Students must be currently working in a registered apprenticeship program in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training.  A four-year apprenticeship prepares students to work in the Heat and Frost Insulating industry.  Students will have the opportunity to learn the latest techniques and the time-proven methods of the insulating industry through computer-based learning, hands-on practice, theory-based lessons, thermodynamic experiments, and other innovative learning experiences.  Safety is a critical focus and students will learn how to properly recognize and address hazards in the workplace.

Program contact: Learn more

Financial Assistance funds cannot be applied towards this program.

This certificate will be automatically awarded when the certificate requirements are completed. If you do not want to receive the certificate, please notify the Office of the Registrar at

  • HS Diploma/GED recommended
  • 18 years old
  • Valid drivers license
  • Application to Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee/Intent to Hire agreement with participating  contractor.
  1. Apply fire barriers to ductwork and piping in commercial and industrial facilities.
  2. Properly recognize and address hazards in the workplace in accordance with OSHA guidelines.
  3. Utilize mathematical formulas into field applications for fabricating and installing insulation materials.
  4. Fabricate and apply various types of insulation and protective jacketing systems used in the commercial and industrial mechanical insulation industry.
  5. Identify and recuperate faulty and failing insulation systems and upgrade them properly.
  6. Complete Firestop Technician certification and Infection Control Risk Assessment (ICRA) certification.
  7. Explain the importance of organized labor to the modern work force.
Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredit Hours
ATIN-1010 Applied Insulators Math 3
ATIN-1020 Fundamental Insulation I - Insulation Theory 2
ATIN-1030 Fundamental Insulation II - Fiberglass Insulation 2
ATIN-2000 Vapor Barriers 2
ATIN-2020 Fundamental Insulation III - Mechanical Systems 3
ATIN-XXXXInsulators Elective 1 2
ATIN-XXXXInsulators Elective 1 2
 Credit Hours16
Second Semester
ATIN-2110 Advanced Metal Jacketing I 3
ATIN-2130 Fundamental Insulation IV - Tanks and Equipment 2
ATIN-2200 Blueprints and Specifications 2
ATIN-XXXXInsulators Elective 1 2
ATIN-XXXXInsulators Elective 1 2
ATIN-XXXXInsulators Elective 1 2
ATIN-XXXXInsulators Elective 1 2
 Credit Hours15
Summer Completion
ATIN-2790 Effective Supervision and Journeyman Certification 2
ATIN-XXXXInsulators Elective 1 2
ATIN-XXXXInsulators Elective 1 2
 Credit Hours6
 Total Credit Hours37

A total of 16 credits in Insulators electives is required.  These can be a mix of 1, 2, and 3 credit courses.