A full range of library, testing, tutoring, academic computing and educational media support is available to students and faculty in the Learning Commons on each campus.

Each Learning Commons provides access to a variety of resources and information, including librarians to assist with research, course materials placed on reserve by instructors, study spaces, computer labs, and equipment loans. Students may use Tri-C’s Collegewide catalog to browse a collection of more than 170,000 books, periodicals, newspapers, non-print media, materials from local libraries and academic resources throughout the state. Testing Center staff administer placement tests, select proctored makeup exams, and exams for students with approved accommodations.  

The open computer lab provides access to the latest learning technologies — computers, academic software, network resources and information services. The Learning Commons staff are available Monday through Friday to help with College-related computer applications.

The Learning Commons also provides a wide variety of tutoring and media support services, including access to and setup of equipment for classrooms and events.

Call for more information.

  • Eastern Campus: 216-987-0595
  • Metropolitan Campus: 216-987-4292
  • Western Campus: 216-987-5656
  • Westshore Campus: 216-987-3887
  • Brunswick University Center: 216-987-3877