Aidara, Idrissa
Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus, MLA 201N
Altose, Aaron
Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Eastern Campus, EMHC 202
Education: Ed.D. in Community College Leadership, Roueche Graduate Center at National American University
M.S. in Mathematics, Cleveland State University
B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis
B.S. in Biomedical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis
About: Aaron J. Altose, Ed.D., has taught mathematics at Tri-C since 2006. For over a decade, his primary focus has been quantitative reasoning. Altose has maintained an active role as a contributor to curriculum, assessment and faculty support programs, a faculty mentor, a member of the Carnegie National Faculty advisory panel, and a leader in the development of the quantitative reasoning pathway at Tri-C. He has also collaborated with the Ohio Department of Education and Department of Higher Education in various ways, including as a member of the advisory committees for Ohio's Learning Standards Revision and the Ohio Math Initiative, as a quantitative reasoning (QR) content expert for the creation of Ohio's college-level QR learning outcomes, and as a facilitator of faculty training and professional development workshops. Altose has served as the president of the Ohio Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges (2015-2017), and in 2018, he received the Ralph M. Besse Award for Teaching Excellence at Tri-C.
Bouie, Carilynn
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus, MLA 201D
Education: M.M., University of Tennessee
B.S., University of Tennessee
Cronin, Julia
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C211
Education: M.A., The Ohio State University
B.S., Baldwin-Wallace College
Dynda, Jackie
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus
Education: M.S., Cleveland State University
B.S., Bowling Green State University
Egan, Kristin
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C217
Education: M.S., John Carroll University
B.S., Wittenberg University
Friedman, Amy
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Westshore Campus, SLT 228F
Education: M.S. in Statistics, Miami University
M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, John Carroll University
B.S. in Mathematics, Miami University
Gabriel, Donald
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WHCS A118
Education: M.S., University of Akron
B.A., University of Akron
Garnes, Jennifer
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT 216
Education: M.S., Cleveland State University
B.Ed., University of Toledo
B.A., University of Toledo
Glasener, Kristine
Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Eastern Campus, EMHC 204
Education: Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction, Mathematics Education, Kent State University
M.A. in Mathematics, John Carroll University
M. Ed., John Carroll University
B.S.Ed., Youngstown State University
Hanley, Amanda
Assistant Professor, Mathematics
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Westshore Campus, SLT 226E
Education: A.B., Miami University
B.S., Miami University
M.A., Cleveland State University
Hiley, Derek
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Eastern Campus, EMHC 203
Education: M.A., University of Toledo
B.S., University of Toledo
Hirz, Jennifer
Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C227
Education: M.Ed., School Counseling, Cleveland State University
M.A., Mathematics, Western Kentucky University
B.S., Mathematics, Bowling Green State University
Johnson, Clarence
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus, MLA 201E
Education: Ph.D., Cleveland State University
M.S., Cleveland State University
B.S., Case Western Reserve University
Karac, Mira
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C224
Education: M.S., University of Akron
B.S., University of Akron
McGunia, Serita
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus, MLA 201G
Education: M.S., Cleveland State University
B.S., Central State University
Osborn, Staci
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Eastern Campus, EMHC 205
Education: M.A. in Foundational Mathematics Teaching in the Community College, Ball State University
M.A. in Mathematics, Western Michigan University
B.S. in Secondary Education Mathematics, Lake Superior State University
ACUE Certificate in Effective College Instruction, Online Instruction
About: Staci Osborn has taught at Tri-C since Fall 2007 at the Eastern Campus. She predominantly teaches developmental mathematics courses, as those are her passion. Osborn knows that math is often the very scary first step. She strives to help everyone succeed in their beginning math courses so they can pursue their college and career goals. She strives every semester to foster a comfortable learning environment where everyone can ask questions and work together to get the help they need. Students may not walk out of her class loving math, but she hopes they will appreciate its value in their lives.
Parameswaran, Vanitha
Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C229
Education: M.A.P., Avinashilingam Deemed University
M.A., Avinashilingam Deemed University
B.A., Bharathiar University
Renfro, Kathy
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus, MLA 201F
Education: M.Ed. in Mathematics Curriculum and Instruction, Cleveland State University
B.S., in Secondary Mathematics Education, Bowling Green State University
ACUE Certificate in Effective College Instruction, Online Instruction
ACUE Micro-credential in Inclusive Teaching for Equitable Learning
Endorsement in Inclusive Teaching Excellence - OACC, Drake Institute for Teaching and Learning
About: Kathy Renfro has been teaching in some form for over 30 years and joined the faculty of Tri-C's Metropolitan Campus in 2019. Her primary focus is teaching students who may not love mathematics, blending a unique ability to both empower students in their abilities and challenge them in their thinking. Her research interests include dyscalculia and teaching and learning strategies, which aid students with specific learning disabilities. She has served as a fellow for the American Mathematics Association and has presented conference sessions on increasing student engagement in online classes. She currently serves the college as a faculty ambassador to the Division of Online Learning and Academic Technology and as a club advisor for Metro's InterVarsity Christian Fellowship student club. In 2023, Renfro was honored to receive the Ralph M. Besse Award for Teaching Excellence at Tri-C.
Rokicky, Paul
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, B104
Education: M.S. in Mathematics, Cleveland State University
B.A. in History, Minor in Mathematics and Education, Cleveland State University
About: Paul Rokicky has been teaching at Tri-C since 1999. Prior to that, he taught nine years of high school in Lorain and at the Polaris Career Center. He often teaches calculus and differential equations but has been focusing on algebra courses in recent years. His other main courses are Math for Elementary and Middle School Teachers. He has served as the associate dean of Mathematics in the past.
Rokicky currently uses his degrees to research the mathematics and astronomy of Native Americans. He often travels to places for research, such as New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and even places in Ohio. He used to study the ancient Maya of Mexico and was able to take trips to Mexico to research.
Rokicky spends his free time biking, hiking, skiing, rock climbing and traveling to national parks.
Rossman, Cathleen
Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus, 201A
Education: Ph.D. in Education (Mathematics Education Concentration) Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey
M.S., University of Delaware
B.A., Iona College, New Rochelle, NY
A.A., Ulster County Community College
About: Cathleen Rossman, Ph.D., began teaching mathematics at Tri-C in 2011, shortly after moving to the Cleveland area. She decided she wanted to teach at a community college after graduating from her local community college in the Hudson Valley in New York. Rossman has connected with students in scholarship programs and at the annual Math Fest. As the faculty coordinator, Rossman often answers many questions about Tri-C's math courses. She appreciates math for both its useful applications and general skills like problem-solving and critical thinking. She looks forward to helping students reach their academic and career goals at Tri-C.
Scavone, Lisa
Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C202
Education: Ed.D., University of Florida
M.S., University of Akron
B.S., University of Akron
Shelton, Patty
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C216
Education: M.S., University of Akron
B.S., Ursuline College
Sheppard, Colin
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Westshore Campus, SLT 228C
Education: M.A.T., University of Florida
M.A., St. John’s College
B.S., University of Florida
Stady, Kelly
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C107
Education: M.S., University of New Mexico
B.S., University of New Mexico
Stotesbery, Brenda
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus, MLA 201
Education: M.A., John Carroll University
B.S., Cleveland State University
Stroup, David
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C102
Education: M.S., University of Akron
B.A., Kent State University
B.S., Cleveland State University
A.A., Lorain County Community College
Susick, Erin
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Eastern Campus, EMHC 208
Education: M.A., University of Pittsburgh
B.S., University of Pittsburgh
Torgov, Alexander
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WBT C205
Education: M.S., University of Haifa
B.S., University of Haifa
Van Pelt, Brian
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Eastern Campus, EMHC 219
Education: M.S., University of Akron
B.S., University of Akron
Walton, Dottie
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Eastern Campus, ELA 216
Education: M.S., Middle Tennessee State University
B.S., East Tennessee State University
Wilkins, Michael
Associate Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Metropolitan Campus, MLA 201K
Education: M.S., Ohio University
M.A.Ed., Baldwin-Wallace College
B.S., John Carroll University
Williams, Erick
Assistant Professor
Department: Mathematics
Office Location: Western Campus, WLA B105
Education: M.S., Youngstown State University
B.S., Youngstown State University