Transfer Assurance Guides
Transfer Assurance Guides (TAG) comprise Ohio Transfer 36 (OT36) courses and additional courses (called TAG courses) required for an academic major. A TAG is an advising tool to assist Ohio University, community and technical college students in planning for specific majors and making course selections that are comparable and compatible and offer equivalent learning experiences across Ohio's public higher education system. A number of area-specific TAG pathways in meta-majors — including the arts, humanities, business, communication, education, health, mathematics, sciences, engineering, engineering technologies, social sciences and foreign languages — have been developed by faculty panels comprised of subject area experts from across Ohio's public institutions of higher education.
TAGs enable students to make informed course selection decisions and plans for the future transfer of their coursework. Advisors at the institution to which a student wishes to transfer should be consulted during the transfer process. Because of specific major requirements, early identification of the intended major is encouraged. Learn more about TAGs and see Tri-C's approved TAG courses below. TAG courses are used to create Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathways (OGTP) into specific degree programs.
Ohio Articulation Number
Learn more about Ohio Articulation Numbers (OANs) (select Ohio Transfer to Degree Guarantee on the landing page).
Courses that are part of an approved TAG may also be part of the OT36. OANs are listed below for courses that are also part of the OT36 and begin with "TM."
Arts and Humanities
Art History TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ART-2020 & ART-2030 |
OAH005 Survey of Art History I and II (both courses must be taken) & TMAH |
3 Cr. & 3 Cr. |
Select 6 hrs. of Fine Arts Electives from the courses listed: |
OAH047 Sculpture |
3 Cr. |
OAH050 Ceramics I |
3 Cr. |
OAH051 Life Drawing |
3 Cr. |
OAH048 Painting (Oil/Acrylic) |
3 Cr. |
OAH049 Printmaking |
3 Cr. |
OAH002 Photography, Digital |
3 Cr. |
English TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ENG-2310 or ENG-2320 |
OAH053 British Literature I & TMAH or OAH054 British Literature II & TMAH |
3 Cr. |
ENG-2350 or ENG-2360 |
OAH055 & TMAH or OAH056 & TMAH |
3 Cr. |
ENG-2510 or ENG-2520 |
OAH062 Introduction to Literature/TMAH |
3 Cr. |
ENG-2730 |
OAH063 Multicultural Literature & TMAH |
3 Cr. |
Studio/Fine Arts TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ART-1050 |
OAH001 Basic Drawing I |
3 Cr. |
ART-1070 |
OAH059 3-D Foundations |
3 Cr. |
ART-1081 |
OAH058 2-D Founations |
3 Cr. |
Select 3-6 semester hours of Fine Arts Electives from the course listed: |
OAH047 Sculpture |
3 Cr. |
OAH050 Ceramics I |
3 Cr. |
OAH051 Life Drawing |
3 Cr. |
OAH048 Painting (Oil/Acrylic) |
3 Cr. |
OAH049 Printmaking |
3 Cr. |
OAH002 Photography, Digital |
3 Cr. |
Music TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MUS-1250 & MUS-1260 |
OAH019 Functional Keyboard/Piano (both courses must be taken) |
2 Cr. & 2 Cr. |
MUS-1460 or MUS-1470 or MUS-2460 or MUS-2470 |
OAH020 Applied Music |
2 Cr. |
MUS-1510 or MUS-1530 or MUS-1550 |
OAH022 Large Ensemble |
1 Cr. |
MUS-1600 & MUS-1611 & MUS-1620 & MUS-1631 & MUS-2600 & MUS-2611 & MUS-2620 & MUS-2631 |
OAH052 Combined two-year sequence Music Theory and Ear Training/Sight Singing (all 8 courses must be taken) |
3 Cr. & 2 Cr. & 3 Cr. & 2 Cr. & 3 Cr. & 2 Cr. & 3 Cr. & 2 Cr. |
Philosophy TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
PHIL-1000 |
OAH060 Critical Thinking |
3 Cr. |
PHIL-1010 or PHIL-101H |
OAH045 Introduction to Philosophy & TMAH |
3 Cr. |
PHIL-2020 or PHIL-202H |
OAH046 Introduction to Ethics & TMAH |
3 Cr. |
Theatre TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
THEA-1430 |
OAH028 Stagecraft |
3 Cr. |
THEA-1500 |
OAH027 Acting I |
3 Cr. |
THEA-1540 |
OAH025 Acting Practicum |
2 Cr. |
THEA-1550 |
OAH026 Technology Practicum/Applied Theatre Technology |
2 Cr. |
THEA-2010 |
OAH024 Script Analysis |
3 Cr. |
Business TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ACCT-1311 |
OBU010 Introduction to Financial Accounting |
3 Cr. |
ACCT-1341 |
OBU011 Introduction to Managerial Accounting |
3 Cr. |
BADM-1122 |
OBU012 Management & Organizational Behavior |
3 Cr. |
BADM-2010 or BADM-201H |
OBU005 Business Communication |
3 Cr. |
BADM-2151 |
OBU004 Legal Environment of Business |
3 Cr. |
IT-1090 |
OBU003 Health Information Management |
3 Cr. |
MARK-2010 |
OBU006 Principles of Marketing |
3 Cr. |
MATH-1490 |
OBU013 Business Statistics & TMMSL |
3 Cr. |
Communication Studies TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
COMM-1000 |
OCM002 Interpersonal Communication |
3 Cr. |
COMM-1010 or COMM-101H |
OCM013 Public Speaking/Oral Communication & TMCOM |
3 Cr. |
COMM-1210 |
OCM003 Small Group Communication |
3 Cr. |
COMM-2000 |
OCM001 Introduction to Communication Theory |
3 Cr. |
Journalism TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MJS-1010 |
OCM006 Introduction to Mass Communication |
3 Cr. |
Public Relations/Advertising TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MARK-2270 |
OCM012 Principles of Advertising |
3 Cr. |
MJS-1010 |
OCM006 Introduction to Mass Communication |
3 Cr. |
Telecommunication TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
FILM-1180 |
OCM008 Introduction to Single Camera Video Production |
3 Cr. |
Computer Science
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
IT-2650 |
OCS001 |
4 Cr. |
Early Childhood Education TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
EDUC-1011 |
OED007 Introduction to Education |
3 Cr. |
EDUC-1411 |
OED009 Individuals with Exceptionalities |
3 Cr. |
ECED-1010 |
OED010 Early Childhood Development |
4 Cr. |
PSY-2110 |
OED008 Educational Psychology & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
ECED-2401 |
OED011 Families, Communities, and Schools |
3 Cr. |
Education TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
EDUC-1011 |
OED007 Introduction to Education |
3 Cr. |
EDUC-1411 |
OED009 Individuals with Exceptionalities |
3 Cr. |
PSY-2110 |
OED008 Educational Psychology & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
Engineering and Engineering Technology
Aerospace, Agriculture, Civil, Mechanical Engineering TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MATH-2520 |
OMT020 Elementary Differential Equations & TMM020 |
3 Cr. |
MET-2610 |
OES002 Engineering Statics |
3 Cr. |
MET-2620 |
OES003 Engineering Dynamics |
3 Cr. |
Bioengineering, Biomedical Engineering TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
CHEM-1300 & CHEM-130L |
OSC008 General Chemistry I w/Lab (both courses must be taken) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-130H |
OSC008 General Chemistry I w/Lab & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
CHEM-1310 & CHEM-131L |
OSC009 General Chemistry II w/Lab(both courses must be taken) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-131H |
OSC009 General Chemistry II w/Lab & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
CHEM-1300 & CHEM-130L & CHEM-1310 & CHEM-131L |
OSC023 General Chemistry I & II w/lab (all 4 courses must be taken) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. & 4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-130H & CHEM-131H |
OSC023 General Chemistry I and II w/Lab (both courses must be taken) & TMNS |
5 Cr. & 5 Cr. |
Chemical Engineering TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MATH-2520 |
OMT020 Elementary Differential Equations & TMM020 |
3 Cr. |
Civil, Construction Engineering Technology TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
CNST-2110 |
OET015 Surveying |
3 Cr. |
CNST-2131 |
OET016 Construction Methods & Materials |
3 Cr. |
Computer, Electrical Engineering TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MATH-2310 or MATH-231H |
OMT018 Calculus II & TMM018 |
4 Cr. |
Electrical Engineering Technology TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
EET-1161 |
OET001 DC Circuits |
3 Cr. |
EET-1210 |
OET003 AC Circuits |
3 Cr. |
EET-1241 |
OET002 Digital Electronics |
3 Cr. |
EET-2120 |
OET005 Electronics |
3 Cr. |
EET-2242 |
OET004 Microprocessors/Microcontrollers |
3 Cr. |
EET-2520 |
OET022 Programmable Logic Controllers |
3 Cr. |
Industrial Engineering TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MET-2422 |
OES005 Engineering Economics |
3 Cr. |
MET-2430 |
OES004 Engineering Statistics |
3 Cr. |
Mechanical, Manufacturing Engineering Technology TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MET-1240 |
OET010 Manufacturing Processes |
3 Cr. |
MET-1300 |
OET013 Engineering Materials |
3 Cr. |
MET-1601 |
OET007 Statics |
3 Cr. |
MET-2041 |
OET012 Computer Aided Drafting/Design(CAD) |
3 Cr. |
MET-2200 |
OET008 Strength of Materials |
3 Cr. |
MET-2300 |
OET009 Fluid Mechanics |
3 Cr. |
Fire Science
Fire Science TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
FIRE-1100 |
OFS004 Principles of Fire Emergency Services |
3 Cr. |
FIRE-1200 |
OFS006 Principles of Fire Emergency Services Safety and Survival |
2 Cr. |
FIRE-1500 |
OFS003 Fire Behavior and Combustion |
2 Cr. |
Foreign Languages
American Sign Language (ASL) TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ASL-1010 |
OFL025 Beginning Course I |
4 Cr. |
ASL-1020 |
OFL026 Beginning Course II |
4 Cr. |
ASL-1010 & ASL-1020 |
OFL029 Begging Courses I & II(both courses must be taken) |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
ASL-2010 |
OFL027 Intermediate Course I |
ASL-2020 |
OFL028 Intermediate Course II |
4 Cr. |
ASL-2010 & ASL-2020 |
OFL030 Intermediate Course I & II (both courses must be taken) |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
French TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
FREN-1010 |
OFL001 Beginning Course I |
4 Cr. |
FREN-1020 |
OFL002 Beginning Course II |
4 Cr. |
FREN-1010 & FREN-1020 |
OFL005 Beginning Course I and II (both courses must be taken) |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
FREN-2010 |
OFL003 Intermediat Course I |
3 Cr. |
FREN-2020 |
OFL004 Intermediat Course II |
3 Cr. |
FREN-2010 & FREN-2020 |
OFL006 Intermediat Course I and II (both courses must be taken) |
3 Cr. & 3 Cr. |
German TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
GER-1010 |
OFL007 Beginning Course I |
4 Cr. |
Italian TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ITAL-1010 |
OFL013 Beginning Course I |
4 Cr. |
ITAL-1020 |
OFL014 Beginning Course II |
4 Cr. |
ITAL-1010 & ITAL-1020 |
OFL017 Beginning Course I and II (both courses must be taken) |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
Spanish TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
SPAN-1011 |
OFL019 Beginning Course I |
4 Cr. |
SPAN-1021 |
OFL020 Beginning Course II |
4 Cr. |
SPAN-1011 & SPAN-1021 |
OFL023 Beginning Course I and II (both courses must be taken) |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
SPAN-2010 |
OFL021 Intermediat Course I |
3 Cr. |
SPAN-2020 |
OFL022 Intermediat Course I |
3 Cr. |
SPAN-2010 & SPAN-2020 |
OFL024 Intermediat Course I and II (both courses must be taken) |
3 Cr. & 3 Cr. |
Dietetics TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
DIET-1200 |
OHL016 Basic Nutrition |
3 Cr. |
Health Information Management TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
BIO-2600 |
OHL019 Human Diseases |
3 Cr. |
HIM-1311 |
OHL021 Legal Aspects |
3 Cr. |
HIM-2430 |
OHL022 Reimbursement |
2 Cr. |
IT-1090 |
OBU003 Computer Application |
3 Cr. |
HTEC-1060 |
OHL020 Medical Terminology |
3 Cr. |
Medical Laboratory Science TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MLT-1001 |
OHL008 Introduction to Medical Laboratory Science |
3 Cr. |
MLT-1491 |
OHL010 Body Fluids |
3 Cr. |
MLT-2461 |
OHL009 Hematology |
3 Cr. |
History TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
HIST-1010 or HIST-101H |
OHS041 Western/World Civilization I & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
HIST-1020 or HIST-102H |
OHS042 Western/World Civilization II & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
HIST-1010 & HIST-1020 |
OHS009 Western/World Civilization Sequence (both courses must be taken) |
3 Cr. & 3 Cr. |
or |
HIST-101H & HIST-102H |
OHS009 Western/World Civilization Sequence (both courses must be taken) |
3 Cr. & 3 Cr. |
HIST-1510 or HIST-151H |
OHS043 U.S./American History I & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
HIST-1520 or HIST-152H |
OHS044 U.S./American History II & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
HIST-1510 & HIST-1520 |
OHS010 U.S./American History Sequence (both courses must be taken) |
3 Cr. & 3 Cr. |
or |
HIST-151H & HIST-152H |
OHS010 U.S./American History Sequence (both courses must be taken) |
3 Cr. & 3 Cr. |
Information Technology
Science and Mathematics
Anatomy and Physiology
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
BIO-2331 & BIO-2341 |
OSC029 (Both courses must be taken); Lab: Face-to-Face |
8 |
Biology TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
BIO-1500 or BIO-150H |
OSC003 Biology I & TMNS |
4 Cr. |
BIO-1510 or BIO-151H |
OSC004 Biology II & TMNS |
4 Cr. |
BIO-1500 & BIO-1510 |
OSC024 Biology I and II (both courses must be taken) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
or |
BIO-150H & BIO-1510 |
OSC024 Biology I and II (both courses must be taken) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
or |
BIO-1500 & BIO-151H |
OSC024 Biology I and II (Both courses must be taken) |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
or |
BIO-150H & BIO-151H |
OSC024 Biology I and II (Both courses must be taken) |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
Chemistry TAG
For BS Majors
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
CHEM-1300 & CHEM-130L |
OSC008 General Chemistry I(must take both courses) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-130H |
OSC008 General Chemistry I & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
CHEM-1310 & CHEM-131L |
OSC009 General Chemistry II (must take both courses) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-131H |
OSC009 General Chemistry II & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
CHEM-1300 & CHEM-130L & CHEM-1310 & CHEM-131L |
OSC023 General Chemistry I and II (all 4 courses must be taken) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. & 4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-130H & CHEM-131H |
OSC023 General Chemistry I and II (all 4 courses must be taken) & TMNS |
5 Cr. & 5 Cr. |
CHEM-2300 & CHEM-2310 |
OSC010 Full Year Sequence of Organic Chemistry w/Lab for Majors |
5 Cr. & 5 Cr. |
PHYS-2310 |
OSC016 Calculus Based Physics I |
5 Cr. |
PHYS-2320 |
OSC017 Calculus Based Physics II & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
PHYS-2310 & PHYS-2320 |
OSC022 Calculus Based Physics I and II/TMNS (both courses must be taken) |
5 Cr.&5 Cr. |
For BA Majors
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
CHEM-1300 & CHEM-130L |
OSC008 General Chemistry I w/lab (must take both courses) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-130H |
OSC008 General Chemistry I w/lab & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
CHEM-1310 & CHEM-131L |
OSC009 General Chemistry II w/lab (must take both courses) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-131H |
OSC009 General Chemistry II w/lab & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
CHEM-1300 & CHEM-130L & CHEM-1310 & CHEM-131L |
OSC023 General Chemistry I & II Sequence (all 4 courses must be taken) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 1 Cr. & 4 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
or |
CHEM-130H & CHEM-131H |
OSC023 General Chemistry I and II Sequence (all 4 courses must be taken) & TMNS |
5 Cr. & 5 Cr. |
CHEM-2300 & CHEM-2310 |
OSC010 Full year Sequence for Organic Chemistry w/Lab for majors |
5 Cr. & 5Cr. |
PHYS-1210 & PHYS-1220 |
OSC021 Algebra-Based Physics I and II w\Lab (both courses must be taken) & TMNS |
4 Cr. & 4 Cr. |
PHYS-1210 |
OSC014 Algebra-based Physics I w/Lab & TMNS |
4 Cr. |
PHYS-1220 |
OSC015 Algebra-Based Physics II w/Lab &TMNS |
4 Cr. |
PHYS-2310 |
OSC016 Calculus-Based Physics I w/Lab & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
PHYS-2320 |
OSC017 Calculus-Based Physics II w/Lab &TMNS |
PHYS-2310 & PHYS-2320 |
OSC022 Calcuus-Based Physics I and II w\Lab (both courses must be taken) & TMNS |
5 Cr.& 5 Cr. |
Geology TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ESCI-1410 & ESCI-141L |
OSC025 Physical Geology w/Lab &TMNS |
3 Cr. & 1 Cr. |
Mathematics TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MATH-2310 or MATH-231H |
OMT018 Calculus III & TMM018 |
4 Cr. |
MATH-2410 |
OMT019 Elementary Linear Algebra & TMM019 |
3 Cr. |
MATH-2520 |
OMT020 Elementary Differential equations & TMM020 |
3 Cr. |
Physics TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
MATH-2310 or MATH-231H |
OMT018 Calculus III & TMM018 |
4 Cr. |
MATH-2410 |
OMT019 Elementary Linear Algebra & TMM019 |
3 Cr. |
MATH-2520 |
OMT020 Elementary Differential Equations & TMM020 |
3 Cr. |
PHYS-2310 |
OSC016 Physics I - Calculus Based Physics for the Major w/Lab & TMNS |
5 Cr. |
PHYS-2320 |
OSC017 Calculus-based Physics II for the major w/Lab& TMNS |
5 Cr. |
PHYS-2310 & PHYS-2320 |
OSC022 Calculus-Based Physics I & II Sequence (both courses must be taken) & TMNS |
5 Cr. & 5 Cr. |
Social Sciences
Anthropology TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ANTH-1010 |
OSS001 Cultural Anthropology & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
ANTH-1210 |
OSS002 Physical/Biological Anthropology & TMNS |
4 Cr. |
ANTH-2110 |
OSS003 World Archaelogy/Pre-History & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
Criminal Justice TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
CJ-1000 |
OSS031 Introduction to Criminal Justice |
3 Cr. |
CJ-1070 |
OSS033 Corrections |
3 Cr. |
SOC-2160 |
OSS034 Criminology & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
Economics TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ECON-2000 |
OSS004 Microeconomics & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
ECON-2010 |
OSS005 Macroeconomics & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
Geography TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
ESCI-1310 |
OSS006 Physical Geography & TMNS |
3 Cr. |
GEOG-1000 |
OSS007 Human Geography or Cultural Geography & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
GEOG-1010 |
OSS008 World Regional Geography & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
GEOG-1740 or CNST-1740 |
OSS051 Intro to Geographic Information Systems |
3 Cr. |
Political Science TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
POL-1010 or POL-101H |
OSS011 American Politics/Government & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
POL-1020 |
OSS014 State and Local Government & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
POL-2030 |
OSS013 Comparative Politics & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
POL-2070 |
OSS012 International Affairs/Relatons & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
Psychology TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
PSY-1010 or PSY-101H |
OSS015 Introduction to Psychology & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
Select three of the four content areas within the TAG. |
PSY-2040 |
OSS016 (Area 1 - Social Psychology) & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
PSY-2050 |
OSS018 (Area 3 - Psychology of Personality) & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
PSY-2081 |
OSS017 (Area 2 - Psychopathology) & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
For Area 4, courses can only be transferred to comparable courses within the same age span. Age Spans are Childhood (OSS045), Adolescence (OSS046), Adulthood and Aging (OSS047), Lifespan (OSS048), and Child and Adolescence (OSS049) |
PSY-2010 or PSY-201H |
OSS045 (Area 4 - Child Development) & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
PSY-2020 or PSY-202H |
OSS048 (Area 4 - Lifespan Development) & TMSBS |
4 Cr. |
PSY-2060 |
OSS046 (Area 4 - Adolescent Development) & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
PSY-2100 |
OSS047 (Area 4 - Adulthood and Aging) & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
Social Work TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
SOC-1010 or SOC-101H |
OSS021 Intro to Sociology & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
SOC-2040 |
OSS029 Intro to Social Work |
3 Cr. |
SOC-2051 |
OSS030 Intro to Social Welfare |
3 Cr. |
PSY-1010 or PSY-101H |
OSS015 Intro to Psychology & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
Sociology TAG
Transfer Assurance Guides Courses
Course |
Credits |
SOC-1010 or SOC-101H |
OSS021 Intro to Sociology & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
SOC-2010 or SOC-201H |
OSS025 Social Problems & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
SOC-2020 |
OSS023 Marriage and Family & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |
SOC-2550 |
OSS050 Race and Ethnicity & TMSBS |
3 Cr. |