Ohio College Tech Prep is a seamless, non-duplicative, integrated pathway of education and experience that starts in middle school, continues in high school and through post-secondary, and leads to success in a student's chosen technical career field. It prepares students for high-skill, high-demand technical careers in a competitive global economy.
The curriculum reflects real-world technical careers in high demand today. Programs may be offered in the following career fields:
- Agriculture and Environmental Systems
- Arts and Communication
- Business and Administrative Services
- Construction Technology
- Education and Training
- Engineering and Science Technology
- Finance
- Health Sciences
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law and Public Safety
- Manufacturing
- Marketing
- Transportation Systems
Tri-C is a higher education partner of the Ohio College Tech Prep Partnership, offering articulated college credits to high school Tech Prep students. Tech Prep enables a smooth transition from high school into two- and four-year college degree programs.
Call 216-987-4987 or visit theĀ Tri-C Tech Prep web page to learn more.