NURS-1000 Introduction to Healthcare Concepts
1 Credit
Introduces students to conceptual learning and examines concepts relevant to health care and professional nursing. Covers role development of the professional nurse, clinical judgment, communication, evidenced-based practice, health promotion, informatics, patient-centered care, professionalism, safety, collaboration within an interdisciplinary team, and specific standards/regulations that apply at the LPN and RN levels of practice.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English placement test; and MATH-0955 Beginning Algebra, or qualified Math placement, and students must be 18 years old to enroll in this course. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements. CTAN Approved: Career Technical Assurance Guide CTLPRN001 and Industry-Recognized Transfer Guide ITLPRN001 (1 of 5 courses, all must be taken).
NURS-1010 Introduction to Patient Care Concepts
4 Credits
Introduces basic concepts necessary to care for patients within a variety of health care settings specifically focusing Long Term Care settings. Emphasis on developing observation and communication skills, safety and emergency procedures, mobility/ergonomics, promoting and respecting patient rights, personal and restorative care, basic nursing skills, mental health and social service needs, and infection control. Successful course completion qualifies student to register for state nurse aid exam and Ohio Department of Health STNA Certificate of Completion.
Lecture: 1 hour. Laboratory: 5.27 hours
Other Required Hours: 56 hours of clinical lab experience and 79 hours of on campus lab experience.
Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English placement test; and MATH-0955 Beginning Algebra , or qualified Math placement; and NURS-1000 Introduction to Health Care Concepts, and departmental approval: cleared background check and successful completion of the HESI. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements. CTAN Approved: Career Technical Assurance Guide CTLPRN001 and Industry-Recognized Transfer Assurance Guide ITLPRN001 (2 of 5 courses, all must be taken).
NURS-1201 Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts
5 Credits
Overview of fundamental concepts important to the practice of nursing including patient care, individualized patient-centered nursing, the healthcare environment, and professional nursing practice. Includes concept analysis and related exemplars necessary to provide basic care to patients. Covers collection of appropriate data necessary to plan safe, quality care to patients and administer medication safely including dosage and calculations. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories and clinical setting.
Lecture: 2.5 hours. Laboratory: 1.64 hour
Other Required Hours: Lecture: 37.5 hours; On Campus Laboratory: 24.5 per semester; Clinical: 88 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): BIO-2331 Anatomy and Physiology I, and BIO-2341 Anatomy and Physiology II or concurrent enrollment, and NURS-1000 Introduction to Health Care Concepts, and NURS-1010 Introduction to Patient Care Concepts, and MATH-1410 Elementary Probability and Statistics I, and PSY-1010 General Psychology, and PSY-2020 Life Span Development or concurrent enrollment; and departmental approval: admission to program. CTAN Approved: Career Technical Assurance Guide CTLPRN001 and Industry-Recognized Transfer Assurance Guide ITLPRN001 (3 of 5 courses, all must be taken).
NURS-1210 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients in Community and Behavioral Health Settings
2 Credits
This course builds on previous courses to further refine and apply the concepts of nursing practice in the care of patients within the community and behavioral health care setting. Concept analysis and related exemplars necessary to provide care to patients within the community setting as well as care for those with selected acute and chronic mental health illness. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in a variety of clinical settings within selected community and behavioral health agencies.
Lecture: 1 hour
Other Required Hours: Clinical Laboratory: 45 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): NURS-1000 Introduction to Health Care Concepts, and NURS-1010 Introduction to Patient Care Concepts , and NURS-1200 Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts or concurrent enrollment; and PSY-2020 Life Span Development or concurrent enrollment; and departmental approval: admission to program.
NURS-1220 Concepts of Nursing Care for patients with Acute and Chronic Conditions I
5 Credits
This course builds on previous courses to further refine and apply the concepts of nursing practice in the care of patients with acute and chronic conditions. Includes concept analysis and related exemplars necessary to provide care to patients with various selected acute and chronic health conditions. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories and variety of clinical settings.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 1.5 hour
Other Required Hours: On Campus Laboratory: 22.5 hours per semester; Clinical Laboratory: 112.5 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): NURS-1000 Introduction to Health care Concepts; and NURS-1010 Introduction to Patient Care Concepts; and NURS-1200 Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, and NURS-1210 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients in Community and Behavioral Health Settings; and NURS-1240 Role Transitions or concurrent enrollment, and ENG-1010 College Composition I or concurrent enrollment; and departmental approval: admission to program. CTAN Approved: Career Technical Assurance Guide CTLPRN001 and Industry-Recognized Transfer Assurance Guide ITLPRN001 (4 of 5 courses, all must be taken).
NURS-1230 Concepts of Nursing Care of Childbearing Families and Children
4 Credits
This course builds on the previous nursing courses to further refine and apply the concepts of nursing practice in the care of the childbearing and developing family. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories and a variety of clinical settings in maternal/newborn and pediatric environments.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 1.5 hour
Other Required Hours: On Campus Laboratory: 22.5 hours per semester; Clinical Laboratory: 67.5 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): NURS-1000 Introduction to Health Care Concepts, and NURS-1010 Introduction to Patient Care Concepts, and NURS-1200 Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, and NURS-1210 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients in Community and Behavioral Health Settings, and NURS-1240 Role Transitions or concurrent enrollment; and ENG-1010 College Composition I or concurrent enrollment; and departmental approval: admission to program.
NURS-1240 Role Transitions
1 Credit
This course focuses on the application of nursing concepts to the roles of the practical and registered nurse. Emphasis in this course is placed on scope of practice, current issues and trends, clinical decision making, evidence-based practice, prioritization, delegation, supervision/management, performance improvement, and professional development.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): NURS-1200 Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, and NURS-1210 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients in Community and Behavioral Health Settings, and ENG-1010 College Composition I or concurrent enrollment, and departmental approval: admission to program. CTAN Approved: Career Technical Assurance Guide CTLPRN001 and Industry-Recognized Transfer Assurance Guide ITLPRN001 (5 of 5 courses, all must be taken).
NURS-1250 LPN to RN Transitions I
3 Credits
Designed to explore integrative concepts in nursing to assist the student in the transition from licensed practical nurse to registered nurse. Students will refine and update previous learning in addition to identifying goals for successful transition in to the registered nursing program. Emphasis is placed on scope of practice, current issues and trends, clinical decision making, evidence based practice, prioritization, delegation, communication, collaboration, supervision/management, performance improvement, nursing process, IV therapy-administration and dosage calculation, teaching and learning, and professional development.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): BIO-2331 Anatomy and Physiology I or concurrent enrollment; and MATH-1240 Contemporary Mathematics or concurrent enrollment; and PSY-1010 General Psychology or concurrent enrollment; and ENG-1010 College Composition I or concurrent enrollment; and departmental approval.
NURS-1260 LPN to RN Transitions II
6 Credits
This course builds on LPN to RN Transitions I to further refine concepts of nursing practice with application of care to patients with selected acute and chronic conditions. Students analyze concepts and related exemplars necessary to provide care to patients with various selected acute and chronic health conditions. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the classroom and a variety of clinical settings.
Lecture: 3 hours
Other Required Hours: Clinical Laboratory: 135 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): BIO-2341 Anatomy and Physiology II; and concurrent enrollment in PSY-2020 Life Span Development, and NURS-1250 LPN to RN Transitions I, and departmental approval: admission to program.
NURS-2000 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients with Acute Unstable and Chronic Conditions II
6 Credits
This course builds on previous courses to further refine and apply the concepts of nursing practice in the care of patients with acute unstable and chronic conditions. Includes concept analysis and related exemplars necessary to provide care to patients with various selected acute unstable and chronic health conditions. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories and variety of clinical settings.
Lecture: 3 hours. Laboratory: 1.5 hour
Other Required Hours: On Campus Laboratory: 22.5 hours per semester; Clinical Laboratory: 112.5 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): NURS-1220 Concepts of Nursing Care for patients with Acute and Chronic Conditions I, and NURS-1230 Concepts of Nursing Care of Childbearing Families and Children, and NURS-1240 Role Transitions, and ENG-1020 College Composition II or concurrent enrollment; and BIO-2500 Microbiology or concurrent enrollment; and departmental approval.
NURS-2010 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients with Complex Conditions
6 Credits
This course builds on previous courses to further refine and apply the concepts of nursing practice in the care of patients with complex conditions. Includes concept analysis and related exemplars necessary to provide care to patients with various selected complex conditions. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories, a variety of clinical settings, and includes the capstone experience.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: .43 hours
Other Required Hours: On Campus Laboratory: 6.5 hours per semester; Clinical Laboratory: 173.5 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): NURS-2000 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients with Acute Unstable and Chronic Conditions II, and departmental approval.
NURS-2011 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients with Complex Conditions
5 Credits
This course builds on previous courses to further refine and apply the concepts of nursing practice in the care of patients with complex conditions. Includes concept analysis and related exemplars necessary to provide care to patients with various selected complex conditions. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories, a variety of clinical settings, and includes the capstone experience.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: .43 hours
Other Required Hours: On Campus Laboratory: 6.5 hours per semester; Clinical Laboratory: 128.5 hours per semester.
Prerequisite(s): NURS-2000 Concepts of Nursing Care for Patients with Acute Unstable and Chronic Conditions II, and departmental approval.