CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice

3 Credits

History and philosophy of criminal justice in America; review system, identification of the subsystems, role expectations, and relationships. Theory of crime, punishment, and rehabilitation. Ethics, education, and training required in law enforcement, nature of formal and informal decision-making in criminal justice, sociology, politics, economics, and law of criminal justice.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

OAN Approved: Transfer Assurance Guide OSS031 and Career Technical Assurance Guide CTCJ001.

CJ-1010 Computers in Criminal Justice

2 Credits

Introduction to uses and applications of computer technology in the criminal justice field. Includes discussions of basic terminology; common applications in database, word processing, and spreadsheet uses; and an introduction to the forensic software. Comprehensive examination of computer crimes and procedures, techniques, and legal constraints which apply.

Lecture: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

CJ-1050 Introduction to Security

2 Credits

Historical perspective on development of security with definition of current role and function. Studies in fundamental principles of risk assessment, physical plant security, defense systems, internal security, fire prevention and disaster preparedness in the security field.

Lecture: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

CJ-1070 Introduction to Corrections

3 Credits

Introduction to processes, procedures and issues in contemporary corrections. History and evolution of various elements of juvenile and adult correction systems.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

OAN Approved: Transfer Assurance Guide OSS033

CJ-1111 Constitutional Law for Police

3 Credits

Development of the Federal Constitution and history of Bill of Rights. In-depth analysis of First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. Impact of recent court decisions on these amendments and their implications for criminal justice officials.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

CJ-1120 Criminal Court Procedures

2 Credits

Exploration of U.S. adversary system of criminal justice. Examines components including legislature, police, prosecution, courts and corrections. Comprehensive review of procedures, beginning with arrest through post-trial motions and sentencing.

Lecture: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

CJ-1130 Criminal Evidence

2 Credits

Overview of trial procedures: classification of evidence, proof, presumptions, relevance, eyewitness identification, testimonial privileges, character, hearsay, impeachment, scientific evidence, collection and preservation of evidence.

Lecture: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

CJ-1200 Economic Crime Investigation

3 Credits

Examines conduct of individuals, corporations, institutions and government agencies as it relates to economic crime. Ethical dilemmas will be analyzed using critical thinking to build and manage criminal cases for successful prosecution.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice.

CJ-1320 Ethics in Criminal Justice

2 Credits

Police conduct is examined relative to ethical and legal principles. Application of federal and state, civil, criminal and administrative law. Sources of potential ethical lapses for law enforcement are analyzed and strategies are formulated to address them both proactively and administratively.

Lecture: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I, or concurrent enrollment.

CJ-1330 Criminal Law

3 Credits

Nature of the criminal act, essential elements for prosecution and defense, legal theories of responsibility, overview of common law offenses, and identification of emerging trends in law.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

CJ-1380 Police Academy I

6 Credits

As part of the Ohio Police Officers Training Commission Basic Academy Curriculum, this course will introduce students to various topics necessary in the field of law enforcement. Topics to be covered include: administration, the Ohio Revised Code, laws of search and arrest, civil liability and the use of force, subject control, driving, firearms, First aid/CPR, and physical conditioning. Open to Police Academy Students only.

Lecture: 5 hours. Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval: admission to Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission Basic Police Academy.

CJ-1390 Police Academy II

6 Credits

As part of the Ohio Police Officers Training Commission Basic Academy Curriculum, this course will introduce students to various topics necessary in the field of law enforcement. Topics to be covered include: investigation; Homeland Security; introduction to traffic; motor vehicle offenses; uniform traffic tickets; traffic direction and control; human relations; civil disorders; critical injury first aid; physical conditioning; subject control. Open to Police Academy Students only.

Lecture: 5 hours. Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval: admission to the Ohio Peace Officer Training Commission Basic Police Academy.

CJ-1400 Assets Protection

4 Credits

In-depth study of principles of loss prevention with emphasis on risk management. Examination of concepts of physical security with management systems; physical security requirements; alarm systems; planning and vulnerability assessments and interaction with law enforcement.

Lecture: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I.

CJ-1500 Community Intervention Resources

4 Credits

Analysis of community-based resources designed for intervention, prevention and control or rehabilitation of juvenile or adult offender.

Lecture: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice.

CJ-2200 Interviews & Interrogations

3 Credits

Development of the skills necessary to elicit information from potential witnesses and/or offenders. Topics include deception detection, the art of interviewing, and the use of proven interrogation techniques.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice.

CJ-2210 Organized Crime

3 Credits

History and legal analysis of criminal enterprises in America, including their pragmatic operation and the criminal justice response using investigative techniques, and court sentencing to disrupt illegal operations.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice.

CJ-2230 Undercover Operations

3 Credits

History and techniques of undercover operations, both long and short term infiltration. Includes theoretical aspects of undercover work as well as the practical aspects via role-playing and actual field exercises.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice.

CJ-2280 Police Academy III

6 Credits

As part of the Ohio Police Officers Training Commission Basic Academy Curriculum, this course will introduce students to various topics necessary in the field of law enforcement. Topics to be covered include: Ohio Revised Code; Testifying in Court; Traffic Crash Investigations; NHTSA Speed Measuring Device; NHSTA Standard Field Sobriety Test; Physical Conditioning; Subject Control. Open to Police Academy Students only.

Lecture: 5 hours. Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval: admission to the OPOTA Basic Police Academy.

CJ-2290 Police Academy IV

6 Credits

As part of the Ohio Police Officers Training Commission Basic Academy Curriculum, this course will introduce students to various topics necessary in the field of law enforcement. Topics to be covered include: Subject Control Techniques; Impact Weapons; Physical Fitness & Conditioning; Critical Incident Stress Awareness; Patrol Operations. Open to Police Academy Students only.

Lecture: 5 hours. Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval: admission to or completion of OPOTA Basic Police Academy.

CJ-2300 Juvenile Delinquency

2 Credits

Juvenile delinquency as it negatively affects a family, community and how the police and court structure and reintegrate youthful offenders into society.

Lecture: 2 hours

Other Required Hours: Practicum: 8 hours per week; Seminar: 1 hour per week.

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice or departmental approval: comparable knowledge or skills.

CJ-2360 Community Oriented Policing

3 Credits

Analysis and effectiveness of neighborhood style policing efforts to reduce crime and disorder.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice, or departmental approval.

CJ-2390 The Investigative Process

4 Credits

Overview of investigative methods including databases and background checks. In-depth look at the criminal investigation process with a focus on crime scene, reports and evidence identification. Specific investigative methods for particular crime types are analyzed.

Lecture: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice, or departmental approval: admission to the Basic Police Academy.

CJ-2400 Security Management

4 Credits

Comprehensive examination of the organization, staffing, supervision and administration of the security function. Focuses on general security management, supervision and operational management along with public relations.

Lecture: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1050 Introduction to Security or departmental approval: prior knowledge or experience.

CJ-2410 Security Investigation

3 Credits

Intensive examination of investigative function as it relates to private security. Criminal and non-criminal investigations. Study of databanks, surveillance methods, interviews, backgrounds, and report preparation.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1050 Introduction to Security departmental approval: prior knowledge or experience.

CJ-2420 Legal Aspects of Private Security

3 Credits

Study of various Federal and State laws and impact on security management process. In-depth examination of state criminal code as applied to private security.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1050 Introduction to Security or departmental approval: prior knowledge or experience.

CJ-2440 Protection Services

2 Credits

Examine the role of those tasked with protecting assets, including critical infrastructure identified by the Department of Homeland Security and other public and private property.

Lecture: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice or departmental approval: prior equivalent experience.

CJ-2510 Community Supervision and Aftercare

4 Credits

Examine various aspects of contemporary community-based corrections practices and aftercare programs to reintegrate criminal offenders into society in a constructive way.

Lecture: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1070 Introduction to Corrections or departmental approval: comparable knowledge or skills.

CJ-2530 Correctional Case Management

3 Credits

Application of counseling techniques applicable to the correctional offender involving field and clinical situations simulation for students to gain experience in interviewing, chronological recording, report writing, and oral presentation of cases.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): CJ-1070 Introduction to Corrections or departmental approval: comparable knowledge or skills.

CJ-2812 Special Topics: Introduction to Medicolegal Death Investigation

3 Credits

This course will serve as an introduction to the Medicolegal Death Investigation process. The course will cover history, procedures, report writing, and medical terminology commonly found in the medicolegal field. Students will enhance their knowledge by conducting investigations of dynamic mock scenes and witnessing an autopsy.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

CJ-2830 Cooperative Field Experience

1-3 Credits

Limited to students in Cooperative Education Program. Employment in an approved training facility under College supervision. Requirement for one credit is 180 hours of approved work. Students may earn up to three credits in one semester. May be repeated for an accrued maximum of nine credits.

Other Required Hours: 180 clock hours of approved work per credit hour.

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval: formal application into the Cooperative Education Program.

CJ-2840 Corrections: Principles and Practices

3 Credits

Students placed in appropriate criminal justice agency facility under guidancce of experienced practictioner with a focus on application of corrections principles.

Lecture: 1 hour

Other Required Hours: Practicum: 8 hours per week. Seminar 1 hour per week.

Prerequisite(s): CJ-2510 Community Supervision and Aftercare.

CJ-2990 Issues in Supervision

4 Credits

Capstone Course in Criminal Justice. Comprehensive review of law enforcement processes, accomplished by looking at role of supervisor and his/her responsibility to the department and community. Further application of law enforcement principles by use of current readings in criminal justice.

Lecture: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval: completed 20 credits in Criminal Justice.