Plant Science and Landscape Technology

Plant Science and Landscape Technology, Associate of Applied Science

Career PathwaysMany Options for Success

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This program shares coursework with the following degrees and certificates. Use the buttons below to display shared courses.

Select one certificate from the options below and click "Compare" to compare your selected certificate to the terminal degree.

courses overlap with

PST-1301Horticultural Botany3
PST-1311Deciduous Woody Landscape Plants3
PST-1411Equipment Operations and Safety2
HLTH-1230Standard First Aid and Personal Safety1
Select one of the following:3
College Composition I
Honors College Composition I
Select one of the following:3
Computer Applications
Honors Computer Applications
Select one of the following:3
Algebraic and Quantitative Reasoning
Elementary Probability and Statistics I (or higher Approved Ohio Transfer 36 Mathematics course)
PST-1321Evergreens, Groundcovers, and Herbaceous Landscape Plants3
PST-1420Landscape Practices3
PST-1441Introduction to Landscape Design3
PST-1380Introduction to Tree Care2
PST-2950Field Experience3
PST-2321Plant Pest Diagnostics3
Select one of the following:3
Art Appreciation
Environmental Geography
Critical Thinking
Introduction to Philosophy
Honors Introduction to Philosophy
Select one lecture and one lab from the following:4
Environment, Ecology, and Evolution
Environment, Ecology, & Evolution Laboratory
Everyday Chemistry
Everyday Chemistry Laboratory
Select one of the following:3
Small Business Management
Garden Center and Nursery Management
Landscape Contracting
PST-xxxxPlant Science Elective (select from below list):3
Plant Propagation
Planting Design
PST-1600Irrigation and Drainage2
PST-2370Introduction to Turfgrass2
PST-xxxxPlant Science Elective (select from below list)3
Plant Production
Landscape Design - CAD
Arboriculture Practices
Select one of the following:3
Fundamentals of Speech Communication
Honors Speech Communication
College Composition II
Honors College Composition II


Landscape Contracting Concentration

Recommended Electives for concentration in Landscape Contracting

PST-1510Landscape Contracting3
PST-2431Planting Design3
PST-1450Landscape Design - CAD3

Tree Care Concentration

Recommended Electives for concentration in Tree Care 

PST-1510Landscape Contracting3
PST-2480Arboriculture Practices3

Garden Center/Nursery Management Concentration 

Recommended electives for concentration in Garden Center/Nursery Management.

PST-1400Garden Center and Nursery Management3
PST-1331Plant Propagation3
PST-1351Plant Production3

Other Content

MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement.  These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016.  Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.

Related Degrees and Certificates