Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Track

The Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Track of the Human Services program provides students with competencies that enable them to work with people that are diagnosed with Substance Use Disorder. Career opportunities for graduates include employment in a variety of settings ranging from inpatient programs to community-based outpatient and prevention programs. Students in the program can qualify for Chemical Dependency Counselor Assistant (CDCA) certification after taking four credit hours in chemical dependency course work.  Graduates of the program receive all of the 180 educational hours required to become a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor II (LCDCII) through the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals (OCDP) Board and are prepared for the licensure exam for the LCDC II.  In addition, all graduates of the Human Services program are eligible to receive certification as a Social Work Assistant from the Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board of Ohio.

Generalist Track

The Generalist Track of the Human Services program provides students with competencies that enable them to work with a variety of people that have a wide range of needs. Career opportunities for graduates are in community-based programs including group homes, shelters, community centers, social service agencies, and more. All graduates of the Human Services program are eligible to receive certification as a Social Work Assistant from the Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board of Ohio.

Program contact: Learn more

This certificate will be automatically awarded when the certificate requirements are completed. If you do not want to receive the certificate, please notify the Office of the Registrar at

Learn more here about how certificate credits apply to the related degree

Related Degrees and Certificates

Program Admission Requirements

  • High School Diploma/GED highly recommended, but not required.
  • ENG-1010 College Composition I or concurrent enrollment.
  • Complete the following in sequence:HS-1101 Foundation of Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Group Work HS-1850 Introduction to Human Services Principles and Practices (A grade of "C" or higher is required in each course.    

Other Information

  • Human Services students must sign and abide by the Human Services Program Handbook.
  • Complete BCI and FBI (background) check prior to enrollment in the HS-1850 Introduction to Human Services Principles and Practices practicum course. Log onto:
  • Students in the Human Services Program must achieve a grade of "C" or better in all HS AND general education coursework in order to fulfill the graduation requirements for the Human Services Program.
  • Requirements listed are the same for both Generalist and Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Tracks.
  • Non-majors may enroll in HS courses for which they have satisfied the prerequisite requirements.
  • Students re-entering a clinical practicum course after an absence of one year or more from the Human Services Program will be required to complete another BCI and FBI background check. Log onto:

Program Learning Outcomes

This program is designed to prepare students to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

  1. Ethics/Professionalism.  Conduct oneself in a professional manner and apply sound ethical practices according to the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board and the Ohio Chemical Dependency Professionals Board. Maintain any licensure or certification obtained.
  2. Lifelong Learning. Develop and promote healthy practices, self-awareness and self-care, applying this personally, with clients, colleagues and other professionals.
  3. Case Management. Listen, speak and contribute to the quality of life of our clients through comprehensive and holistic service delivery according to specific agency policies and procedures.
  4. Documentation. Apply/utilize written and computer skills to maintain appropriate client and agency reports, records and documents, especially the ability to navigate and effectively use Electronic Medical Records (EMR) in a clinical setting.
  5. Communication. Employ and interpret clear, concise and open communication skills including verbal, non-verbal and written communication in a professional manner.
  6. Human Services Concepts. Understand the history, philosophy, theoretical concepts/frameworks and clinical intervention skills essential for Human Services professionals.
  7. Human Services Practices. Engage in practices and techniques that encompass group facilitation, psycho-social assessment, behavior change and motivating practices working with diverse client populations.

Suggested Semester Sequence

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredit Hours
HS-1101 Foundation of Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Group Work 4
HS-1300 Introduction to Human Services 3
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition I
Honors College Composition I
Select one of the following: 3
General Psychology
Honors General Psychology
 Credit Hours13
Second Semester
HS-1850 Introduction to Human Services Principles and Practices 5
PHIL-1000 Critical Thinking 3
HS-1120 Suicide Prevention & Intervention 2
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition II
Honors College Composition II
Select one of the following options:
Option A
Treatment Modalities and Diversity Issues in Chemical Dependency
and Prevention and Chemical Dependency 1
Option B
Diagnostic Tools and Legal Considerations
 Credit Hours13
Third Semester
HS-2600 Systems Approach to Case Management 4
HS-2850 Human Services Principles and Practices I 5
Select one of the following options:
Option A
Ethics in Chemical Dependency
Option B
Crisis Intervention and Child Abuse Issues
and Family Theory and Services
Select one of the following: 3
Fundamentals of Speech Communication
Honors Speech Communication
 Credit Hours12
Fourth Semester
BIO-1050 Human Biology 3
BIO-105L Human Biology Laboratory 1
HS-2860 Human Services Principles and Practices II 3
HS-2990 Human Services Capstone 2
Select one of the following: 3
Algebraic and Quantitative Reasoning (or Any Approved Ohio Transfer 36 Mathematics course) 2
Elementary Probability and Statistics I (Recommended for Transfer)
Select one of the following: 4
Life Span Development
Honors Life Span Development
 Credit Hours13
 Total Credit Hours51

SOC-2051 Introduction to Social Welfare will be accepted in place of HS-1210 for students planning to transfer to the Bachelor in Social Work program at Cleveland State University. The above option is a variation of the Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Track in which SOC-2051 replaces HS-1210.


MATH-1100 Mathematical Explorations or MATH-1240 Contemporary Mathematics taken prior to Fall 2024 will be accepted to meet Mathematics requirement for this program.


(A) Alcohol/Chemical Dependency Track

HS-1200Treatment Modalities and Diversity Issues in Chemical Dependency4
HS-1210Prevention and Chemical Dependency2
HS-2200Ethics in Chemical Dependency3
Additional program courses54
Total Credit Hours63

(B) Generalist Track

HS-1110Crisis Intervention and Child Abuse Issues3
HS-1220Diagnostic Tools and Legal Considerations4
HS-2300Family Theory and Services4
Additional program courses54
Total Credit Hours65

MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement.  These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016.  Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.