Degree candidates at Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) must be in good standing. An Associate of Science degree will be granted to the student completing the following requirements.

Comprehensive Graduation Requirements

The Associate of Science degree prepares students to continue their education at the bachelor’s degree level. When selecting courses for this degree, students should select courses according to the requirements of their intended transfer destination school and major. Undecided students may use the state-approved Transfer Module as a general guide for transferability.

The following degree requirements are intended to ensure that students with an Associate of Science degree have completed the first two years of a baccalaureate degree.

  1. The satisfactory completion of 60 semester credit hours at the 1000-level or higher. No more than three of the 60 credits can be completed in physical education.
  2. The achievement of a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 for all courses attempted at Tri-C (with exceptions as provided under College policies for repeating a course, Grade Forgiveness and Fresh Start).
  3. The completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours of advanced coursework (exclusive 1800-level special topics and independent study/research courses) of the 60 semester credits. Advanced coursework is defined as follows: 2000-level courses, MATH-1400 level and above, BIO-1500 level and above, CHEM-1300 level and above and PHYS-1200 level and above.
  4. The completion of no fewer than 20 of the required 60 semester credit hours at the 1000-level or higher while in attendance at Tri-C.
  5. Special Topics, Independent Study/Research and Cooperative Education courses may be applied to the general education and elective graduation requirements unless otherwise noted.

First Year Experience

All new, credit-earning students are required to satisfactorily complete the GEN-1070 First Year Experience course.  Students are expected to take the First Year Experience course during their first semester of enrollment.  Students who have earned 20 college credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 are exempt from taking the course.

GEN-1070 First Year Success Seminar 

Upon recommendation from a counselor, GEN-1022 Strategies for Success or GEN-1040 Career Exploration may be taken in place of GEN-1070 First Year Success Seminar. Learn more about the First Year Experience.

General Education Requirements

Each of the College’s degree programs require that students complete a set amount of courses in the areas of general education that include: Communication, Mathematics and Data Analysis, Natural and Physical Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. Students completing the general education requirements, along with the specific program requirements for a degree, will have achieved the College’s general education outcomes.

Communication (6 semester credit hours)

The communication skills of reading analytically, writing fluently, listening critically and speaking articulately are essential. Students must complete the following to meet this requirement:


Students who transfer in credits for ENG-1020 without having credit for ENG-1010 will have ENG-1010 waived, but students must select another Ohio Transfer 36 approved course to fulfill the 3 credits.  The replacement course may be selected from any approved Ohio Transfer 36 course.  COMM-1010 Fundamentals of Speech Communication or COMM-101H Honors Speech Communication are highly recommended.

Mathematics and Data Analysis (6 semester credit hours)

The ability to integrate numerical, symbolical and spatial methods for scientific inquiry into the physical, natural or social and behavioral sciences is essential. Students must complete the following to meet this requirement:

Natural and Physical Sciences (15 semester credit hours)

The ability to undertake scientific inquiry in the physical and biological sciences is essential for students seeking an Associate of Science degree. Students must complete the following to meet this requirement:

  • Fifteen semester credit hours selected from the following courses. Must include two laboratory experiences:


ANTH-1210Human Evolution 14


BIO-1040The Cell and DNA 33
BIO-104LThe Cell and DNA Laboratory1
BIO-1050Human Biology 33
BIO-105LHuman Biology Laboratory1
BIO-1060Environment, Ecology, and Evolution 33
BIO-106LEnvironment, Ecology, & Evolution Laboratory1
BIO-1070Insect Biology3
BIO-1100Introduction to Biological Chemistry3
BIO-1410Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals I4
BIO-1420Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals II3
BIO-1500Principles of Biology I4
BIO-150HHonors Principles of Biology I4
BIO-1510Principles of Biology II4
BIO-151HHonors Principles of Biology II4
BIO-2060Principles of Genetics3
BIO-2150Environmental Science3


CHEM-1000Everyday Chemistry3
CHEM-100LEveryday Chemistry Laboratory 21
CHEM-1010Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry4
CHEM-101HHonors Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry4
CHEM-1020Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry4
CHEM-102HHonors Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry4
CHEM-1300General Chemistry I4
CHEM-130HHonors General Chemistry I5
CHEM-130LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory I1
CHEM-1310General Chemistry II4
CHEM-131HHonors General Chemistry II5
CHEM-131LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory II1

Earth Science

ESCI-1030Earth 33
ESCI-1050Introduction to Ocean Studies 33
ESCI-1310Physical Geography 33
ESCI-131LLab in Physical Geography1
ESCI-1410Physical Geology 33
ESCI-141LLab in Physical Geology 11
ESCI-1610Geology of the National Parks 33
ESCI-161LLab in Geology of the National Parks1


PHYS-1010Astronomy 33
PHYS-101LAstronomy Laboratory1
PHYS-1050Everyday Physics2
PHYS-1210College Physics I4
PHYS-1220College Physics II4
PHYS-2310General Physics I5
PHYS-2320General Physics II5

ANTH-1210 Human Evolution, ESCI-131L Lab in Physical Geography, and ESCI-141L Lab in Physical Geology can be taken to meet the Ohio Transfer 36 Natural and Physical Sciences laboratory requirement and are approved to be offered in a fully online format.


CHEM-100L Everyday Chemistry Laboratory can also be taken to meet the Ohio Transfer 36 Natural and Physical Sciences requirement, but is currently approved to be offered in hybrid format only.  Students will be required to come to campus during the term enrolled.


BIO-1040, 1050, 1060, ESCI-1030, ESCI-1050, ESCI-1310, ESCi-1410, ESCI-1610, and PHYS-1010 are natural and physical sciences lecturers offered online, and will fulfill the remaining credits to meet Ohio Transfer 36 Natural and Physical Science requirements.  Only ESCi-1410 has a corresponding lab that is offered online.

Social and Behavioral Sciences (6 semester credit hours)

The opportunity to obtain a broader knowledge of the social and behavioral sciences in order to understand, analyze and describe aspects of human behavior from diverse political, social, historical and cultural perspectives is an important part of a liberal arts education. Students must complete the following to meet this requirement:

  • Six semester credit hours selected from the following courses, must be selected from two disciplines:


ANTH-1010Cultural Anthropology 13
ANTH-2010Peoples and Cultures of the World3

ANTH-1210 Human Evolution cannot be used to meet the Social & Behavioral Sciences Requirement.


ECON-1210Survey of Economics3
ECON-2000Principles of Microeconomics3
ECON-2010Principles of Macroeconomics3


GEOG-1000Introduction to Geography3
GEOG-1010World Regional Geography3
GEOG-1050Africans in the Americas3
GEOG-1510Regional Geography of the United States and Canada3
GEOG-2030Environmental Geography3


HIST-1010History of Civilization I3
HIST-101HHonors History of Civilization I3
HIST-1020History of Civilization II3
HIST-102HHonors History of Civilization II3
HIST-1510United States History to 18773
HIST-151HHonors United States History to 18773
HIST-1520United States History Since 18773
HIST-152HHonors United States History since 18773
HIST-1700History of Africa3
HIST-2700History of Modern Africa3

Political Science

POL-1010American National Government3
POL-101HHonors American National Government3
POL-1020State & Local Government3
POL-2020Introduction to Conflict and Peace Studies3
POL-2030Comparative Politics3
POL-2060Political Systems of Africa3
POL-2070International Relations3
POL-2100Constitutional Law3


PSY-1010General Psychology3
PSY-101HHonors General Psychology3
PSY-1050Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
PSY-2010Child Growth and Development3
PSY-2020Life Span Development4
PSY-202HHonors Life Span Development4
PSY-2040Social Psychology3
PSY-2050Psychology of Personality3
PSY-2060Adolescent Psychology3
PSY-2100Introduction to Aging3
PSY-2110Educational Psychology3


SOC-1010Introductory Sociology3
SOC-101HHonors Introductory Sociology3
SOC-1020Social Institutions3
SOC-2010Social Problems3
SOC-201HHonors Social Problems3
SOC-2020Sociology of the Family3
SOC-2100Aging and Society3
SOC-2110Death and Dying3
SOC-2160Introduction to Criminology3
SOC-2550Race and Ethnic Relations3

Urban Studies

UST-1010Introduction to Urban Studies3
UST-2020Urban Cultures3

Women's and Gender Studies

WGS-1510Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS-151HHonors Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS-2010Women in the World3
WGS-201HHonors Women in the World3
WGS-2120Women and Politics3

ANTH-1210 Human Evolution cannot be used towards the Social and Behavioral Sciences Requirement.

Arts and Humanities (6 semester credit hours)

The appreciation of the achievements of the arts and humanities provides the ability to integrate learning within a complex global perspective; to gain an awareness of and respect for different cultures; and to integrate ethical decision making in dealing responsibly with personal, family and community issues. Students must complete the following to meet this requirement: 

  • Six semester credit hours selected from the following courses must be selected from at least two disciplines.


ART-1010Art Appreciation3
ART-1040Survey of Non-Western Art3
ART-2020Art History Survey: Prehistoric to Renaissance3
ART-202HHonors Art History Survey: Prehistoric to Renaissance3
ART-2030Art History Survey: Late Renaissance to Present3
ART-203HHonors Art History Survey: Late Renaissance to Present3


DANC-1100Dance Appreciation3

English 2000-Level Literature courses

ENG-2020Women Writers on the Experiences of Women3
ENG-2310American Literature I3
ENG-2320American Literature II3
ENG-2350British Literature I3
ENG-2360British Literature II3
ENG-2410Introduction to Literature: Poetry3
ENG-2420Introduction to Literature: Fiction3
ENG-2430Introduction to Literature: Drama3
ENG-2510African-American Literature I3
ENG-2520African-American Literature II3
ENG-2601Literature for Children and Adolescents3
ENG-2700World Literature3
ENG-2730Exploration of World Mythology3
ENG-2770Rhetorics of Gaming: Introduction to Video Game Analysis3


HIST-2031Islam to the Modern Middle East3
HIST-2150African American History to 18773
HIST-2160African American History 1877-present3
HIST-2520Hitler and the Holocaust3
HIST-2660Women in American History3


HUM-1010Introduction to Humanities3
HUM-1020The Individual in Society3
HUM-102HHonors Individual in Society3
HUM-2020Community Engagement Through the Humanities3
HUM-2030Culture and Belief3

Media and Journalism Studies

MJS-1310Film Appreciation3


MUS-1010Survey of European Classical Music3
MUS-1020Survey of Jazz3
MUS-1030Survey of Rock and Roll3
MUS-1040Survey of African-American Music3
MUS-1050Survey of World Music3
MUS-2541Jazz History3


PHIL-1000Critical Thinking3
PHIL-1010Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL-202HHonors Ethics3
PHIL-205HHonors Bioethics3
PHIL-2060Business Ethics3
PHIL-208HHonors Social Justice3

Religious Studies

REL-1010Introduction to Religious Studies3
REL-2000Comparative World Religions3
REL-2010Religious Traditions of Western Christianity3
REL-2060African-American Religious Experience3

Theatre Arts

THEA-1010Theatre Appreciation3
THEA-2210History of Theatre and Drama I3
THEA-2220History of Theatre & Drama II3

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

COMM-2160Intercultural Communication3
ENG-2510African-American Literature I3
ENG-2520African-American Literature II3
MJS-1611Black Media3
SOC-2550Race and Ethnic Relations3
WGS-1510Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS-151HHonors Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS-2010Women in the World3
WGS-201HHonors Women in the World3

Elective Graduation Requirements (21 semester credit hours)

The remaining semester credits needed to complete the required minimum total of 60 semester credits may be chosen from 1000-level courses and above, exclusive of developmental coursework. Courses taken for general education requirements cannot count toward fulfilling elective graduation requirements. Students wishing to maximize the use of credits toward a bachelor’s degree should select electives according to the requirements of their intended transfer destination school or major. The state-approved Transfer Module provides a general guide for transferability.

Cross-listed Courses

Cross-listed courses are identical courses offered in two or more subject areas. They differ only in subject area code and course number. Credit may be earned once for cross-listed courses.