The Associate of Arts degree with a concentration in Anthropology is based on the Ohio Guaranteed Transfer Pathway in Anthropology.  It is recommended for students planning to start at Tri-C and transfer to a four-year institution to major in Anthropology.

A four-year degree in Anthropology can prepare you for a variety of careers in government agencies, international business and marketing, journalism, educational institutions, public service, non-profit and community-based organizations.  An Anthropology degree also serves as a strong foundation for students planning to go on to graduate studies in anthropology, museum studies, public health, medicine, and other disciplines.

The Associate of Arts degree with a concentration in Anthropology will provide students with a foundation in the areas of Cultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, and Archaeology, as well as effective communication and critical thinking skills, which will prepare them to succeed upon transferring to a four-year institution.

This program is available to be completed 100% online.

Program contact:  Learn more 

This degree program contains one or more embedded certificates which will be automatically awarded when the certificate requirements are completed. If you do not want to receive the embedded certificate(s), please notify the Office of the Registrar at

Learn more about how certificate credits apply to the related degree.

Related Degrees and Certificates

Ohio Transfer 36, Certificate of Proficiency

Program Admissions Requirements

  • ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies or appropriate score on English placement test to enroll in ENG-1010 College Composition I
  • Eligibility to enroll in MATH-1410 Elementary Probability and Statistics I

Program Learning Outcomes

This program is designed to prepare students to demonstrate the following learning outcomes:

  1. Demonstrate understanding of the four-field system of Anthropology, with mastery of introductory level knowledge of Cultural Anthropology, Biological Anthropology, and Archaeology.
  2. Discuss the ethical and legal expectations that guide Anthropologists in the study of humans and non-human primates in the present and the past.
  3. Examine past and present human cultures thematically, investigating them through language, social and political systems, economic systems, marriage and kinship, gender and sexuality, race and ethnicity, and religion, including how cultures change, and the impacts of globalization on cultures across the world.
  4. Apply knowledge of fundamental archaeological concepts and principles as well as archaeological research methods and theories, in order to understand both prehistoric and historical cultural developments.
  5. Apply concepts relevant to biological evolutionary theory, geology and archaeology, and primatology in order to analyze and assess fossil hominin anatomy and behavior.
  6. Examine living primates, including humans, today to extrapolate interpretations about past humans, as well as understanding biological aspects of humans today.
  7. Utilize critical thinking, problem solving, quantitative analysis, and effective communication skills to be successful when transferring to a four-year program in Anthropology and pursuing a career in the field of Anthropology.
Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterCredit Hours
GEN-1070 First Year Success Seminar 1
ANTH-1010 Cultural Anthropology 3
MATH-1410 Elementary Probability and Statistics I (or higher) 1 3
Foreign Language Requirement (if needed) or Elective 3-4
Ohio Transfer 36 Arts and Humanities Requirement (see below list) 3
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition I
Honors College Composition I
 Credit Hours16-17
Second Semester
ANTH-1210 Human Evolution 4
DEGR-XXXXForeign Language (if needed) or Elective 3-4
Ohio Transfer 36 Arts and Humanities Requirement (see below list) 3
Select one of the following: 3
College Composition II
Honors College Composition II
 Credit Hours13-14
Third Semester
ANTH-2010 Peoples and Cultures of the World 3
ANTH-2110 Archaeology 3
DEGR-2XXX 2000 level Elective or 2000 level Foreign Language (if needed) 3
Select one of the following Civic Responsibility electives: 3
Environmental Geography
The Individual in Society
Culture and Belief
Select one of the following: 3
Fundamentals of Speech Communication
Honors Speech Communication
 Credit Hours15
Fourth Semester
Ohio Transfer 36 Natural Science Requirement 3
DEGR-2XXX2000 level Elective or 2000 level Foreign Language (if needed) 3
Ohio Transfer 36 Arts and Humanities or Social and Behavioral Science Requirement (see below list) 2 3
DEGR-XXXXElective (see below list) 4
DEGR-xxxxElective (see below list) 3
 Credit Hours16
 Total Credit Hours60-62

Please note that some institutions may require MATH-1530 College Algebra.  Please check with your intended transfer institution to determine best course selection for your math requirement. 


Students who select GEOG-2030 Environmental Geography in the 3rd semester, must select an Arts and Humanities course for this requirement.  Students who select HUM-1020 The Individual in Society or HUM-2030 Culture and Belief in the 3rd semester, must select a Social and Behavioral Science from a discipline other than Anthropology for this requirement.

Foreign Language Requirement

The majority of schools require at least 6-8 credits of foreign language at the College level to complete a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology; however, the Foreign Language requirement varies from institution to institution and may depend on how many foreign language courses you took at the high school level.  For this reason, you should check with your intended transfer institution to determine how many foreign language credits are required for your intended transfer program and plan accordingly.   To fulfill foreign language requirements, you should select from the below Transfer Assurance Guide approved foreign language courses.  If your intended program of study doesn't require foreign language or you have fulfilled the requirement based on coursework taken in high school, you may select other appropriate Ohio Transfer36 or Transfer Assurance Guide approved courses as electives, in place of the foreign language requirement.  See recommendations below for elective course selection.

Foreign Language Requirement
ASL-1010Beginning American Sign Language I4
ASL-1020Beginning American Sign Language II4
ASL-2010Intermediate American Sign Language I4
ASL-2020Intermediate American Sign Language II4
FREN-1010Beginning French I4
FREN-1020Beginning French II4
FREN-2010Intermediate French I3
FREN-2020Intermediate French II3
GER-1010Beginning German I4
ITAL-1010Beginning Italian Language and Culture I4
ITAL-1020Beginning Italian II4
SPAN-1011Beginning Spanish Language and Cultures I4
SPAN-1021Beginning Spanish Language and Culture II4
SPAN-2010Intermediate Spanish Language and Culture I3
SPAN-2020Intermediate Spanish Language and Cultures II3

Recommended Arts and Humanities Electives

It is required to take at least one course from two different disciplines to fulfill the Arts and Humanities Requirements.  View full list of courses that can be selected to fulfill Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Natural Sciences requirements here.

Arts and Humanities
ART-1040Survey of Non-Western Art (Or)3
Art History Survey: Prehistoric to Renaissance (OR)
Art History Survey: Late Renaissance to Present
HUM-1020The Individual in Society3
or HUM-2030 Culture and Belief
REL-2000Comparative World Religions3
or REL-1010 Introduction to Religious Studies

 Recommended Social and Behavioral Sciences

It is required to take at least one course from two different disciplines to fulfill the Social and Behavioral Science Requirements.  View full list of courses that can be selected to fulfill Arts and Humanities, Social and Behavioral Sciences, and Natural Sciences requirements here.

Social and Behavioral Sciences
GEOG-1010World Regional Geography3
GEOG-1050Africans in the Americas3
GEOG-1510Regional Geography of the United States and Canada3
GEOG-2030Environmental Geography3
HIST-1010History of Civilization I3
HIST-1700History of Africa3
SOC-2010Social Problems3
or SOC-2100 Aging and Society
SOC-2550Race and Ethnic Relations3

Recommended Electives

It is recommended that you select from the below Transfer Assurance Guide and Ohio Transfer 36 Approved courses to fulfill elective requirements that can be used to explore/prepare for the specialty areas of Cultural Anthropology, Archaeology, or Biological Anthropology at your four-year institution. A number of these courses can also apply towards meeting General Education Requirements in the ares of *Arts and Humanities requirements, **Social and Behavioral Science Requirements, and ***Natural and Physical Science Requirements.

Cultural Anthropology Track
ART-1040Survey of Non-Western Art (OR) *3
Art History Survey: Prehistoric to Renaissance (OR) *
Art History Survey: Late Renaissance to Present *
GEOG-1050Africans in the Americas **3
HIST-1010History of Civilization I **3
HIST-1700History of Africa **3
REL-2000Comparative World Religions3
or REL-1010 Introduction to Religious Studies
SOC-2010Social Problems (or SOC-201H Honors Social Problems) **3
or SOC-2550 Race and Ethnic Relations
SOC-2550Race and Ethnic Relations3
WGS-1510Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies3
or WGS-151H Honors Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
Archaeology Track
ART-1040Survey of Non-Western Art (Or) *3
Art History Survey: Prehistoric to Renaissance (Or) *
Art History Survey: Late Renaissance to Present *
ESCI-1310Physical Geography ***3
ESCI-131LLab in Physical Geography ***1
ESCI-1410Physical Geology ***3
ESCI-141LLab in Physical Geology ***1
GEOG-1010World Regional Geography **3
GEOG-2030 Environmental Geography **
GEOG-1510Regional Geography of the United States and Canada **3
GEOG-1740Fundamentals of Geographic Information Science3
Biological Anthropology
Human Biology
and Human Biology Laboratory (OR) ***
Anatomy and Physiology I
and Anatomy and Physiology II ***
Principles of Biology I
and Principles of Genetics ***
Environment, Ecology, and Evolution
and Environment, Ecology, & Evolution Laboratory ***
HUM-1020The Individual in Society (OR) *3
HUM-2030Culture and Belief3

MATH-1140, MATH-1141, MATH-1200, MATH-1270, and MATH-1280 can no longer count towards fulfilling the college-level mathematics requirement.  These courses were re-classified as developmental mathematics by the state of Ohio in 2016.  Tri-C established a 5-year transitioning window for students who had completed these courses prior to 2016 to apply them towards meeting graduation requirements, which expired in Summer 2021. It is highly recommended to see a counselor to determine the appropriate math required for your current major.