Stomp Card Photo Identification

All Tri-C students must obtain a photo identification card (Stomp Card) at their campus Admissions and Financial Services office upon registration. A government-issued photo ID is required to obtain a Stomp Card. Stomp Cards are required for registration activities, library checkout and admission to on-campus events. The Stomp Card also allows special discounts and incentives at all campus dining and retail operations, including Einstein Bros., vending machines and College bookstores. Campus Police and Security Services may ask to see your ID card at any time, so be sure to keep it with you. Cards are nontransferable. There is a $10 fee to replace a Stomp Card and a $15 fee to replace an access card.   

my Tri-C space and Student Email

my Tri-C space is the College's online portal for resources students use on a regular basis. It includes navigation cards with the most commonly used links to access items such as Registration, Email and Outlook 365, Schedule and Grades, My Financial Aid, Blackboard Learn, Academic Support and many more. Information can be personalized for your needs and organized by your preferences. Each card contains links that allow quick access to important information. To add more cards to your my Tri-C space homepage, select the menu icon in the upper left corner and choose "Discover" to search by interest.

Each student is issued a Tri-C email account. To access your account, log in to my Tri-C space and navigate to the "Email and Office 365" card, then select the "Student Email" link. To view your Tri-C email address or update your personal email address, use the "Discover" feature to search for the "Update My Account Information" card. Your Tri-C student email account is the official and primary communication method between you and the College. Visit Tri-C student email information for additional information about student email.

Updating Student Information

Students can also update personal information such as their last name, address, phone number, email, emergency contact and academic major on the "Update My Account Information" card through the "Discover" feature in my Tri-C space.