processed and sent to the nursing department.  Learn more here about the exam and how to register.


Background check and required immunizations must also be completed before being authorized to register for NURS-1010, due to clinical site experience that is included as part of this course.  Learn more here about background check and required immunizations.


Applicant must begin the ADN program within one year of completion of NURS-1010 or will have to retake NURS-1010.

  • AP credit accepted by the college can be used to meet prerequisite requirements. Please refer to https://www.tri-c.edu/get-started/credit-for-prior-learning/advanced-placement-credit.html for additional information about the College’s policy regarding AP credit.
  • Students who transfer in credits for ENG-1020 with a grade of C or higher, without having credit for ENG-1010 will have ENG-1010 waived, but the required 6 hours in Communication must be earned.
  • Courses used as prerequisites or core courses for the Health Careers Programs must have a traditional letter grade. The Pass/No Pass option for prerequisites and core courses will not be accepted by the Health Career and Nursing Programs. Students are responsible for consulting with their program director or counselor to determine Pass/No Pass grading options.
  • A cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.75 from Tri-C with a minimum of 9 credit hours from courses that maybe used to meet the general education requirements for the Associate of Applied Science Degree. If an applicant’s Tri-C GPA is less than 2.75, transfer GPA from an accredited institution as recognized by the college can be used for admission criteria only if the student has 9 credit hours of courses that maybe used to meet the general education requirements and an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher.
  • Students who have completed Health related courses may apply to use these courses to meet the 9 credit hour requirement. These courses are subject to division approval only.

Step Three:  Health Education Systems Inc. Admission Assessment Exam A2 (HESI A2)

Generic ADN applicants are required to take the Health Education Systems Inc. Admission Assessment Exam-A2 (HESI A2) as part of the application process for entry into the Associate Degree Nursing Program. Students can complete the A2 at any time during the application process, but must complete it prior to being authorized to register for NURS 1010-Introduction to Patient Care Concepts and must achieve a minimum score of 75% on the Math and English** sections for consideration for the program. One attempt can be made per month. If a 2nd attempt is needed only the section(s) below 75% needs to be completed.

There is a limit of 1 attempt per month and 2 attempts in a 12-month period.

**Three separate tests compose the English Language portion of the exam. The three tests are: Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Grammar. Must complete all sections at the time of testing in order for the score to count.

It is important to plan ahead and register for the HESI exam in a timely manner, as day/timeslots for taking the exam sometimes fill quickly and you may need to register a couple of months in advance of an available testing date.  It is also important to note that it takes 4-6 weeks for test scores to be processed and sent to the nursing department.  Learn more here about the exam and how to register.

***Effective June 1, 2020 applicants with an Associate Degree or higher are not required to take the HESI A2 exam.  Degree must be on file with Tri-C.

Step Four: Meet criteria and request to be reviewed.

Submit an Online Request for Review once the above criteria has been met at Tri-C Nursing Program Admission Information (tri-c.edu). Please note, having one of these areas missing will result in a declined review.

Applicants are encouraged to submit an application as soon as admission requirements are completed in order to reserve a space in the program. Support courses can be completed during the interim period while waiting to enter the Nurse Program sequence. Admission is based on first come basis until program is filled.

***Students who accept a slot in the nursing program (with a specific starting date for nursing courses) and do not attend orientation, decline a slot after orientation, do not attend the first day of class, do not meet all medical record, health insurance, CPR, and/or background check requirements will be required to re-start the application process. Students admitted for a fall semester may reapply after Sept. 1st; students admitted for a spring semester may apply after February 1st. Students must meet all current admission requirements at the time of application.

Background Check Information

The completion of a criminal background check (BCI) is one of the admission requirements to the nursing program. The background check is required to ascertain (I) the ability of students to eventually become licensed in the profession and (II) the ability of students to attend mandatory clinical rotations at external facilities in accordance with the requirements of the program.

Because a criminal history can have different effects at the educational, licensure, and employment levels, when a person is considering pursuing a nursing career, it is best to have as much information as possible prior to deciding to enroll in a nursing program. The Ohio Board of Nursing encourages individuals who have criminal histories and who are interested in pursuing a nursing career to: (1) Contact approved nursing education programs and ask about the programs’ enrollment criteria with respect to criminal convictions; (2) Review the criminal history information available on the Board’s website under the Criminal Records Check, and (3) Contact healthcare facilities and inquire about hiring criteria with respect to criminal convictions.


Effective January 12, 2013, the BCI process may begin no sooner than six months prior to entry into the program. (Program entry is defined as the first day of class in which the student begins the nursing program).

The BCI must be completed, reviewed and cleared prior to full acceptance into the program. The BCI will be valid as long as the student is continually enrolled in the nursing program. Students who leave and return to the program will be required to complete another BCI check.

Background checks completed by another vendor, employer, or while enrolled at another school/institution will not be accepted.

For general information on student BCIs please see:  https://www.tri-c.edu/programs/health-careers/background-check-information-bci.html


For the most current immunization requirements please visit: https://www.tri-c.edu/programs/health-careers/health-career-immunization-information.html. You are encouraged to review and begin obtaining the required documentation as soon as possible.  Please note that the requirements can change depending on the hospital/health care facility agreements.

BLS/CPR Certification

A course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be completed prior to the scheduled orientation date. Students are required to provide documentation of the current professional level CPR course. The required CPR course must be a BLS for Healthcare Providers course earned through the American Heart Association (AHA). No other course will be accepted. When submitting documentation of AHA certification, a CPR card for documentation of certification, the copy of the card, e-card, eCard, or other form of validation deemed acceptable by the program may be used. When submitting a CPR card for documentation of certification, the copy of the card must be front and back of the card. The card must be signed. If submitting the eCard certificate of completion, it must show the unique ID and QR code for verification purposes. Students who fail to complete the approved course in cardiopulmonary resuscitation will be administratively dropped from the program. Students must maintain current CPR certification throughout the Nursing Program.

Healthcare Requirements

Prospective students must complete and submit certain requirements for consideration and/or placement in the nursing program. Once accepted into the program, nursing students must maintain these requirements or they will not be permitted into any clinical setting. The maintenance of accurate and up- to-date information of all requirements is the sole responsibility of the student.

For additional information on the Health Care Requirements, please visit:  https://www.tri- c.edu/programs/health-careers/clinical-compliance-how-to-videos.html.

Other Information

Concurrent Courses: Each semester concurrent courses have been assigned and must be taken as scheduled or prior to the designated semester as outlined in the ADN course sequences. Concurrent courses are to be completed with a grade of “C” or better except for BIO 2341 and BIO 2500 which must be completed with a grade of “B” or better. If a concurrent course was not taken prior to the designated semester then the student must be registered in the course(s) the first day of the term; any student not registered in a concurrent course will be administratively withdrawn from the program. If a student withdraws from any concurrent course during the semester, then they must withdraw from the nursing program as well. Failure to do so will result in the student being administratively withdrawn from the program.

Program Learning Outcomes

This program is designed to prepare students to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

Level 1: Practical Nursing

Human Flourishing

  1. Promote the human dignity, integrity, self-determination, and personal growth of patients, oneself, and members of the health care team. (NLN)
  2. Advocate for the patient and family in the provision of compassionate and coordinated care to support the health, safety, and well-being of patients and families. (QSEN)

Professional Identity

  1. Assess how one’s personal strength and values affect one’s identity as a nurse, and one’s contribution as a member of the health care team. (NLN)
  2. Function competently within own scope of practice to support safe processes. (QSEN)

Nursing Judgement

  1. Provide a rationale for judgements used in the provision of safe, quality care, and for decisions that promote the health of patients within a family context. (NLN)
  2. Demonstrate the effective use of strategies to reduce risk of harm to self or others. (QSEN)

Spirit of Inquiry

  1. Question the basis of nursing actions, considering research, evidence, tradition, and patient preferences. (NLN)
  2. Implement evidence-based practice in the provision of individualized health care. (QSEN)
  3. Utilize various sources of information to review outcomes of care identifying potential areas for improvement of the quality and safety of care. (QSEN)
  4. Incorporate information and technology within own scope of practice to support safe processes of care. (QSEN)

Level 2: Registered Nurse

Human Flourishing

  1. Advocate for patients and families in ways that promote their self-determination, integrity, and on-going growth as human beings. (NLN)
  2. Recognize the patient or designee as the source of control and full partner in providing compassionate and coordinated care based on respect for patient’s preferences, values, and needs. (QSEN)

Professional Identity

  1. Implement ones role as a nurse in ways that reflect integrity, responsibility, ethical practices, and evolving identity as a nurse committed to evidence base practice, caring, advocacy, and safe, quality care  for diverse patients within the family and community context. (NLN)
  2. Function effectively within nursing and inter-professional teams, fostering open communication, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to achieve quality patient care. (QSEN)

Nursing Judgement

  1. Make judgements in practice, substantiated with evidence, that integrate nursing science in the provision of safe, quality care and promote the health of patients within a family and community context. (NLN)
  2. Minimize risk of harm to patients and providers through both system effectiveness and individual performance. (QSEN)

Spirit of Inquiry

  1. Examine the evidence that underlies clinical nursing practice to challenge the status quo, question underlying assumptions, and offer new insight to improve the quality of care for patients, families, and communities. (NLN)
  2. Use information management (informatics) principles, techniques, and systems, and patient care technology to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making. (QSEN)
  3. Use data to monitor the outcomes of care processes and use improvement methods to design and test changes to continuously improve the quality and safety of health care systems. (QSEN)
  4. Integrate best evidence-based practice with clinical expertise, patient/family preferences, and values for the delivery of optimal health care. (QSEN)

Suggested Semester Sequence

Students who successfully complete the first year of the program will be awarded a Certificate of Proficiency in Practical Nursing and are eligible to sit for the NCLEX-PN. 

Plan of Study Grid
Program Admissions Requirements SemesterCredit Hours
BIO-2331 Anatomy and Physiology I 1, 4 4
MATH-1410 Elementary Probability and Statistics I (or higher) 2 3
NURS-1000 Introduction to Healthcare Concepts 5 1
NURS-1010 Introduction to Patient Care Concepts 4
Select one of the following: 3
General Psychology  
Honors General Psychology  
 Credit Hours15
First Semester
BIO-2341 Anatomy and Physiology II 4 4
NURS-1201 Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts 5
NURS-1210 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients in Community and Behavioral Health Settings 2
Select one of the following: 4
Life Span Development  
Honors Life Span Development  
 Credit Hours15
Second Semester
NURS-1220 Concepts of Nursing Care for patients with Acute and Chronic Conditions I 5
NURS-1230 Concepts of Nursing Care of Childbearing Families and Children 4
NURS-1240 Role Transitions 1
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition I 3  
Honors College Composition I  
 Credit Hours13
Third Semester
BIO-2500 Microbiology 4 4
NURS-2000 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients with Acute Unstable and Chronic Conditions II 6
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition II  
Honors College Composition II  
 Credit Hours13
Fourth Semester
NURS-2011 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients with Complex Conditions 5
 Credit Hours5
 Total Credit Hours61

Requires sufficient score on Biology placement test or a grade of 'C' or higher in BIO-1100 Introduction to Biological Chemistry or a grade of 'C' or higher in CHEM-1010 Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry and CHEM-1020 Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry


MATH-1240 Contemporary Mathematics taken before Fall 2024 will be accepted in place of MATH-1410 Elementary Probability and Statistics I to meet the math requirement for this program. MATH-1800 Special Topics in Mathematics-MATH-1820 Independent Study/Research in Mathematics may not be used to meet this requirement


Students who transfer credits for ENG-1020 College Composition II with a grade of "C" or higher and do not have credit for ENG-1010 College Composition I will have ENG-1010 waived, but the required 6 credit hours in Communication/Mathematics/Natural & Physical Sciencs must be earned.


A grade of "B" or higher is required in all science coursework for graduation.


Applicants must successfully pass the HESI A2 and  NURS-1000 Introduction to Healthcare Concepts before being authorized to register for NURS-1010. Due to compliance requirements and corresponding deadline for NURS-1010, students should plan to take these courses in different semesters at this time.  A student can take NURS-1000 in Fall and NURS-1010 in Spring, or NURS-1000 in Spring and NURS-1010 in Summer.

MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement.  These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016.  Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.