Program description

The industry profile for dispatchers is positive throughout Ohio! Dispatchers are in demand at police departments, fire departments, law enforcement agencies, colleges and universities, hospitals, ambulance services, telematics call centers and transportation/freight companies. If you are considering a new career as a dispatcher, our professional instructors continually network with agencies looking to hire and will provide support along your career path.   

Dispatch Communications prepares U.S.-based students to take a national exam that leads to job placement. The course does not meet the criteria for either the student or visitor visa rules regarding studying.

This 12-week (192-hour) course is only held on Saturdays and Sundays from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. at the KeyBank Public Safety Training Center on the Western Campus. It combines demonstrations and hands-on training in the classroom, including:

  • Handling single/multiple simulated calls with scenarios in law, fire and EMS, using 911 dispatch software
  • Keyboarding, listening and responding to actual 911 and nonemergency calls
  • Skill-building exercises using computer-aided dispatch (CAD)
  • Introduction to emergency medical dispatch (EMD)
  • Skills assessment exam to prepare students for the Dispatcher Civil Service Exam
  • Specialty training in Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate (ALICE)
  • Job readiness and professionalism 

 Class dress code:

  • White polo shirt (short or long sleeves)
  • Navy or black pants (no leggings or yoga pants) 
  • Dark-colored shoes and socks
  • Academy jacket (approximately $40)

Program Requirements

  • High school diploma, GED diploma or enrollment in an adult diploma program  
  • 18 years or older; if under 18, preapproval is required from the program director
  • The Adult Diploma Program helps you obtain a high school diploma and certification in Dispatch Communications at no cost. It is an alternate pathway for adults 18 and up to earn an industry-recognized credential aligned to one of Ohio's in-demand jobs. For more information and eligibility requirements, call 216-987-3044.

Program cost

$1,700*     Includes textbook, class materials and certification test fee.

*Cost subject to change without notice. 

  • The Advanced Technology Academy (ATA) earn-as-you-learn program (for Cuyahoga County residents between the ages of 17 to 24) features no-cost tuition for the Dispatch Communications course, paid internships up to 20 hours per week, uniforms, bus passes and other support. For more information and eligibility requirements, call 216-987-3449.
  • Workforce Training Scholarships may help you cover the cost of tuition for the Dispatch Communications course. For more information and eligibility requirements, call 216-987-3347.

Financial aid eligibility

This course is not eligible for financial aid.

Upon completion, students receive

  • National Emergency Communications Certification focused on police, fire and EMS
  • Certification in the FEMA ICS-100 Incident Command System and other industry-related subjects
  • Tri-C Certificate of Completion

For more information, visit the Dispatch Training web page or contact the Advanced Training Coordinator at 216-987-3031.