Students must be admitted to Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C®) before registering for classes. Students can register online or in person at the Admissions and Financial Services office.

Class Standing

All students will be classified as first-year students, sophomores or upperclassmen.

  • First-year students are in their first or second term at Tri-C or have transferred to Tri-C with fewer than 12 credits from another college and are not currently enrolled in high school.
  • Upperclassmen have completed 30 or more college-level credits, including a passing grade in both college-level math and English.
  • Sophomores have moved beyond their first year and either accumulated 29 or fewer college-level credits or accumulated 30 or more college-level credits but have not passed both college-level math and English.

Full-Time/Part-Time Status

A student must take at least 12 semester credits to be considered a full-time student. A counselor or advisor may recommend a heavier or lighter load depending on ability and/or past performance. A part-time student is registered for 11 credits or fewer.

Each credit typically requires a minimum of two hours of outside study each week. A student employed on a full-time basis should probably not attempt to carry more than two courses per semester. A student working part-time might consider taking more than two courses per semester, depending on other demands.

Online Course Schedule

The online course schedule allows students to search for courses offered each semester. Students can view the course location, instructor name, current capacity, seats available, course catalog description and much more. Students may also view the terms and courses available before registering.

Visit the schedule, select the term, and then select the course subject.


Waitlisting allows a student to add themselves to a waitlist for a class that has met its maximum enrollment limit. This gives them the opportunity to register for a closed class when a seat becomes available. Holds prevent students from using the waitlist option.

When a seat becomes available, an email notification is sent to the Tri-C email address of the student who is next in line on the waitlist. The student has exactly 18 hours (including weekends and other days when the College is closed) to register for the course before they are dropped from the waitlist and the next student is notified. The deadline to join a waitlist is two Fridays before the class begins.

Guaranteed Course Sections

Guaranteed course sections are guaranteed to run with no minimum enrollment (subject to section/CRN capacity).

• CRNs designated with a guarantee are subject to room assignment and faculty changes.

• CRNs designated with a guarantee are for the listed day, time, campus and modality only.

• Students who wish to enroll in guaranteed CRNs that are full can enroll on the waitlist. However, waitlist status does not guarantee enrollment in the designated guaranteed section or that a new section will be added.

Why register for guaranteed courses?

• Guaranteed course sections will not be canceled — this is Tri-C's promise to you.

• Registering early and choosing guaranteed CRNs helps you complete your degree or certificate sooner.

• While registering early is important, so is planning for tuition payments. Courses that are registered and not paid for by the deadline will result in your being dropped from your courses with no guarantee to re-enroll in those sections.

Dropping/Adding Classes

Students can add and drop classes using the Registration Dashboard card on my Tri-C space or in person at a campus Admissions and Financial Services. Registered students can make schedule adjustments from the first day of open registration through the first week of the term unless the course has begun. Exceptions must be approved by the associate dean responsible for the academic discipline and the faculty member. See the Course Adjustment Period in the College Catalog.

See the Withdraw/Refund Schedule for more important dates regarding course withdrawal and tuition refunds by part of the term. 

Canceled Classes

Tri-C may occasionally cancel a class due to insufficient enrollment. Every effort is made to notify students when this occurs. Those affected may register for a different class during the registration period. Students will receive a full refund for the canceled class.


Prerequisites are established by each department for each course in that department to ensure that the student has a sufficient background to enroll in a course and achieve success. A passing grade of C or better is required. Each student must check the course prerequisites before enrolling. Prerequisites will be checked at the time of registration. If the student is unsure if the prerequisite has been met, they should consult with the academic department or a Counseling Center prior to registering for that course.

Note: Students who have taken prerequisite courses at Tri-C prior to Fall 1998 must obtain an exception from a counselor or academic department to register for some courses. Students transferring to Tri-C should submit their transcripts to determine if prior coursework meets prerequisites.

Course Adjustment Period

Students may adjust their schedules during the first week of the term but may only register for a course that has not started. For permission to enter a course that has already started, a Registration Exception Form must be completed and approved by the instructor and academic associate dean responsible for the discipline. Students must submit the completed Registration Exception Form and make payment arrangements at the Admissions and Financial Services office to finalize registration.

Changes in Curriculum, Fees and Other Requirements

The Cuyahoga Community College Board of Trustees reserves the right to change — at any time and without notice — graduation requirements, fees and other charges, curriculum, course structure and content, and other matters within its control, notwithstanding any information set forth in this catalog.