Military Transfer Assurance Guides (MTAGs) 

Military Training/Experience Credit Transfer

In response to the Ohio legislative requirement to create a military articulation and transfer assurance guide for college-level learning that took place through military training, experience and/or coursework (Ohio Revised Code 3333.164), Tri-C will grant college credit to students with military training, experience and/or coursework that is recognized by the American Council on Education (ACE) or a regionally accredited military institution, such as the Community College of the Air Force.

The Ohio Department of Higher Education Articulation and Transfer Network continues to develop MTAGs to streamline and systematize the awarding of credit for military training, experience and/or coursework. MTAGs identify specific courses that are part of the statewide transfer guarantee. Equivalent courses, credits or blocks of credit are to be awarded and applied toward general education and/or major course requirements at the receiving institution in accordance with the MTAG guarantee.

Please note that there is some military training, experience and/or coursework for which the receiving institution may be able to award college credit toward general or free electives only. In addition, Ohio public institutions of higher education shall ensure that appropriate equivalent credit is awarded for military training, experience and/or coursework that meets the baseline standards and procedures according to Ohio Revised Code 3333.164. This requirement goes beyond credit/courses awarded based on the MTAG alignment process.

Military Transfer Assurance Guides

MTAGs serve as advising tools, identifying the course(s) or program(s) that are part of the statewide guarantee. MTAGs include the military course number, title and version/rating as appropriate to the various levels of training and experience offered within the military as well as the ACE-approved course number. Each MTAG is assigned a corresponding Ohio Articulation Number (OAN) from the standard Transfer Assurance Guide (TAG) tables, which indicates the course(s) and credits students will be awarded for the completed military training, experience and/or coursework.

Learn more about MTAGs.

Learn more about the Ohio Transfer to Degree Guarantee.