Grading System

A (Excellent – 4 points): Indicates that a student has demonstrated excellent academic performance. Carries a weight of four quality points for each credit of the course in which the grade is earned.

B (Good – 3 points): Indicates that a student has demonstrated good academic performance. Carries a weight of three quality points for each credit of the course in which the grade is earned.

C (Average – 2 points): Indicates that a student has demonstrated average academic performance. Carries a weight of two quality points for each credit of the course in which the grade is earned.

D (Below Average – 1 point): Indicates that a student has demonstrated below-average academic performance. Carries a weight of one quality point for each credit of the course in which the grade is earned.

F (Failure – 0 points): Indicates that a student has failed to demonstrate minimal academic performance. Carries a weight of zero quality points for each credit of the course in which the grade is earned.

P (Pass – 0 points): Indicates that a student has passed and completed a course. Carries a weight of zero quality points for each credit of the course in which the grade is earned. A P grade represents C or better work. Earned credits are awarded but not included in the computation of a student’s cumulative GPA.

NP (No Pass – 0 points): Indicates that a student has not passed and completed a course. Carries a weight of zero quality points for each credit hour of the course in which the grade is earned. An NP grade represents D or F work but is not included in the computation of a student’s cumulative GPA.

AU (Audit – 0 points): Indicates that a student was granted permission to register for a credit course and attend that course on an audit basis with no academic credits to be awarded. A student may not convert registration from credit to audit status or from audit to credit status after classes begin.

I (Incomplete – 0 points): Indicates that a student has not completed all course requirements as a result of circumstances judged by the instructor to be beyond the student’s control. A student must complete all course requirements no later than the end of the sixth week of the academic term following the semester in which the I was noted. Failure to complete such requirements will result in an F grade.

I/E: I (Include) and E (Exclude) course symbols: A course considered eligible for repeat is one that is an identical course (number, title and credits) or one officially identified as equivalent by the College Catalog (effective Fall 1998). Specialized courses with allowable accrued credits will be considered for repeat calculations only upon written request and validation by the appropriate academic area of identical topic repeat.

T (Transfer Credit): Indicates that a student has been awarded credit for coursework that has been evaluated and accepted for transfer from another institution of higher education in accordance with Tri-C’s transfer credit policy. Transfer credits are not included in the computation of a student’s cumulative GPA.

USF (Military Physical Education Credit – 0 points): Indicates awarded credit in recognition of physical education training received by a student who has served on active duty in the U.S. military services for at least 365 days as documented on the student’s DD-214.

W (Withdrawal – 0 points): Indicates a student’s withdrawal from a course in accordance with Tri-C’s withdrawal policy.

WF (Withdrawal for Stopped Attending – 0 points): Indicates that a student failed the course because they stopped attending class on the noted date. Courses with a WF notation count toward attempted hours, carry a weight of zero quality points and are included in the computation of a student's cumulative GPA.

APR (Academic Progress Reporting): Informs students how they are doing in regard to meeting course requirements at the approximate midpoint of the course. Faculty assign S (Satisfactory) or U (Unsatisfactory) grades. Students are encouraged to meet with a counselor if they receive a U grade in any course. Students can view their (current term only) APR grades via my Tri-C space. APR grades do not appear on the student’s permanent record.

Articulation and Prior Learning Grading

  • AL Local Apprenticeship Program
  • AP Advanced Placement
  • AS Advanced Standing, Examination
  • AW Statewide Apprenticeship Program
  • CB Competency-Based Education Learning
  • CL College-Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • CT CTAG/Career-Technical Assurance Guide
  • EX Institutional Credit by Exam
  • HL Higher-Level International Baccalaureate
  • MC Military Credit/Military Credit From Non-Education Source
  • MT Military Transfer Assurance Guide (MTAG)
  • OM Credit for Associate of Technical Study in Building and Industrial Technology
  • ON Credit for Associate of Technical Study in Business Technology
  • OO Credit for Associate of Technical Study in Health and Allied Health Technology
  • OP Credit for Associate of Technical Study in Information Technology
  • OQ Credit for Associate of Technical Study in Services Technology
  • PO Other Institutional Prior Learning Assessment
  • PP Portfolio Prior Learning Assessment
  • SL Standard-Level International Baccalaureate
  • TPC Tech Prep Credit

A notation of EX, PO or PP indicates that credit has been awarded by Tri-C as a result of a student successfully passing a Collegewide equivalency exam or other recognized method of prior learning assessment. No quality points will be awarded for credits earned through successful completion of appropriate examinations, and the credits earned will not be included in the computation of a student’s cumulative GPA. Any awarded Prior Learning Credit does not count toward the 20-hour residency requirement for graduation.

Grade Point Average

Grade point average (GPA) is a measure of scholastic performance. It is computed by dividing the sum of the total quality points earned by the total units of credits (quarter or semester) attempted. The following example illustrates the computation of GPA:

Grade Points Credit Total Points
A 4 3 12
B 3 3 9
C 2 4 8
F 0 3 0

GPA = 29/13 = 2.23

Grade point average can be computed for any given semester or for the total of all credits attempted. When a grade point average is computed for the total of all of the credits attempted, it is referred to as the cumulative grade-point average.

Courses in which the letter symbols S, U, P, NP or the action symbols AL, AP, AS, AW, CB, CL, CT, EX, HL, MC, MT, OM, ON, OO, OP, OQ, PO, PP, SL or TPC are noted will not be included in the computation of a student’s grade point average.

Students who receive official permission to postpone an examination are assigned an “I” (Incomplete) as the grade for that course. Students must personally request an incomplete grade from their instructors. It is not granted automatically.

Incomplete grades can be removed by completing the examination or other requirements no later than the end of the sixth week of the following academic term. Failure to do so will result in an F (Failure) grade.

Academic Probation or Dismissal

A student will be placed on probation if their cumulative GPA is less than shown below:

Total Semester Cumulative Credits Attempted Grade Point Average
0-11 inclusive 0.75
12-29 inclusive 1.50
30-50 inclusive 1.75
51 and above 2.00

A student will continue on probation until attaining the cumulative GPA listed above, as long as term GPA is 2.00 or higher.

A student placed on academic first probation (P1) at the end of the semester will be encouraged to participate in a Student Success Probation Intervention.

A student will be dismissed when these four conditions are met:

  • Twelve or more semester credits have been attempted at Tri-C
  • Student has been on the academic status of Probation for two consecutive semesters at Tri-C
  • Cumulative GPA is less than shown in the chart under Academic Probation
  • Term GPA is less than 2.00

Readmission After Academic Dismissal

A student who has been dismissed from Tri-C must petition for academic readmission. The first time a student has been academically dismissed from Tri-C, they will not be permitted to enroll for the next semester. A student dismissed for a second or subsequent time will not be permitted to enroll for two semesters.

A Petition for Readmission form must be submitted at least 3 business days prior to the start of the semester. Forms can be obtained from an Admissions & Financial Services office or a Counseling office.

Upon readmission after academic dismissal, students must:

  • Meet with a counselor.
  • Complete an academic plan.
  • Register for no more than two courses as recommended by a counselor.

Once readmitted, the academic status is Second Probation. The student must maintain a 2.0 grade-point average in the courses taken after readmission.

Pass/No Pass Grade Option

An alternative to a letter grade (A, B, C, D and F) is the Pass/No Pass grade option, which allows students to earn credits for a course without the penalty of a grade impacting their grade-point average.

A P (Pass) grade is awarded for A, B or C work in the course. An NP (No Pass) grade is awarded for D or F work. A student can elect up to 12 credits taken as Pass/No Pass to fulfill degree requirements at Tri-C. Whereas audited courses do not transfer, Pass/No Pass courses may transfer to another college or university. Check with the receiving institution on its transfer policy concerning Pass/No Pass courses.

Considerations Before Selecting a P/NP Grade:

Some restricted or selective admission programs require traditional letter grades (A, B, C or D) for their core course requirements. Courses used as prerequisites or core courses for health career and nursing programs must have a traditional letter grade – P/NP grades will not be accepted. Students are responsible for consulting with their program manager or counselor to determine Pass/No Pass grading options.

The P/NP grade option cannot be converted back to a letter grade nor can a letter grade option be converted to the P/NP option after the 100% refund period. If a letter grade is required for a course taken as Pass/No Pass, the course must be retaken.

College Credit Plus students are not eligible to utilize the Pass/No Pass option.

Courses taken Pass/No Pass count toward financial aid enrollment requirements.

Auditing a Course

Auditing a course means that a student attends classes but is not required to submit assignments or take examinations. Therefore, they receive neither a grade nor course credit. Students must indicate their intent to audit a course on a separate audit form to be completed during the audit registration period. The auditing fee is the same as for a student regularly enrolled for credit. Credit courses or Pass/No Pass courses cannot be converted to audit status, nor can audited courses be converted to credit or Pass/No Pass status after audit registration ends.

Careful consideration is advised before auditing a course. When uncertain whether to audit a course, students should see a counselor. Registration for auditing a course or courses may be completed in person only. Audited courses may be added on the dates published in the semester Enrollment Guide.

Honors Program

Tri-C’s Honors Program provides an academically rewarding and enriching learning experience for all qualified students. The Honors Program is separate from, but complements, the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society. Honors students are invited to participate in various cultural events, cocurricular experiences and honors colloquia to supplement the classes they take as part of the program. Membership is free, and scholarships are available. Students intending to transfer to a four-year institution after completing their coursework at Tri-C are especially encouraged to consider the Honors Program. More information, qualification criteria and the online membership application are available at

Academic Honors: Dean’s List

The Dean’s List recognizes students whose academic achievements are considered outstanding. The list includes all students who have earned a GPA of 3.50 or greater while completing 12 or more credit hours during the preceding term.

Graduation With Honors

Associate degree candidates who demonstrate outstanding academic achievement graduate from Tri-C with honors. Graduation with honors is conferred upon candidates as follows, based upon their cumulative GPA:

Cum laude (with honors) 3.50 – 3.69
Magna cum laude (with great honors) 3.70 – 3.89
Summa cum laude (with highest honors) 3.90 – 4.00

Honors designations are based solely upon coursework completed at Tri-C, including grades that have been recalculated or forgiven under other policies. Honors candidates are recognized in the Commencement Guide at each ceremony based upon coursework completed prior to their final term of enrollment. Following completion and verification of all degree requirements — including final term courses — honors designations are inscribed on diplomas and noted on official transcripts.

General Graduation Information

The Office of the Registrar is responsible for identifying students who have met all requirements for degree or certificate programs at Cuyahoga Community College. Students who have met the requirements will be graduated. Students will receive an email from the Office of the Registrar to their Tri-C email account once a graduation petition is submitted. This email will confirm that the student has registered for the necessary courses and, pending successful completion of those courses, they can expect to receive their diploma(s) or certificate(s) at the end of the semester. Once those courses are successfully completed, students will be graduated. Graduates will receive their diploma(s) or certificate(s) via USPS based on their address on file with the College.

Petition to Graduate/Petition Deadlines

When a student is prepared to graduate, they must electronically submit a Petition to Graduate form within the posted deadlines. Students should meet with an academic counselor to review their status. Students may also review their course completion using DegreeWorks, available through my Tri-C space.

Petition to Graduate forms are also available through my Tri-C space. Tri-C’s Collegewide Commencement is held twice each year, in the fall and spring. Petition deadlines are posted on my Tri-C space.

Repeating a Course

A course considered eligible for repeat is one that is an identical course (number, title and credits) or one officially identified as equivalent by the College Catalog (effective Fall 1998). Specialized courses with allowable accrued credits will be considered for repeat calculations only upon written request and validation by the appropriate academic area of identical topic repeat.

Students who have received credit for a course with a grade of D or higher or a P grade may only repeat a course and receive credit one additional time to improve the grade and receive federal financial aid funds for that course. When an identical course is repeated, the highest grade will be used in computing the cumulative grade-point average. P and NP grades do not count toward GPA calculations. Likewise, for repeated F grades for which students repeat and earn a passing grade, the highest grade will be used in computing the cumulative GPA; however, a student only earns credit once for that passed course. An include/exclude symbol (I/E) will be noted on all repeated courses to denote the grade that is included in/excluded from a student's cumulative GPA. 

Credit for courses will be awarded only once in the semester in which the highest grade was awarded for the course, unless the course description specifically states that additional credit may be earned.

Students planning to transfer to another college or university are cautioned that the receiving institution may use all grades earned to compute a GPA for admission purposes. Federal financial aid funds may be used only one time to repeat previously passed courses. Since repeating a course may have an adverse effect on financial aid eligibility, including GPA and completion rate, students are urged to consult with Student Financial Aid and Scholarships and a counselor before repeating a course.

Fresh Start – GPA Adjustment Procedure for Student Success

The Fresh Start procedure allows Tri-C to consider a GPA adjustment for students who have received failing grades at the College. This procedure is not applicable to students previously awarded this consideration.

For detailed information, contact Counseling at 216-987-6000.

Transcripts of Grades

Student Academic Performance information is available in my Tri-C space under Academic Records. Students can view this unofficial educational record at any time. Academic Progress Reports and final grades are available on dates indicated in the Academic Calendar. Students must file all grade disputes within 60 calendar days after the disputed grade is recorded. Students may request official academic transcripts via my Tri-C space. Students receive one free transcript upon graduation.


Students may withdraw from any semester course prior to the end of Week 12 of the full semester (or 80% of any instructional part of the semester). Specific withdrawal dates and refund deadlines are available in the Enrollment Guide, in my Tri-C space and at any campus Admissions & Financial Services office.

Students must withdraw online or submit a withdrawal form at an Admissions & Financial Services by the established deadline. Students may also withdraw by letter or fax sent directly to the Admissions & Financial Services office. The postmark on the letter or date of the fax determines the refund amount.

Admissions & Financial Services fax numbers:

  • Eastern Campus: 216-987-2214
  • Metropolitan Campus: 216-987-3283
  • Western Campus: 216-987-5071
  • Westshore Campus: 216-987-5294

When withdrawing by letter or fax, the request must include:

  • Name
  • Student ID number (S-Number)
  • Phone number
  • Semester of the course being dropped
  • Course number(s)
  • Student signature

The refund schedule for all parts of the semester/session is determined in proportion to the full semester schedule as established by College procedure.

Withdrawal from a course prior to the last day of the second week of the semester will have no notation made in permanent records; withdrawal thereafter will be noted with a W.

Regular class attendance is expected. Tri-C is required by law to verify the enrollment of students who participate in Federal Title IV student aid programs and/or who receive educational benefits through other funding sources. Tri-C is responsible for identifying students who have not attended or logged into a class for which they are registered. At the conclusion of the first two weeks of a semester, instructors may report any registered students who have never attended a class so that those reported students will be administratively withdrawn from that class. However, it is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from any class that they are no longer attending or risk receiving a failing grade in that class.

Withdrawals related to student conduct are administrative withdrawals processed by the dean of Access and Completion.

All transactions involving course withdrawal shall be completed in writing and on forms provided by Tri-C or through electronic means. A student’s failure to attend classes shall not constitute an official withdrawal.

Petition for Withdrawal Exception

Beyond Week 12 (or 80% of any instructional part of a semester), a student who is unable to complete the current semester for reasons beyond their control (such as an emergency medical condition or other extenuating circumstances) may petition for late withdrawal by completing a Petition for Withdrawal Exception and submitting substantiating documentation to an Admissions & Financial Services office. The Withdrawal Exception Review Committee meets monthly to review petitions. Submission of a Petition for Withdrawal Exception does not guarantee approval. A recommendation by the committee to deny a request is final. A recommendation by the committee to approve a request must also have the appropriate instructor and academic dean’s approval when a student has received a final grade. Students must submit a Petition for Withdrawal Exception within 30 days of the end of the academic semester for consideration. Conditions approved under past withdrawal petitions may not be approved again.