BT-1001 Keyboarding
2 Credits
Mastery of alphabetic and numeric keyboard using touch system. Emphasis on speed and accuracy.
Lecture: 1 hour. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): None.
BT-1100 Workplace Collaborative Apps
3 Credits
Implementation and exploration of digital collaborative and productivity features specific to virtual meeting apps, communication and electronic note apps. Development of skill sets in organization and collaboration of data saved to a cloud server.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
BT-1150 Word for Business Documents
3 Credits
Students will implement a wide variety of features in word processing software as applied to business documents. Outcomes include creation of meeting minutes, professional papers, resumes, reports, and use of document productivity/automation tools.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): IT-1090 Computer Applications or concurrent enrollment.
BT-1700 Business Spreadsheets (Excel)
3 Credits
Study of business spreadsheet concepts. Spreadsheet theory, design, manipulation, and implementation techniques. Hands-on applications, case studies and problem-solving strategies using spreadsheet software for accurate and timely analysis, manipulation, and interpretation of data. Overview of formulas, functions, formatting, sorts/filters, charts, Excel tables/subtotals, PivotTables and What-If Analysis tools.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): IT-1090 Computer Applications, or concurrent enrollment; or IT-109H Computer Applications, or concurrent enrollment; or department approval.
BT-2040 Emerging Workplace Technology
3 Credits
Hands-on utilization of Web resources for communication, collaboration, research and productivity in today's workplace business environment.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): IT-1090 Computer Applications or concurrent enrollment; IT-109H Honors Computer Applications or concurrent enrollment; or MARK-1080 Social Media Marketing or concurrent enrollment; or Business Technology departmental approval.
BT-2200 Advanced Word Processing
3 Credits
Study and application of advanced features of word processing software as applied to complex business documents. Includes managing data, advanced merge techniques, styles, customization, forms, outlines, templates, macros, managing large documents, and collaboration.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): BT-1150 Word for Business Documents, or departmental approval: equivalent proficiency.
BT-2211 Presentation Software
3 Credits
Comprehensive instruction in the major features of presentation software for delivery of presentations in synchronous online environments and live audiences. Students learn to create professional-quality slide presentations. Instruction in planning, design strategies, layout, and recording options. Lessons include best practices for content implementation including graphics; animations, sounds and videos.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): IT-1090 Computer Applications, or IT-109H Honors Computer Applications, or departmental approval: comparable knowledge or skills.
BT-2300 Business Database Systems (Access)
3 Credits
Relational database theory, objects and application design. Database design and implementation techniques. Problem solving strategies using database software for accurate and timely storage, retrieval, manipulation and interpretation of data in a business environment.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): IT-1090 Computer Applications or IT-109H Honors Computer Applications.
BT-2411 Workforce Management
3 Credits
Principles of supervisory skills and management. Emphasis on problem-solving, communications skills, recruiting/hiring/onboarding and leadership skills necessary to manage lower and mid-level workforce environments.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): BADM-1020 Introduction to Business.
BT-2510 Project Management Software
3 Credits
Overview of concepts and hands-on activities in a project management software application. Utilize a business scenario incorporating knowledge and skills relating to project scheduling, calendars, tasks, phases, resources, charting, and reporting.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): BADM-1020 Introduction to Business; and IT-1090 Computer Applications or IT-109H Honors Computer Applications; or departmental approval.
BT-2520 Business Websites: Best Practices and Maintenance
3 Credits
Students learn the process to maintain (or create) a client-side website intended for the business sector utilizing basic HTML and introductory Cascading Style Sheet (CSS). Topics include best practices for website design and maintenance, accessibility considerations, evaluation of various types of editors, and an orientation to basic Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) syntax, content, and introductory CSS styles.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): BADM-1020 Introduction to Business, and BT-2040 Emerging Workplace Technology; or department approval.
BT-2700 Advanced Business Spreadsheets (Excel)
3 Credits
Study and implementation of intermediate and advanced spreadsheet application features as applied within business environments. Focus on data analysis tools, collaboration, statistical functions, data imports/exports, auditing tools, Business Intelligence tools and macros.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): BT-1700 Business Spreadsheets (Excel)
BT-2710 Microsoft Power BI for Data Analysis
3 Credits
Overview and hands-on implementation of Microsoft's Power Business Intelligence (BI) features for business analysis and decision-making goals. Learn how to connect to various data sources, cleanse/transform data with Power Query, create a variety of visualizations, dashboards and reports, and publish to a server.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): BT-1700 Business Spreadsheets (Excel) and BT-2700 Advanced Business Spreadsheets.
BT-2830 Cooperative Field Experience
1-3 Credits
Limited to students in Cooperative Education Program. Employment in an approved training facility under College supervision. Requirement for one credit is 180 hours of approved work. Students may earn up to three credits in one semester. May be repeated for an accrued maximum of nine credits.
Other Required Hours: 180 clock hours of approved work per credit hour.
Prerequisite(s): Formal application into the Cooperative Education Program.
BT-2990 Business Technologies Capstone
3 Credits
Students in the Capstone course analyze and determine solutions to common workplace business scenarios by implementing skill sets and knowledge learned within their Business Technology coursework. Emphasis on projects, critical thinking skills, teamwork and implementation of business software features for analysis and interpretation of data.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): BT-1150 Word for Business Documents, and BT-2211 Presentation Software, and BT-2700 Advanced Business Spreadsheets, and BT-2040 Emerging Workplace Technology, and BT-2300 Business Database Systems (Access), and BT-2411 Workforce Management. CTAN Approved: Career Technical Assurance Guide CTAPS001.