College Credit Plus (CCP) allows students in grades seven through 12 to earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking courses at Tri-C. The program promotes rigorous academic pursuits and provides a wide variety of options to college-ready students. Courses taken through the CCP program are typically free, with no out-of-pocket cost for tuition, books or fees. Visit Tri-C's CCP web page for the most up-to-date information.

Early Admission

Students who are not eligible for CCP, do not want their grade reported on the high school transcript, or want to take a class for personal enrichment may apply as early admit students. Students must:

  • Be in grades seven through 12
  • Complete a Tri-C application
  • Contact the CCP Office to request Early Admit Status
  • Have placement scores on file
  • Request an appointment with a Tri-C counselor for course selection assistance
  • Pay out of pocket for coursework

College Credit Plus Level 1 Course List


ACCT-1011Business Math Applications3
ACCT-1020Applied Accounting3
ACCT-1041Individual Taxation4
ACCT-1311Financial Accounting3
ACCT-1341Managerial Accounting3
ACCT-1520QuickBooks Immersion2
ACCT-1551Excel for Accountants2
ACCT-2041Business Taxation4
ACCT-2310Intermediate Accounting I4
ACCT-2320Intermediate Accounting II4
ACCT-2340Cost Accounting4
ACCT-2500Governmental/Non-Profit Accounting4
ACCT-2830Cooperative Field Experience1-3


ANTH-1010Cultural Anthropology3
ANTH-1210Human Evolution4
ANTH-2010Peoples and Cultures of the World3


ART-1010Art Appreciation3
ART-1040Survey of Non-Western Art3
ART-1050Drawing I3
ART-10703D Foundations3
ART-10812D Design and Color3
ART-1100Sculpture I3
ART-1600Introduction to Art Therapy3
ART-1700Ceramics I3
ART-2000Life Drawing I3
ART-2020Art History Survey: Prehistoric to Renaissance3
ART-2030Art History Survey: Late Renaissance to Present3
ART-2050Painting I3
ART-2210Printmaking I3

American Sign Language

ASL-1010Beginning American Sign Language I4
ASL-1020Beginning American Sign Language II4
ASL-1100Deaf Culture3
ASL-2010Intermediate American Sign Language I4
ASL-2020Intermediate American Sign Language II4
ASL-2412Advanced American Sign Language I4

Automotive Technology

AUTO-1050Numerical Applications in Automotive Service3
AUTO-1101Introduction to Automotive Service Procedures3
AUTO-1300Automotive Engines3
AUTO-1400Automotive Alignment, Steering and Suspension3
AUTO-1450Automotive Braking Systems3
AUTO-1502Automotive Electrical Fundamentals3
AUTO-1510Automotive Electrical Systems3
AUTO-2350Automotive HVAC2
AUTO-2400Engine Performance3
AUTO-2450Automotive Electronic Engine Controls3
AUTO-2505Automotive Electrical Diagnosis for General Motors ASEP3
AUTO-2701Automotive Service Operations3
AUTO-2940Automotive Field Experience IV1

 Business Administration

BADM-1020Introduction to Business3
BADM-1070Introduction to Project Management3
BADM-1122Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior3
BADM-1210Labor-Management Relations3
BADM-1301Small Business Management3
BADM-1460Workers' Compensation Law3
BADM-2010Business Communications3
BADM-201HHonors Business Communications3
BADM-2110Production/Operations Management3
BADM-2120Logistics Management3
BADM-2151Business Law3
BADM-2162Introduction to Supply Management3
BADM-2181Supply Management3
BADM-2330Human Resource Management3
BADM-2340Human Resources Law and Application3
BADM-2390Advanced Human Resources Practices3
BADM-2450New Business Development5
BADM-2501Business Strategies3
BADM-2790International Business Strategy and Application4
BADM-2601Global Commerce and Communication3
BADM-2760Global Trade and Finance3
BADM-2780Global Marketing and Distribution3


BIO-1040The Cell and DNA3
BIO-104LThe Cell and DNA Laboratory1
BIO-1050Human Biology3
BIO-105LHuman Biology Laboratory1
BIO-1060Environment, Ecology, and Evolution3
BIO-106LEnvironment, Ecology, & Evolution Laboratory1
BIO-1100Introduction to Biological Chemistry3
BIO-1221Anatomy and Physiology for Diagnostic Medical Imaging4
BIO-1230Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye4
BIO-1410Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals I4
BIO-1420Anatomy & Physiology of Domestic Animals II3
BIO-1500Principles of Biology I4
BIO-150HHonors Principles of Biology I4
BIO-1510Principles of Biology II4
BIO-151HHonors Principles of Biology II4
BIO-179HHonors Contract in Biology1
BIO-2060Principles of Genetics3
BIO-2100Biology of Aging3
BIO-2150Environmental Science3
BIO-2331Anatomy and Physiology I4
BIO-2341Anatomy and Physiology II4

Business Technology

BT-1150Word for Business Documents3
BT-1700Business Spreadsheets (Excel)3
BT-2040Emerging Workplace Technology3
BT-2200Advanced Word Processing3
BT-2211Presentation Software3
BT-2300Business Database Systems (Access)3
BT-2411Workforce Management3
BT-2510Project Management Software3
BT-2520Business Websites: Best Practices and Maintenance3
BT-2700Advanced Business Spreadsheets (Excel)3
BT-2830Cooperative Field Experience1-3
BT-2990Business Technologies Capstone3

Captioning and Court Reporting

CCR-1000Introduction to Stenographic Court Reporting1
CCR-1101Introduction to Voice Writing1
CCR-1150Introduction to Digital Reporting and Transcription1
CCR-1200Voicewriting I2
CCR-1210Voicewriting II2
CCR-1220Voicewriting III4
CCR-1300Realtime Theory I4
CCR-1331 Realtime Theory II2
CCR-1335Realtime Theory III2
CCR-1341Realtime Theory IV2
CCR-1350Legal Terminology3
CCR-1360Court Procedures3
CCR-1451Speedbuilding and Transcription at 140 WPM3
CCR-1470Transcript Production for Court Reporting and Captioning3
CCR-1551Research and Transcript Preparation3
CCR-1601Court Reporting Technology4
CCR-2200Medical Terminology for Captioning and Court Reporting3
CCR-2310Realtime Writing for Court Reporting and Captioning2
CCR-2351Editing Legal Documents3
CCR-2361Proofreading Skill Development3
CCR-2401Speedbuilding and Transcription at 180 WPM3
CCR-2451Speedbuilding and Transcription at 225 WPM3
CCR-2470Advanced Technology3
CCR-2480Using Captioning Technology3
CCR-2740Digital Reporting Technology4
CCR-2750Annotation for Digital Reporting2


CHEM-1000Everyday Chemistry3
CHEM-100LEveryday Chemistry Laboratory1
CHEM-1010Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry4
CHEM-101HHonors Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry4
CHEM-1020Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry4
CHEM-1081Medicinal Plants Chemistry3
CHEM-1300General Chemistry I4
CHEM-130HHonors General Chemistry I5
CHEM-130LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory I1
CHEM-1310General Chemistry II4
CHEM-131LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory II1
CHEM-2300Organic Chemistry I5
CHEM-2310Organic Chemistry II5


CHIN-1011Beginning Chinese Language and Culture I4
CHIN-1021Beginning Chinese Language and Culture II4

Criminal Justice

CJ-1000Introduction to Criminal Justice3
CJ-1010Computers in Criminal Justice2
CJ-1070Introduction to Corrections3
CJ-1120Criminal Court Procedures2
CJ-1130Criminal Evidence2
CJ-1320Ethics in Criminal Justice2
CJ-1111Constitutional Law for Police3
CJ-1330Criminal Law3

Construction Engineering Technology

CNST-1281Construction Engineering Orientation3
CNST-1290Construction Print Reading2
CNST-1411CAD Technology in Construction2
CNST-1510Green Building & Sustainability I3
CNST-1660Material Testing2
CNST-1670Highway Inspection2
CNST-1751Construction Safety2
CNST-1760General Industry Safety2
CNST-1770Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response2
CNST-2110Basic Survey Practices3
CNST-2131Construction Methods and Materials3
CNST-2140Advanced Material Testing & Inspection2
CNST-2201Introduction to Building Information Modeling3
CNST-2210Mechanical and Electrical Systems3
CNST-2330Construction Scheduling3
CNST-2510Introduction to Asset Management3
CNST-2631Construction Management Systems3
CNST-2990Construction Estimating & Cost Analysis3

Communication Studies

COMM-1000Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication3
COMM-1010Fundamentals of Speech Communication3
COMM-101HHonors Speech Communication3
COMM-1210Small Group Communication3
COMM-2000Introduction to Communication Theory3


DANC-1100Dance Appreciation3
DANC-1501Dance Fundamentals3

Dietetic Technology

DIET-1200Basic Nutrition3
DIET-1320Nutrition Applications1
DIET-2410Life Cycle Nutrition - Pregnancy and Lactation1
DIET-2420Life Cycle Nutrition - Nutrition for Children1
DIET-2430Life Cycle Nutrition - Nutrition through Adulthood1

Early Childhood Education

ECED-1010Introduction to Early Childhood Education: Children's Development and Programs4
ECED-1400Administration and Leadership in Early Childhood4
ECED-1860Experience with Young Children in Early Childhood Settings3
ECED-2300Child Behavior and Guidance3
ECED-2401Families, Communities, Schools3
ECED-2601Classroom Assistant Professional Portfolio1

Electrical/Electronic Engineering Technology

EET-1015Introduction to Computer Maintenance and Repair3
EET-1035Operating Systems and Software for PC Technicians4
EET-1055Computer Hardware Support4
EET-1100Introduction to Robotics2
EET-1130Basic Audio Electronics3
EET-1140Productivity Tools for Engineering2
EET-1150Basic Robotics with Math2
EET-1161Direct Current Circuits3
EET-1180Surface Mount Soldering1
EET-1190Printed Circuit Layout2
EET-1210AC Electric Circuits3
EET-1220Circuits and Electronics for Automation3
EET-1241Digital Fundamentals3
EET-1303Cisco I3
EET-1814Special Topics: FAA Drone Certification Preparation3
EET-1910Directed Practice Electrical Utility Technology I4
EET-1915Directed Practice Substation Utility Technology I4
EET-1920Directed Practice Electrical Utility Technology II4
EET-1925Directed Practice Substation Utility Technology II4
EET-2112Industrial Electronics3
EET-2120Electronics I3
EET-2160Surface Mount Soldering1
EET-2170Signal Analysis3
EET-2220Electronics II3
EET-2242C and ASM Programming with Embedded Applications3
EET-2250Industrial Electronics II3
EET-2290Electrical Design Project2
EET-2303Cisco II3
EET-2313Cisco III3
EET-2400Biomedical Instrumentation I3
EET-2410Biomedical Instrumentation II3
EET-2490Biomedical Design Project2
EET-2500Instrumentation and Control3
EET-2520Programmable Logic Controllers3
EET-1195Unmanned Aerial Vehicles3
EET-279HSophomore Honors Contract1
EET-2830Cooperative Field Experience1-3
EET-2901Clinical Internship3
EET-2910Directed Practice Electrical Utility Technology III4
EET-2915Directed Practice Substation Utility Technology III4
EET-2920Directed Practice Electrical Utility Technology IV4
EET-2925Directed Practice Substation Utility Technology IV4

Emergency Medical Technology

EMT-1302Emergency Medical Technician - Basic6
EMT-130LEMT Basic Practical Lab1
EMT-1310Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation1
EMT-1320Heavy Rescue2
EMT-1330Defensive Driving - EMT1
EMT-1401Anatomy & Physiology for Paramedics4
EMT-2330Paramedic Theory I6
EMT-2340Paramedic Theory II6
EMT-2350Paramedic Theory III6
EMT-2360Paramedic Theory IV6
EMT-2371Paramedic Capstone Course5

Electroneurodiagnostic Technology

END-1300Introduction to Electroneurodiagnostic Technology2


ENG-1001Intensive College Reading & Writing3
ENG-1010College Composition I3
ENG-101HHonors College Composition I3
ENG-1020College Composition II3
ENG-102HHonors College Composition II3
ENG-2151Technical Writing3
ENG-2310American Literature I3
ENG-2320American Literature II3
ENG-2350British Literature I3
ENG-2360British Literature II3
ENG-2410Introduction to Literature: Poetry3
ENG-2420Introduction to Literature: Fiction3
ENG-2430Introduction to Literature: Drama3
ENG-2510African-American Literature I3
ENG-2520African-American Literature II3
ENG-2601Literature for Children and Adolescents3
ENG-2700World Literature3
ENG-2730Exploration of World Mythology3

Earth Science

ESCI-1050Introduction to Ocean Studies3
ESCI-103LEarth Laboratory1
ESCI-1040Weather Studies3
ESCI-1310Physical Geography3
ESCI-131LLab in Physical Geography1
ESCI-1410Physical Geology3
ESCI-141LLab in Physical Geology1
ESCI-1610Geology of the National Parks3
ESCI-161LLab in Geology of the National Parks1

Film and Media Arts

FILM-1020Story: Pre-production Methods and the Art of Story in Motion Media3
FILM-1040Imaging Basics for Film and Media Arts: On Location and in Studio3
FILM-1120Film and Media Arts Colloquium1
FILM-1180Introduction to Film and Media Arts3
FILM-2110Editing I3
FILM-2120Editing II3
FILM-2180Digital Cinematography3
FILM-2220 Advanced Crew and Set Operations3
FILM-2280Short Films: Exploring Genre & Technique3
FILM-2380Visual Effects3
FILM-2480Motion Graphics3
FILM-2620Applied Integrated Media (AIM) I: Real World Pre-production3
FILM-2680Cinematography II3
FILM-2720Applied Integrated Media (AIM) II: Real World Production and Post-Production for Motion Media3
FILM-2780Motion Graphics II3
FILM-2940Field Experience1-2
FILM-2990Film and Media Arts Professional Prep and Portfolio Review2

Financial Management

FIN-1061Personal Finance3
FIN-2100Financial Management3

Fire Technology

FIRE-1100Principles of Emergency Services3
FIRE-1200Principles of Fire and Emergency Services Safety and Survival2
FIRE-1500Fire Behavior and Combustion2
FIRE-2321Fire Protection Systems2


FREN-1010Beginning French I4
FREN-1020Beginning French II4
FREN-2010Intermediate French I3
FREN-2020Intermediate French II3

General Studies

GEN-1000Introduction to College1
GEN-1010Personal Development2
GEN-1022Strategies for Success3
GEN-1033College Research Skills2
GEN-1040Career Exploration2
GEN-1070First Year Success Seminar1


GEOG-1000Introduction to Geography3
GEOG-1010World Regional Geography3
GEOG-2030Environmental Geography3
GEOG-1050Africans in the Americas3
GEOG-1510Regional Geography of the United States and Canada3
GEOG-1740Fundamentals of Geographic Information Science3


GER-1010Beginning German I4
GER-1020Beginning German II4

Health Information Management Technology

HIM-1060Health Unit Coordinator3
HIM-1113Physician Office Coding with Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) Coding2
HIM-1114Medical Office Coding with ICD-10-CM3
HIM-1311Legal Aspects of Health Care3
HIM-2430Medical Reimbursement Methodologies2


HIST-1010History of Civilization I3
HIST-101HHonors History of Civilization I3
HIST-1020History of Civilization II3
HIST-102HHonors History of Civilization II3
HIST-1510United States History to 18773
HIST-151HHonors United States History to 18773
HIST-1520United States History Since 18773
HIST-152HHonors United States History since 18773
HIST-1700History of Africa3
HIST-2031Islam to the Modern Middle East3
HIST-2150African American History to 18773
HIST-2160African American History 1877-present3
HIST-2520Hitler and the Holocaust3
HIST-2660Women in American History3


HLTH-1100Personal Health Education3
HLTH-1230Standard First Aid and Personal Safety1

Hospitality Management

HOSP-1010Introduction to the Hospitality Industry2
HOSP-1020Sanitation and Safety2
HOSP-1031Fundamentals of Culinary Arts3
HOSP-1040Customer Service2
HOSP-1180Event Planning Essentials2
HOSP-1360Fundamentals of Restaurant/Food Service Management3
HOSP-1451Contemporary Cuisine4
HOSP-1552Introduction to Baking & Pastries3
HOSP-1650Dining Room Operations2
HOSP-1680Beverage Management2
HOSP-1710Doing Business as a Personal Chef3
HOSP-1940Culinary Arts/Professional Baking Field Experience1-3
HOSP-1950Restaurant/Food Service Management Field Experience1-3
HOSP-2180Event Planning Workshop2
HOSP-2330Menus and Facilities Planning & Design3
HOSP-2360Restaurant Marketing2
HOSP-2371Restaurant/Foodservice Entrepreneurship2
HOSP-2380Hospitality Marketing and Sales3
HOSP-2400Hospitality Management and Supervision3
HOSP-2480Hospitality Law3
HOSP-2500Hospitality Cost Control3
HOSP-2550Baking Production and Sales II3
HOSP-2560Garde Manger3
HOSP-2580Convention Management and Meeting Planning2
HOSP-2651Banquet Management and Production4
HOSP-2700Hospitality Purchasing2
HOSP-2871Food and Beverage Management Experience2
HOSP-2992Culinary Evaluation and American Regional Cuisine2

Health Technology

HTEC-1050Introduction to Medical Terminology2
HTEC-1060Medical Terminology I3
HTEC-1110Ethics for Health Care Professionals1
HTEC-1120Critical Thinking in Healthcare1
HTEC-1610Introduction to Pharmacology2
HTEC-2060Medical Terminology II2


HUM-1010Introduction to Humanities3
HUM-1020The Individual in Society3
HUM-2020Community Engagement Through the Humanities3
HUM-2030Culture and Belief3

Interior Design

INTD-1101Hand Drafting and Sketching for Interiors3
INTD-1111Introduction to Interior Design3
INTD-2300Interior Design Studio I3
INTD-2320History of Interiors3
INTD-2330Interior Design Materials and Sources3
INTD-2400Interior Design Studio II3
INTD-2430Architectural Materials and Methods3
INTD-2460Interior Design Presentation3
INTD-2471Professional Practice of Interior Design2

Integrated Systems Engineering

ISET-1101Welding Blue Print Reading3
ISET-1110Oxyfuel Processes/Plasma Processes4
ISET-1320Fundamentals of Fluid Power2
ISET-1410Applied Electricity I3
ISET-1420Applied Electricity II3
ISET-2100Gas Metal Arc Welding (MIG)4
ISET-2110Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (TIG)4
ISET-2120Shielded Metal Arc Welding (STICK)4
ISET-2140Non-Destructive Testing3
ISET-2151Robotic Welding4
ISET-2160Structural Fabrication4
ISET-2200Industrial Motor Controls3
ISET-2210Commercial Wiring3
ISET-2240Applied National Electric Code3
ISET-2500Programmable Logic Controllers Maintenance I3
ISET-2511Programmable Logic Controllers Maintenance II3

Information Technology

IT-1025Information Technology Concepts for Programmers3
IT-1050Programming Logic3
IT-1090Computer Applications3
IT-1200Introduction to Software Quality Assurance4
IT-2030ASP.NET Web Programming4
IT-2070Introduction to Data Science and Analytics3
IT-2080Data Visualization4
IT-2100iOS Application Programming4
IT-2110Android Mobile Application Development3
IT-2200Software Quality Assurance Techniques4
IT-2310Web Programming3
IT-2320Interactive Internet Programming4
IT-2351Enterprise Database Systems4
IT-2400Unity Game Programming3
IT-2500Software Testing Automation4
IT-2600E-Business Programming Technologies3
IT-2650Java Programming4
IT-2670C/C++ Programming Language4
IT-2680Visual C# .NET4
IT-2700Systems Analysis and Design3
IT-2710Advanced Topics in Network Security3
IT-2720Ethical Hacking and Systems Defense3
IT-2730Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems Fundamentals3
IT-2740Fundamentals of Client Operating Systems and Hardware for Cybersecurity4
IT-2750Scripting Fundamentals for Cybersecurity3
IT-2760Introduction to Digital Forensics3
IT-2812Special Topics in Machine Learning4
IT-2815Special Topics: Blockchain Applications3
IT-2819Special Topics: Python Programming4
IT-2830Cooperative Field Experience1-3


ITAL-1010Beginning Italian Language and Culture I4
ITAL-1020Beginning Italian II4
ITAL-2010Intermediate Italian I3
ITAL-2020Intermediate Italian II3
ITAL-2410Italian Conversation and Composition3
ITAL-2420Italian Civilization, Culture and Literature3

Information Tech-Network Software

ITNT-2300Networking Fundamentals3
ITNT-2320Network Administration I3
ITNT-2380Linux Administration3
ITNT-2370Network Security Fundamentals3
ITNT-2420Network Administration II3
ITNT-2990Networking Capstone3


JAPN-1011Beginning Japanese Language and Culture I4
JAPN-1021Beginning Japanese Language and Culture II4
JAPN-2011Intermediate Japanese Language and Culture I4
JAPN-2021Intermediate Japanese Language and Culture II4

Laboratory Phlebotomy

LP-1300Introduction to Blood Collection3
LP-1850Laboratory Phlebotomy Practicum2
LP-2970Advanced Phlebotomy Seminar1

Media and Journalism Studies

MJS-1010Principles of Media and Communications3
MJS-1310Film Appreciation3
MJS-1320Social Media Communication3
MJS-1611Black Media3
MJS-2000Digital Media Writing3
MJS-2010News Writing4
MJS-2040American Cinema3
MJS-2050Mass Media and Society3
MJS-2060Principles of Public Relations3
MJS-2070Sports Reporting & Broadcasting3
MJS-2220Broadcast and Multimedia Journalism3
MJS-2410Television: Videojournalism and Documentary Production3


MARK-1080Social Media Marketing3
MARK-2010Principles of Marketing3
MARK-2081Social Media Content Strategies and Analytics4
MARK-2090Digital Marketing Design3
MARK-2261Salesmanship and Promotional Strategies3
MARK-2270Principles of Advertising3


MATH-1190Algebraic and Quantitative Reasoning3
MATH-1370Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers I4
MATH-1380Mathematics for Elementary and Middle School Teachers II4
MATH-1410Elementary Probability and Statistics I3
MATH-1420Elementary Probability and Statistics II3
MATH-1470Modern Mathematics for Business and Social Science I4
MATH-1480Modern Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences II4
MATH-1490Business Probability and Statistics I3
MATH-1500Business Probability and Statistics II3
MATH-1530College Algebra4
MATH-153HHonors College Algebra4
MATH-154HHonors Trigonometry3
MATH-1610Calculus I5
MATH-161HHonors Calculus I5
MATH-1620Calculus II5
MATH-162HHonors Calculus II5
MATH-2010Introduction to Discrete Mathematics4
MATH-2310Calculus III4
MATH-231HHonors Calculus III4
MATH-2410Introduction to Linear Algebra3


MET-1041Foundations of Manufacturing3
MET-1050Applied Mathematics for Engineering Technology1
MET-1060Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes and Cleanrooms3
MET-1070Vacuum Systems Technology3
MET-1100Technology Orientation2
MET-1120Computer Applications and Programming2
MET-1230Drawing & AutoCAD3
MET-1240Machine Tools and Manufacturing Processes3
MET-1250Introduction to Additive Manufacturing3
MET-1261Product Ideation & Design I3
MET-1300Engineering Materials and Metallurgy3
MET-1410Computer Aided Manufacturing Processes3
MET-1601Technical Statics3
MET-2000CAD/CAM Processes3
MET-2041CAD II & GD&T3
MET-2060Product Ideation & Design II3
MET-21513D Digital Design & Printing3
MET-21603D Scanning, Reverse Engineering, and Quality Inspection3
MET-2191Additive Manufacturing Project Capstone2
MET-2200Strength of Materials3
MET-2300Fluid Power3
MET-2410Quality Control and Lean Manufacturing3
MET-2422Fundamentals of Engineering Economics3
MET-2430Engineering Probability and Statistics3
MET-2500Fundamentals of Products Development and Manufacture3
MET-26013D Solid Modeling3
MET-2730Lean Manufacturing3
MET-2941Additive Manufacturing Internship1-4

Medical Laboratory Technology

MLT-1001Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science3
MLT-1491Urinalysis and Body Fluids3

Massage Therapy

MT-1242Somatic Studies I3
MT-1272Somatic Studies II3
MT-1280Somatic Studies III2
MT-1302Massage Therapy I2
MT-1312Applied Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy3
MT-1321Functional Assessment in Massage Therapy2
MT-1331Massage Therapy II3
MT-2202Massage Modalities and Career Paths3
MT-2301Pathology for Massage Therapists3
MT-2351Ethics for Massage Therapists1
MT-235LMassage Therapy Clinic I2
MT-2361Business Practices for Massage Therapists1
MT-236LMassage Therapy Clinic II2
MT-2701Comprehensive Somatic Studies for Massage Therapists1
MT-2991Comprehensive Massage Therapy1


MUS-1010Survey of European Classical Music3
MUS-1020Survey of Jazz3
MUS-1030Survey of Rock and Roll3
MUS-1040Survey of African-American Music3
MUS-1050Survey of World Music3
MUS-1200Music Reading Skills3
MUS-1210Introduction to Music Theory3
MUS-1250Class Keyboard I2
MUS-1260Class Keyboard II2
MUS-1510Choral Ensemble1
MUS-1520Jazz Ensemble1
MUS-1530Concert Band1
MUS-1550Instrumental Ensemble1
MUS-1600Traditional Theory I3
MUS-1611Ear Training I1
MUS-1620Traditional Theory II3
MUS-1631Ear Training II1
MUS-2541Jazz History3
MUS-2600Traditional Theory III3
MUS-2611Ear Training III1
MUS-2620Traditional Theory IV3
MUS-2631Ear Training IV1


PHIL-1000Critical Thinking3
PHIL-1010Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL-101HHonors Introduction to Philosophy3
PHIL-1020Introduction to Logic3
PHIL-202HHonors Ethics3
PHIL-205HHonors Bioethics3
PHIL-2060Business Ethics3


PHYS-101LAstronomy Laboratory1
PHYS-1050Everyday Physics2
PHYS-1210College Physics I4
PHYS-1220College Physics II4
PHYS-1300Physics of Optical Materials4
PHYS-2310General Physics I5
PHYS-2320General Physics II5

Paralegal Studies

PL-1001Introduction to the Paralegal Profession3
PL-1300Civil Procedure3
PL-1401Legal Research and Writing I3
PL-1502Law Office Technology3
PL-2301Torts and Evidence4
PL-2440Business Transactions3
PL-2851Paralegal Practicum1
PL-2991Paralegal Capstone1

Political Science

POL-1010American National Government3
POL-101HHonors American National Government3
POL-1020State & Local Government3
POL-2030Comparative Politics3
POL-2041Conflict Resolution and Management3
POL-2060Political Systems of Africa3
POL-2070International Relations3
POL-2100Constitutional Law3
POL-2140Implementing Peace Studies and Conflict Management Theories and Practices with Service Learning3

Plant Science and Landscape Technology

PST-1301Horticultural Botany3
PST-1311Deciduous Woody Landscape Plants3
PST-1321Evergreens, Groundcovers, and Herbaceous Landscape Plants3
PST-1331Plant Propagation3
PST-1351Plant Production3
PST-1380Introduction to Tree Care2
PST-1400Garden Center and Nursery Management3
PST-1411Equipment Operations and Safety2
PST-1420Landscape Practices3
PST-1441Introduction to Landscape Design3
PST-1450Landscape Design - CAD3
PST-1510Landscape Contracting3
PST-1600Irrigation and Drainage2
PST-2310Soil Technology3
PST-2321Plant Pest Diagnostics3
PST-2370Introduction to Turfgrass2
PST-2431Planting Design3
PST-2480Arboriculture Practices3


PSY-1010General Psychology3
PSY-101HHonors General Psychology3
PSY-1050Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology3
PSY-2010Child Growth and Development3
PSY-2020Life Span Development4
PSY-202HHonors Life Span Development4
PSY-2040Social Psychology3
PSY-2050Psychology of Personality3
PSY-2060Adolescent Psychology3
PSY-2100Introduction to Aging3
PSY-2110Educational Psychology3

Religious Studies

REL-1010Introduction to Religious Studies3
REL-2000Comparative World Religions3
REL-2010Religious Traditions of Western Christianity3
REL-2060African-American Religious Experience3


RUSS-1010Beginning Russian I4
RUSS-1020Beginning Russian II4

Sport and Exercise Studies

SES-1001Introduction to Sport and Exercise Studies2
SES-1040Teaching Exercise Training Techniques3
SES-1300Fitness and Wellness Coaching3
SES-2000Essentials of Sports Injury Care3
SES-2010Exercise and Movement Anatomy3
SES-2100Sport and Exercise Physiology3
SES-2130Kinesiology: Fundamentals of Human Movement3
SES-2300Personal Training Certification Preparation3
SES-2310Advanced Training Concepts and Techniques3
SES-2320Group Fitness Instructor Certification Preparation3
SES-2330Motor Learning and Development3
SES-2350Exercise for Special Populations3
SES-2360 Fitness and Sport Management3
SES-2380Corrective Exercise Training3
SES-2390Strength Coach Certification Prep3
SES-2410Exercise Testing and Prescription3
SES-2420Advanced Exercise Testing and Prescription3


SOC-1010Introductory Sociology3
SOC-101HHonors Introductory Sociology3
SOC-1020Social Institutions3
SOC-2010Social Problems3
SOC-201HHonors Social Problems3
SOC-2020Sociology of the Family3
SOC-2051Introduction to Social Welfare3
SOC-2070Poverty in the United States3
SOC-2100Aging and Society3
SOC-2110Death and Dying3
SOC-2550Race and Ethnic Relations3


SPAN-1011Beginning Spanish Language and Cultures I4
SPAN-1021Beginning Spanish Language and Culture II4
SPAN-1030Spanish for Law Enforcement4
SPAN-179HHonors Contract in Spanish1
SPAN-2010Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture I3
SPAN-2020Intermediate Spanish Language and Cultures II3
SPAN-2411Spanish Conversation & Composition3
SPAN-2420Introduction to Spanish Culture, Civilization, and Literature3
SPAN-2430Civilization, Culture, and Literature of Latin America3
SPAN-279HSophomore Honors Contract1

Surgical Technology

SURT-1700Sterile Processing Techniques I4
SURT-1710Sterile Processing Techniques II4
SURT-1720Introduction to Hospital Administration1
SURT-1861Clinical Experience: Sterile Processing2

Theatre Arts

THEA-1010Theatre Appreciation3
THEA-1430Introduction to Scenery and Stagecrafts3
THEA-1500Acting I3
THEA-1540Rehearsal and Performance2
THEA-1550Practicum in Technical Theatre2
THEA-2010Script Analysis3
THEA-2210History of Theatre and Drama I3
THEA-2220History of Theatre & Drama II3

Urban Studies

UST-1010Introduction to Urban Studies3
UST-2020Urban Cultures3

Visual Communication

VC-1000Visual Communication Foundation3
VC-1061History of Graphic Design3
VC-1201Typography I3
VC-1431Vector Graphics3
VC-2301Graphic Design and Illustration3
VC-2991Portfolio Preparation3

 Advertising Design

VCAD-2621Advertising Studio I3

Visual Communication - Graphic Design

VCGD-2232Typography II3
VCGD-2400Information Graphic Design3
VCGD-2431Package Design3
VCGD-2631Graphic Design Studio3

 Visual Communication - Illustration

VCIL-1142Illustration I3
VCIL-16403D Design3
VCIL-2241Advanced Illustration3
VCIL-2142Illustration II3
VCIL-2341Illustration for Story3
VCIL-20403D Motion3
VCIL-24403D Simulation3
VCIL-25403D Studio3
VCIL-2641Illustration Studio3

Visual Communication - Interactive Media

VCIM-1200Game Design I: Introduction to Game Design3
VCIM-1400Game Design II: Game Engines3
VCIM-1570Web Publishing I: HTML3
VCIM-1770Web Publishing II: Site Theory & Construction3
VCIM-2072Service Learning: Real World Experience in Web, Game Design, and Interactive Media3
VCIM-2200Game Design III: Game Design Studio3
VCIM-22712D Animation3
VCIM-2281Web Publishing III: JavaScript3
VCIM-2291Web Publishing IV: Data-Driven Sites3
VCIM-2372Interactive Media I - Design Thinking3
VCIM-2380Interactive Media II - App Design3
VCIM-2401Game Design IV-Game Publishing3
VCIM-2470Virtual Reality Imaging2
VCIM-2572User Experience Studio3
VCIM-2700User Experience Design3

Visual Communication - Photography

VCPH-1150History of Photography3
VCPH-1450Digital Imaging I3
VCPH-1261Photography I3
VCPH-2050Commercial Studio Techniques I3
VCPH-2160Digital Video for Photographers3
VCPH-2260Photography II3
VCPH-2450Digital Imaging II3
VCPH-2541Individual Projects in Photography3
VCPH-2550Commercial Studio Techniques II3
VCPH-2660Photography III3
VCPH-2761Photography for Media Publication3
VCPH-2770Commercial Studio Techniques III3
VCPH-2991Professional Business Practices and Portfolio Prep for Photographers4

Veterinary Technology

VT-1120Introduction to Veterinary Technology2

Women and Gender Studies

WGS-1510Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS-151HHonors Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
WGS-2010Women in the World3
WGS-201HHonors Women in the World3