If you are planning to start at Tri-C and transfer to a four-year institution to pursue a Bachelor of Arts in English, we recommend you pursue the Associate of Arts degree with a concentration in English. The Associate of Arts degree with a concentration in English will provide you with strong writing, analytical proficiency, and critical thinking skills, which will prepare you to succeed upon transferring to a four-year institution. A four-year degree in English can prepare you for a variety of careers in a number of industries, including publishing, teaching, insurance, journalism, marketing and sales, management, non-profit, and government service. An English degree also serves as a strong foundation if you plan to pursue a law degree. Cuyahoga Community College’s Associate of Arts degree with a concentration in English is based on the Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathway in English, “an agreement between [Ohio] “public community colleges and universities confirming that community college courses meet major preparation requirements and will be counted and applied toward the bachelor’s degree.”
This program is available to be completed 100% online.
Program contact: Learn more
This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates which will be automatically awarded when the certificate requirements are completed. If you do not want to receive the embedded certificate(s), please notify the Office of the Registrar at RegistrarOffice@tri-c.edu.
Related Degrees and Certificates
Program Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to demonstrate the following program outcomes in writing:
- Communicate effectively for an intended audience using clear, organized language.
- Read critically and interpret select literary works.
- Identify and analyze the aesthetic characteristics of a literary work of art.
- Evaluate the contribution of select literary works to various literary traditions.
- Research and synthesize criticism of a literary tradition, period, movement, author, and/or work.
- Research, evaluate, and synthesize cultural, historical, linguistic, political, intellectual, and especially literary backgrounds of the various time periods.
- Acquire, evaluate, and use information from credible sources in order to meet information needs for a specific research purpose.
- Be prepared for transfer to four-year Bachelor of Arts program in English.
First Semester | Credit Hours | |
GEN-1070 | First Year Success Seminar | 1 |
MATH-1190 | Algebraic and Quantitative Reasoning (or any Ohio Transfer 36 Approved Mathematics course) | 3 |
Foreign Language (if needed) or Elective (see below list) | 3-4 | |
Ohio Transfer 36 Social and Behavioral Science Elective | 3 | |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
College Composition I | ||
Honors College Composition I | ||
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
Fundamentals of Speech Communication | ||
Honors Speech Communication | ||
Credit Hours | 16-17 | |
Second Semester | ||
Foreign Language (if needed) or Elective (see below list) | 3-4 | |
Ohio Transfer 36 Natural Science Elective | 3 | |
Ohio Transfer 36 Arts and Humanities Elective (must be from a discipline other than English) | 3 | |
Select one of the following: | 3 | |
College Composition II | ||
Honors College Composition II | ||
Select one of the following Social Science/Civic Responsibility electives: | 3 | |
Environmental Geography | ||
United States History to 1877 | ||
United States History Since 1877 | ||
American National Government | ||
Honors American National Government | ||
State & Local Government | ||
Comparative Politics | ||
International Relations | ||
Credit Hours | 15-16 | |
Third Semester | ||
ENG-2310 | American Literature I | 3 |
ENG-2350 | British Literature I | 3 |
Elective (see below list) or Foreign Language (if needed) | 3 | |
Ohio Transfer 36 Natural Science Elective with Lab | 3-4 | |
Select one of the following Transfer Assurance Guilde approved electives | 3 | |
African-American Literature I (Intro to Literature TAG) 1 | ||
African-American Literature II (Intro to Literature TAG) 1 | ||
Exploration of World Mythology (Multi-Cultural Literature TAG) | ||
Credit Hours | 15-16 | |
Fourth Semester | ||
ENG-2320 | American Literature II | 3 |
ENG-2360 | British Literature II | 3 |
Elective (see below list) or Foreign Language (if needed) | 3 | |
Ohio Transfer 36 Social and Behavioral Science Elective | 3 | |
Select one of the following Transfer Assurance Guilde approved electives(must be different than course selected in 3rd semester) | 3 | |
African-American Literature I (Intro to Literature TAG) 1 | ||
African-American Literature II ((Intro to Literature TAG)) 1 | ||
Exploration of World Mythology (Multi-Cultural Literture TAG) 1 | ||
Credit Hours | 15 | |
Total Credit Hours | 61-64 |
- 1
ENG-2510 African-American Literature I is not a prerequisite for ENG-2520 African-American Literature II, so you can choose to take either course (or both) to meet the Intro to Literature TAG. These courses are also dual-approved for arts and humanities, and diversity, equity, and inclusion under Ohio Transfer 36 requirements.
Foreign Language Requirement
The majority of schools require at least 6-8 credits of foreign language at the College level to complete a Bachelor of Arts in English; however, the Foreign Language requirement varies from institution to institution and may depend on how many foreign language courses you took at the high school level. For this reason, you should check with your intended transfer institution to determine how many foreign language credits are required for your intended transfer program and plan accordingly. To fulfill foreign language requirements, you should select from the below Transfer Assurance Guide approved foreign language courses. If your intended program of study doesn't require foreign language or you have fulfilled the requirement based on coursework taken in high school, you may select other appropriate Ohio Transfer Module or Transfer Assurance Guide approved courses as electives, in place of the foreign language requirement. See recommendations below for elective course selection.
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
Foreign Language Requirement | ||
ASL-1010 | Beginning American Sign Language I | 4 |
ASL-1020 | Beginning American Sign Language II | 4 |
ASL-2010 | Intermediate American Sign Language I | 4 |
ASL-2020 | Intermediate American Sign Language II | 4 |
FREN-1010 | Beginning French I | 4 |
FREN-1020 | Beginning French II | 4 |
FREN-2010 | Intermediate French I | 3 |
FREN-2020 | Intermediate French II | 3 |
GER-1010 | Beginning German I | 4 |
ITAL-1010 | Beginning Italian Language and Culture I | 4 |
ITAL-1020 | Beginning Italian II | 4 |
SPAN-1011 | Beginning Spanish Language and Cultures I | 4 |
SPAN-1021 | Beginning Spanish Language and Culture II | 4 |
SPAN-2010 | Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture I | 3 |
SPAN-2020 | Intermediate Spanish Language and Cultures II | 3 |
Recommended Electives
The below courses are recommended to fulfill elective requirements if you do not need 12-14 credits of a foreign language for the program you plan to pursue at your intended four-year Institution. In addition, you can take courses marked with an * to fulfill Social and Behavioral Science requirements.
Code | Title | Credit Hours |
For students planning to pursue teaching licensure | ||
EDUC-1011 | Introduction to Education | 3 |
EDUC-1411 | Individuals with Exceptionalities | 3 |
ENG-2601 | Literature for Children and Adolescents | 3 |
PSY-2110 | Educational Psychology * | 3 |
Political Science Minor (For students planning to go on to pursue a Law Degree) | ||
POL-1010 | American National Government * | 3 |
or POL-101H | Honors American National Government | |
POL-1020 | State & Local Government * | 3 |
POL-2030 | Comparative Politics * | 3 |
POL-2070 | International Relations * | 3 |
Creative Writing Track | ||
ENG-2010 | Creative Writing | 3 |
THEA-2400 | Playwriting | 3 |
Communication Studies Minor | ||
COMM-1000 | Fundamentals of Interpersonal Communication | 3 |
COMM-1210 | Small Group Communication | 3 |
COMM-2000 | Introduction to Communication Theory | 3 |
Journalism Minor | ||
MJS-1010 | Principles of Media and Communications | 3 |
VCPH-2761 | Photography for Media Publication | 3 |
History Minor | ||
HIST-1010 | History of Civilization I * | 3 |
or HIST-101H | Honors History of Civilization I | |
HIST-1020 | History of Civilization II * | 3 |
or HIST-102H | Honors History of Civilization II | |
HIST-1510 | United States History to 1877 * | 3 |
or HIST-151H | Honors United States History to 1877 | |
HIST-1520 | United States History Since 1877 * | 3 |
or HIST-152H | Honors United States History since 1877 | |
Women and Gender Studies | ||
WGS-1510 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies * | 3 |
WGS-151H | Honors Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies * | 3 |
WGS-2010 | Women in the World * | 3 |
WGS-201H | Honors Women in the World * | 3 |
- *
Meets social and behavioral science requirements. WGS-1510, 151H, 2010, and 201H are also dual-approved for diversity, equity, and inclusion.
MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement. These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016. Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.