Degree candidates at Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) must be in good standing. An Associate of Applied Business degree will be granted to the student completing the following requirements.
Comprehensive Graduation Requirements
The Associate of Applied Business degree prepares students with the skills necessary to enter and compete effectively in today's workforce.
- The satisfactory completion of 60 semester credit hours at the 1000 level or higher. No more than three of the 60 credit hours can be completed in physical education.
- The achievement of a minimum overall grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 for all courses attempted at Tri-C (with exceptions as provided under College policies for repeating a course, Grade Forgiveness and Fresh Start).
- The completion of a minimum of 12 credit hours of advanced coursework (exclusive of 1800-level special topics and independent study/research courses) of the 60 semester credit hours. Advanced coursework is defined as 2000-level courses, MATH-1400 level and above, BIO-1500 level and above, CHEM-1300 level and above, and PHYS-1200 level and above.
- The completion of no fewer than 20 of the required 60 semester credit hours at the 1000 level or higher while in attendance at Tri-C.
- Special Topics, Independent Study/Research and Cooperative Education courses may be applied to the general education and program graduation requirements unless otherwise noted.
General Education Requirements
Each of the College's degree programs requires that students complete a set amount of courses in the areas of general education, including Communication, Mathematics and Data Analysis, Natural and Physical Sciences, Arts and Humanities, and Social and Behavioral Sciences. Students completing the general education requirements and the specific program requirements for a degree will have achieved the College's general education outcomes.
All Associate of Applied Business degrees have been designed to meet the general education requirements listed below. Most programs have selected specific courses to meet the general education requirements. For program-specific requirements and/or recommendations, see the Associate of Applied Business degree program sequences in this catalog.
Communication (6 semester credit hours)
The communication skills of reading analytically, writing fluently, listening critically and speaking articulately are essential. Students must complete the following to meet this requirement:
- ENG-1010 College Composition I or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I1
- Three semester credits selected from the following courses:
Mathematics and Data Analysis (3 semester credit hours)
The ability to integrate numerical methods for use in today's workforce is essential. Students must complete the following to meet this requirement:
- Three semester credits of Mathematics at the 1000-level or higher
MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement. These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016. Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.
Arts and Humanities/Social and Behavioral Sciences/ Natural and Physical Sciences (6 semester credit hours)
The appreciation of the achievements of the Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Natural and Physical Sciences helps students integrate learning within a complex global perspective; gain an awareness of and respect for different cultures; integrate ethical decision-making in dealing responsibly with personal, family and community issues; and understand, analyze and describe aspects of human behavior from diverse political, social, historical and cultural perspectives. To meet this requirement, students must complete the following:
- Select six semester credits from at least two of the following areas, with a minimum of three credits in each area:
Arts and Humanities
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
ART-1010 | Art Appreciation | 3 |
ART-1040 | Survey of Non-Western Art | 3 |
ART-2020 | Art History Survey: Prehistoric to Renaissance | 3 |
ART-202H | Honors Art History Survey: Prehistoric to Renaissance | 3 |
ART-2030 | Art History Survey: Late Renaissance to Present | 3 |
ART-203H | Honors Art History Survey: Late Renaissance to Present | 3 |
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
DANC-1100 | Dance Appreciation | 3 |
English 2000-level Literature courses
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
ENG-2020 | Women Writers on the Experiences of Women | 3 |
ENG-2310 | American Literature I | 3 |
ENG-2320 | American Literature II | 3 |
ENG-2350 | British Literature I | 3 |
ENG-2360 | British Literature II | 3 |
ENG-2410 | Introduction to Literature: Poetry | 3 |
ENG-2420 | Introduction to Literature: Fiction | 3 |
ENG-2430 | Introduction to Literature: Drama | 3 |
ENG-2450 | Introduction to Literature: Science Fiction | 3 |
ENG-2510 | African-American Literature I | 3 |
ENG-2520 | African-American Literature II | 3 |
ENG-2601 | Literature for Children and Adolescents | 3 |
ENG-2700 | World Literature | 3 |
ENG-2710 | Shakespeare | 3 |
ENG-2730 | Exploration of World Mythology | 3 |
ENG-2770 | Rhetorics of Gaming: Introduction to Video Game Analysis | 3 |
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
HIST-2031 | Islam to the Modern Middle East | 3 |
HIST-2150 | African American History to 1877 | 3 |
HIST-2160 | African American History 1877-present | 3 |
HIST-2520 | Hitler and the Holocaust | 3 |
HIST-2660 | Women in American History | 3 |
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
HUM-1010 | Introduction to Humanities | 3 |
HUM-1020 | The Individual in Society | 3 |
HUM-102H | Honors Individual in Society | 3 |
HUM-2020 | Community Engagement Through the Humanities | 3 |
HUM-2030 | Culture and Belief | 3 |
Media and Journalism Studies
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
MJS-1310 | Film Appreciation | 3 |
Religious Studies
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
REL-1010 | Introduction to Religious Studies | 3 |
REL-2000 | Comparative World Religions | 3 |
REL-2010 | Religious Traditions of Western Christianity | 3 |
REL-2060 | African-American Religious Experience | 3 |
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
THEA-1010 | Theatre Appreciation | 3 |
THEA-2210 | History of Theatre and Drama I | 3 |
THEA-2220 | History of Theatre & Drama II | 3 |
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
ECON-1210 | Survey of Economics | 3 |
ECON-2000 | Principles of Microeconomics | 3 |
ECON-2010 | Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 |
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
GEOG-1000 | Introduction to Geography | 3 |
GEOG-1010 | World Regional Geography | 3 |
GEOG-1050 | Africans in the Americas | 3 |
GEOG-1510 | Regional Geography of the United States and Canada | 3 |
GEOG-2030 | Environmental Geography | 3 |
Political Science
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
POL-1010 | American National Government | 3 |
POL-101H | Honors American National Government | 3 |
POL-1020 | State & Local Government | 3 |
POL-2020 | Introduction to Conflict and Peace Studies | 3 |
POL-2030 | Comparative Politics | 3 |
POL-2060 | Political Systems of Africa | 3 |
POL-2070 | International Relations | 3 |
POL-2100 | Constitutional Law | 3 |
POL-2120 | Women and Politics | 3 |
Urban Studies
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
UST-1010 | Introduction to Urban Studies | 3 |
UST-2020 | Urban Cultures | 3 |
Women and Gender Studies
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
WGS-1510 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 3 |
WGS-151H | Honors Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 3 |
WGS-2010 | Women in the World | 3 |
WGS-201H | Honors Women in the World | 3 |
WGS-2120 | Women and Politics | 3 |
Natural and Physical Sciences
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
ANTH-1210 | Human Evolution | 4 |
Earth Science
The following courses from non-science subject areas can be counted toward this requirement for the Associate of Applied Business degree:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Course List
Code |
Title |
Credit Hours |
COMM-2160 | Intercultural Communication | 3 |
ENG-2510 | African-American Literature I | 3 |
ENG-2520 | African-American Literature II | 3 |
MJS-1611 | Black Media | 3 |
SOC-2550 | Race and Ethnic Relations | 3 |
WGS-1510 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 3 |
WGS-151H | Honors Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies | 3 |
WGS-2010 | Women in the World | 3 |
WGS-201H | Honors Women in the World | 3 |
Program Requirements
Program requirements are outlined by the specific technical program sequences in this catalog. Approximately half of each Associate of Applied Business program requirements must include a minimum of 15 additional credits of general education or applied general education (i.e., "basic" coursework) for a total of 30 credits of nontechnical coursework. Applied general education includes a focus on "21st-century" skills and knowledge, including information and communication literacy; critical thinking and problem-solving; interpersonal and collaborative skills; global awareness; and financial, economic, business and civic literacy. Technical program concentrations should consist of 12 to 16 semester credits of technical specialization, including a minimum one-semester credit Capstone Course.
The Capstone Course provides students with opportunities to apply technical, oral and written skills; to prepare resumes and/or portfolios and develop interview skills; to study history and trends in the profession; and/or to discuss ethical and global issues within the profession. Program requirements are identified in the Associate of Applied Business degree program sequences in this catalog.
Cross-listed Courses
Cross-listed courses are identical courses offered in two or more subject areas. They differ only in subject area code and course number. Credit may be earned once for cross-listed courses.