Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology

Occupational Therapy Assistant Technology, Associate of Applied Science

BIO-2331Anatomy and Physiology I 14
HTEC-1060Medical Terminology I 23
OTAT-1300Occupational Therapy Principles 32
Select one of the following:3
College Composition I
Honors College Composition I
MATH-1190Algebraic and Quantitative Reasoning (or Any Approved Ohio Transfer 36 Mathematics c ourse) 53
OTAT-1310Task Analysis2
OTAT-1320Fundamentals of Developmental Disabilities2
OTAT-1330Techniques in Developmental Disabilities3
OTAT-1850Practicum I2
SES-2130Kinesiology: Fundamentals of Human Movement3
Select one of the following:3
General Psychology 4
Honors General Psychology
BIO-2341Anatomy and Physiology II4
OTAT-1420Fundamentals of Psychosocial Dysfunction2
OTAT-1430Techniques in Psychosocial Dysfunction3
OTAT-1860Practicum II2
OTAT-1980Therapeutic Use of Self2
OTAT-2000Clinical Skills for the Occupational Therapy Assistant2
OTAT-2320Fundamentals of Physical Dysfunction4
OTAT-2330Techniques in Physical Disabilities4
OTAT-2341Occupational Therapy Issues4
OTAT-2860Practicum III2
OTAT-2940Field Experience3
Select one of the following:3
College Composition II
Honors College Composition II

BIO-2330 Anatomy and Physiology I and BIO-2340 Anatomy and Physiology II together will be accepted in place of BIO-2331 Anatomy and Physiology I and BIO-2341 Anatomy and Physiology II.


MA-1020 Medical Terminology I, MA-1010 Introduction to Medical Termimology, or  HTEC-1060 Medical Terminology I will be accepted in place of HTEC-1050 Introduction to Medical Terminology.


16 hours of documented shadowing experience with an OT Practitioner may be used in place of OTAT-1300 for admission to the program. OTAT-1300 must still be taken as a requirement of the program during the first semester if students are admitted based on shadowing hours. 


PSY-1010/101H is not required for program admission, but must be taken prior to the second semester coursework.


MATH-1100 Mathematical Explorations or MATH-1240 Contemporary Mathematics taken prior to Fall 2024 will be accepted to meet Mathematics requirements.

MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement.  These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016.  Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.