Applied Industrial Technology (Lifting Technology), Apprenticeship

Applied Industrial Technology (Lifting Technologies), Associate of Applied Science

Effective Spring 2025, this program is no longer accepting new students.

ATLT-1000Orientation for Lifting Tech2
ATLT-1010Industrial Safety1
ATLT-1020Introduction to Lifting & Rigging2
ATLT-1040Safety in Lifting and Rigging I1
ATLT-1050Rigging Geometric2
DEGR-xxxxGeneral Elective (See List Below)3
Select one of the following:3
College Composition I
Honors College Composition I
ATLT-1030Introduction to Wire Rope1
ATLT-1060Layout & Fabrication Procedure1
ATLT-1070Blue Print Reading for Rigging I2
ATLT-1080Lifting Technologies Safety Training1
ATLT-1090Introduction to Welding for Lifting Technologies2
Any Approved Ohio Transfer 36 Mathematics course3
DEGR-xxxxGeneral Elective (See List Below)3
Communication/Mathematics/Natural Science requirement3
ATLT-1100Introduction to Inspections: Field Tablets IC31
ATLT-1110Technologies in Rigging1
ATLT-2010Lifting Project Module1
ATLT-2020Proof Test Operations1
ATLT-2040Wire Rope Applications I1
ATLT-xxxxElective (see technical elective list)2
ATLT-xxxxElective (see technical elective list)2
DEGR-xxxxGeneral Elective3
Arts & Humanities/Natural and Phsysical Sciences requirement3
AIT-2990Contracting in a Diverse World3
ATLT-xxxxElective (see technical elective list)2
DEGR-xxxxGeneral Elective2
ATLT-xxxxElective (see technical elective list)2
Social and Behavioral Sciences3
DEGR-xxxxGeneral Elective3

MATH-1100 Mathematical Explorations or MATH-1240 Contemporary Mathematics taken prior to Fall 2024 will be accepted to meet Mathematics requirement.


Select from below courses to fulfill Technical Elective Requirements.

ATLT-2050Blue Print Reading for Rigging II2
ATLT-2130Overhead Crane Electrical2
ATLT-2140Overhead Crane Mechanical2
ATLT-2170Overhead Crane Inspector2
ATLT-2280Overhead Crane Inspect Safety2
ATLT-2500Rigging Inspector Certification3
ATLT-2510Sling Fabrication - Flat Web & Chain1

Select from below courses to fulfill General Elective Requirements.

ACCT-1011Business Math Applications3
ACCT-1020Applied Accounting3
BADM-1020Introduction to Business3
BADM-1070Introduction to Project Management3
BADM-1122Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior3
BADM-2110Production/Operations Management3
BT-1001Keyboarding 2
BT-1150Word for Business Documents3
BT-2211Presentation Software3
FIN-1061Personal Finance3
HLTH-1230Standard First Aid and Personal Safety1
HLTH-1100Personal Health Education3
IT-1090Computer Applications3
IT-109HHonors Computer Applications3
MET-1300Engineering Materials and Metallurgy3
Communication...(Select from American Sign Language, English, Foreign Language, or Speech Communication)3
MATH-1xxx1000-level MATH course or higher3
DEGR-xxxxAny course in Arts & Humanities/Social & Behavioral Sciences/Natural & Physical Sciences

MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement.  These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016.  Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.