SURT-1000 Survey of Surgical Technology
1 Credit
Designed to familiarize students seeking a career in healthcare within the profession of surgical technology. Course provides an overview of history, professional organization, philosophy and practice of surgical technology. Discussion of roles and responsibilities of operating room personnel will also be provided as well as study of asepsis, instrumentation, positioning and draping.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): HTEC-1060 Medical Terminology I and departmental approval.
SURT-1300 Introduction to Surgery
5 Credits
Presentation and discussion of development of modern day surgery, organization of operating room department, roles of operating room personnel, health care reform practices, and care of surgical patient. Infection control applicable to operative setting discussed including sterilization of surgical supplies, sterile techniques, and application of sterile techniques in operating room. Discussion of special items used in operating room, general and regional anesthesia, wound healing, sutures and staplers. Legal and ethical aspects of operating room practice introduced.
Lecture: 5 hours
Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in SURT-130L Surgery Lab and departmental approval: Admission to program.
SURT-130L Surgery Lab
2 Credits
Practice of skills required of the surgical technologist. Patient transportation and transfer skills, operation of the surgical bed, patient positioning, sterile wrapping of supplies and instrumentation, sterile techniques utilized when opening and dispensing sterile supplies and instrumentation, skin preparation, urinary catheterization, surgical scrub, gowning and gloving, gowning and gloving of other team members, back table and mayo stand set-up, basic draping, passing of instrumentation during a procedure and end of case procedures. Assistant circulator skills, such as vitals and operation of equipment, are introduced. Problem solving skills and employability are introduced.
Laboratory: 6 hours
Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in SURT-1300 Introduction to Surgery and departmental approval: Admission to program.
SURT-1330 General Surgery
5 Credits
Presentation and discussion of general surgery. Includes steps of operative procedure, features of general surgery, hemostasis, operative drains, surgical specimens, layers of abdominal wall, abdominal incisions and laparotomy. Discussion on operative procedures may include hernia procedures of the abdominal region, liver and biliary procedures, pancreas and spleen procedures, gastric and related esophageal procedures, lower gastrointestinal procedures, breast surgery, gynecological and obstetrical procedures and plastics/reconstructive surgery.
Lecture: 5 hours
Prerequisite(s): SURT-1300 Introduction to Surgery, SURT-130L Surgery Lab and concurrent enrollment in SURT-1911 Clinical Experience I.
SURT-1700 Sterile Processing Techniques I
4 Credits
Covers development and history of a modern sterile processing department, roles and responsibilities of sterile processing technicians and legal and ethical aspects of sterile processing practice. Review human anatomy and physiology in relation to processing of medical devices and patient care equipment. Discuss basic microbiology, common microbes and diseases found in today’s health care environment, and infection control techniques in relation to disease transmission. Demonstrate decontamination techniques and protocols of medical devices and patient care equipment to eliminate the occurrence of a health care acquired infection. Discussion of federal and private organizations affecting daily functions of field of study.
Lecture: 4 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I, or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I; and MA-1020 Medical Terminology I, and concurrent enrollment in SURT-1720 Introduction to Hospital Administration and departmental approval: Admission to program.
SURT-1710 Sterile Processing Techniques II
4 Credits
Covers techniques and protocol of processing patient care equipment. Includes the various packaging methods, sterilization methods, sterile storage methods, and appropriate distribution methods currently in use in today’s health care environment. Discussion and identification of surgical instruments including techniques for recognizing damage and/or poor working condition to allow technicians to remove for preventive maintenance. Discussion and identification of the various methods of sterilization currently used in health care. Demonstration of appropriate monitoring techniques to achieve required degree of sterile assurance level.
Lecture: 4 hours
Prerequisite(s): SURT-1700 Sterile Processing Tech I, SURT-1720 Introduction to Hospital Administration, and concurrent enrollment in SURT-1861 Clinical Experience: Sterile Processing and departmental approval.
SURT-1720 Introduction to Hospital Administration
1 Credit
Presentation and discussion of history, development and current trends in the daily operations of modern hospitals, including hospital governance, administration and management. Review of functions of clinical patient care area's of inpatient care, outpatient care, surgery, emergency services, ancillary diagnostic and rehabilitation services. Review of patient, facility and administrative support services. Discussion of critical interrelated functions of all departments of hospital to insure quality patient care is delivered. Introduction to hospital budgeting, marketing, financing, billing, quality improvement and accreditation. Presentation of case studies to emphasize actual ethical concerns that may be experienced in performance of duties.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in SURT-1700 Sterile Processing Tech I and departmental approval: Admission to program.
SURT-1861 Clinical Experience: Sterile Processing
2 Credits
Supervised clinical experience in the central service/sterile processing department at a assigned affiliated hospital. Demonstrate basic competency of skills covering the principles and practices of cleaning, decontamination, sterilization of medical instruments and apparatus, fundamentals of wrapping, sterile set-ups, safety rules and regulations, inventory control, record-keeping and quality assurance.
Other Required Hours: Directed Practice: 240 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): SURT-1700 Sterile Processing Tech I, SURT-1720 Introduction to Hospital Administration, and concurrent enrollment in SURT-1710 Sterile Processing Tech II and department approval.
SURT-1911 Clinical Experience I
3 Credits
Beginning-level scrubbing and instrumentation skills while caring for a surgical patient. The course begins with several weeks of "mock surgery" in the surgical lab on campus and then transitions to the operating room at assigned affiliated hospital or surgery center. Skills performed correlate with skills learned in surgery lab. Includes scrubbing, gowning and gloving, back table and mayo set-ups, surgical draping, instrumentation skills, basic procedural knowledge and employability skills. Students perform primarily in the second scrub role, gradually increasing to the first scrub role. Note: Listed lecture hour reflects contact time for required seminar.
Other Required Hours: Practicum: 16 hours per week in hospital setting; Seminar: 1 hour per week.
Prerequisite(s): SURT-1300 Introduction to Surgery, and SURT-130L Surgery Lab and concurrent enrollment in SURT-1330 General Surgery.
SURT-1922 Clinical Experience II
3 Credits
Practical application of previously learned surgical skills at assigned affiliated hospital. Students perform in both first and second scrub roles during operative procedures, increasing in proficiency. Weekly CST Exam review and post-clinical experience discussion.
Other Required Hours: 16 hours per week in hospital setting for 8-week summer session; Seminar: 3 hours and 10 minutes per week for 8-week summer session; .
Prerequisite(s): SURT-1300 Introduction to Surgery, SURT-130L Surgery Lab, SURT-1330 General Surgery and SURT-1911 Clinical Experience I.
SURT-2300 Surgical Specialties
5 Credits
Presentation and discussion of surgical specialty procedures including cardio/thoracic, genitourinary, neurological, ophthalmic, oral/maxillofacial, orthopedic, otorhinolaryngology, peripheral vascular and transplant and trauma surgical procedures.
Lecture: 5 hours
Prerequisite(s): SURT-1921 Clinical Experience II, BIO-2341 Anatomy and Physiology II, BIO-2500 Microbiology and concurrent enrollment in SURT-2851 Clinical Experience III.
SURT-2851 Clinical Experience III
3 Credits
Practical application of previously learned surgical skills at assigned affiliated hospital. Basic competency of scrub skills relating to general, gynecological and specialty surgical procedures. Students perform primarily in the first scrub role during operative procedures, increasing in proficiency. Weekly Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) Exam review and post-clinical experience discussion. Seminar: 1 hour per week. Note: Listed lecture hour reflects contact time for required seminar.
Other Required Hours: Practicum: 16 hours per week in hospital setting; Seminar: 1 hour per week; Note: Listed lecture hour reflects contact time for required seminar.
Prerequisite(s): SURT-1921 Clinical Experience II, BIO-2341 Anatomy and Physiology II, BIO-2500 Microbiology and concurrent enrollment in SURT-2300 Surgical Specialties.
SURT-2863 Clinical Experience IV
6 Credits
Capstone course in Surgical Technology, with a focus on specialty surgical procedures. Practical application of previously learned surgical skills at assigned affiliated hospital. Students perform primarily in the first scrub role. Weekly CST Exam review and post-clinical experience discussion. All students must register and sit for the Certified Surgical Technology (CST) Examination at the end of the course. Each student is responsible to pay all costs associated with the examination.
Lecture: 3 hours
Other Required Hours: Practicum: 16 hours per week; Seminar: 1 hours per week; Note: Listed contact hours reflects total contact time for required seminar and practicum hours.
Prerequisite(s): SURT-1300 Introduction to Surgery, SURT-130L Surgery Lab, SURT-1330 General Surgery, SURT-1911 Clinical Experience I, SURT-1921 Clinical Experience II, SURT-2300 Surgical Specialties and SURT-2851 Clinical Experience III.