The Manufacturing Industrial Engineering Technology program is accredited by ABET (The Accreditation Board of Engineering Technology). Manufacturing is instrumental to the function of society today and will remain indispensable for the future. This program ensures application of appropriate manufacturing processes and cost effective utilization of manufacturing tools, materials, equipment and manpower to manufacture parts and maintain equipment. The program provides graduates with a unique blend of theoretical and hands-on-knowledge with computer integration in a manufacturing environment that directly corresponds to modern applications used in industry. Graduates are employed in a wide variety of areas relevant to manufacturing industries. 

Program contact: Learn more

This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates which will be automatically awarded when the certificate requirements are completed. If you do not want to receive the embedded certificate(s), please notify the Office of the Registrar at

Learn more about how certificate credits apply to the related degree.

Related Degrees and Certificates

Related Training and Credentials

Program Admission Requirements

Applications may be submitted after meeting the following requirements:

  • High School Diploma/GED
  • Complete ENG-1010 College Composition I or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I
  • MATH-0965 Intermediate Algebra with grade of "C" or higher; or qualified Math placement.
  • Complete MET-1100 Technology Orientation

Program Learning Outcomes

This program is designed to prepare students to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

  1. Communicate effectively and efficiently with diverse individuals and teams, all levels of employees, customers, and suppliers by means of verbal, written (memos, reports, emails, etc.), graphics, symbols, and effective listening skills and using appropriate technology.
  2. Complete tasks and projects on schedule through the effective use of time management, appropriate math skills, and teamwork that fosters inclusion, synergized efforts in problems identification, and troubleshooting for successful resolution of problems towards the achievement of set goals and objectives.
  3. Apply quality systems, principles, concepts and utilize appropriate math, measurement and statistical tools and technology to improve processes, product quality, and to enhance productivity.
  4. Incorporate safety awareness, principles and practices in every aspect work and as a way of life, including machine safety, environmental safety, chemical safety, and personal/employee protection.
  5. Apply knowledge of machines’ principles and operation, tools and materials, requisite mathematics and physics, to select operation parameters in order to program, setup, and operate production manufacturing equipment, and also to be able to, troubleshoot and diagnose both numerically/computer numerically (NC/CNC) controlled machines, and programmable logic controlled (PLC) equipment.
  6. Apply the knowledge of material science, machining tolerances, blueprint/schematics, and hands on skills in welding, burning, pipefitting, rigging, the use of basic hand tools and mobile equipment for the fabrication of designed parts incorporating accepted industry methods.
  7. Apply the knowledge of the principles of drafting and the communication of ideas, designs and visualization skills as the language of the engineering field, including the creation and interpretation of drawings using proper dimensioning and tolerancing for size and geometry, and use of computer aided drawing programs to incorporate proper industry acceptable standards and conventions.
  8. Apply the basic principles of equipment maintenance, troubleshooting and problem solving techniques to maintain industrial machines that ensures the production of quality products.
  9. Exhibit independence in the pursuits of continuous professional development.
  10. Model ethical behavior in professional responsibilities.

Suggested Semester Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredit Hours
MATH-1530 College Algebra 1 4
MET-1100 Technology Orientation 2
MET-1230 Drawing & AutoCAD 2 3
MET-1120 Computer Applications and Programming 2
MET-1240 Machine Tools and Manufacturing Processes 3
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition I  
Honors College Composition I  
 Credit Hours17
Second Semester
MATH-1540 Trigonometry 1 3
MET-1300 Engineering Materials and Metallurgy 3
MET-1250 Introduction to Additive Manufacturing 3
MET-1410 Computer Aided Manufacturing Processes 3
MET-2601 3D Solid Modeling 3
 Credit Hours15
Third Semester
MET-1261 Product Ideation & Design I 3
MET-1270 Additive Manufacturing Processes 3
MET-2160 3D Scanning, Reverse Engineering, and Quality Inspection 3
PHYS-1210 College Physics I 3 4
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition II  
Honors College Composition II  
Technical Writing  
 Credit Hours16
Fourth Semester
MET-2422 Fundamentals of Engineering Economics 3
MET-2410 Quality Control and Lean Manufacturing 3
MET-2990 Product Development and Manufacture 3
Arts & Humanities/Social and Behavioral Sciences (see AAS Degree requirements) 3
Select one of the following: 3-4
3D Digital Design & Printing  
College Physics II 4  
 Credit Hours15-16
 Total Credit Hours63-64

MATH-1580 Precalculus or MATH-1610 Calculus I will be accepted in place of MATH-1530 College Algebra & MATH-1540 Trigonometry but an additional 2 credit hours of general electives may be needed.


MET-1220 and MET-1200 together will be accepted in place of MET-1230 Drawing & AutoCAD.


PHYS-2310 General Physics I will be accepted in place of PHYS-1210 College Physics IPHYS-2310 General Physics I is recommended for students planning to transfer.


PHYS-1220 College Physics II is recommended for students planning to transfer to a four-year program.

Students should select either a Cultural Sensitivity or a Civic Responsibility elective to fulfill their Arts and Humanities/Social and Behavioral Science Requirement.

Recommended Cultural Sensitivity Electives

DANC-1100Dance Appreciation3
ENG-2430Introduction to Literature: Drama 13
ENG-2510African-American Literature I 13
ENG-2520African-American Literature II 13
ENG-2601Literature for Children and Adolescents 13
ENG-2700World Literature 13
ENG-2730Exploration of World Mythology 13
HIST-2031Islam to the Modern Middle East3
HUM-1010Introduction to Humanities3
HUM-1020The Individual in Society3
HUM-102HHonors Individual in Society3
HUM-2030Culture and Belief3
THEA-1010Theatre Appreciation3
THEA-2210History of Theatre and Drama I3
THEA-2220History of Theatre & Drama II3
ANTH-1010Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH-2010Peoples and Cultures of the World3
HIST-1010History of Civilization I3
HIST-1020History of Civilization II3
HIST-1510United States History to 18773
POL-2070International Relations3
PSY-1010General Psychology3
PSY-2020Life Span Development4
SOC-2100Aging and Society3
SOC-2410Sociology of Gender3
SOC-2550Race and Ethnic Relations3

Recommended Civic Responsibility Electives

HUM-1020The Individual in Society3
HUM-102HHonors Individual in Society3
HUM-2030Culture and Belief3
PHIL-1000Critical Thinking3
GEOG-2030Environmental Geography3
HIST-1510United States History to 18773
HIST-1520United States History Since 18773
HIST-152HHonors United States History since 18773
POL-1010American National Government3
POL-101HHonors American National Government3
POL-1020State & Local Government3
POL-2030Comparative Politics3
POL-2070International Relations3
UST-1010Introduction to Urban Studies3

MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement.  These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016.  Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.