SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology

3 Credits

Scientific study of human society and social interaction. Includes an overview of the principles, perspectives, concepts, and research methods used in the sociological field with more intensive study in the following areas: culture, socialization, formal organizations, social structure, and social stratification. Additional emphasis is placed on the application of sociological concepts to current events.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS and Transfer Assurance Guide OSS021.

SOC-101H Honors Introductory Sociology

3 Credits

In-depth analysis of sociological perspectives, theories, concepts, and research methods. Emphasizes thorough comprehension of concepts such as culture, socialization, and social stratification through application of concepts to real-world situations.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I, or Eligibility for ENG-101H Honors College Composition I.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS and Transfer Assurance Guide OSS021.

SOC-1020 Social Institutions

3 Credits

A sociological examination of major social institutions: the family, religion, education, politics, economy, and health care. Analysis of social dynamics and change. Use of theory and research to develop an understanding of institutional development and evolution.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology, or SOC-101H Honors Introductory Sociology, or PSY-1010 General Psychology, or PSY-101H Honors General Psychology, or ANTH-1010 Cultural Anthropology.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS.

SOC-179H Honors Contract in Sociology

1 Credit

Honors Contract complements and exceeds requirements, outcomes and objectives for an existing SOC-1000-level honors course through formulation of a contract with a faculty mentor, which upon completion will result in distinctive scholarship. This honors independent study may also be taken with a non-honors course. When taken with a non-honors course, the Honors Contract adds an honor experience to that course. Honors contract requires student to meet on a regularly scheduled basis with the instructor for mentor-student tutorial sessions. A maximum of six Honor Contracts (6 credit hours) may be taken (includes 179H and 279H).

Lecture: 1 hours

Prerequisite(s): Must be taken concurrently with a 1000-level course whose instructor agrees to mentor the student in this contract. .Departmental approval required.

SOC-1820 Independent Study/Research in Sociology

1-3 Credits

Directed individual study. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

SOC-182H Honors Independent Study/Research in Sociology

1-3 Credits

Honors-level directed individual study. Must meet criteria set forth in the Honors Course Checklist used to approve regular honors courses. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; and must have earned an A or B in at least 3 honors courses. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

SOC-2010 Social Problems

3 Credits

Exposure to numerous social problems prevalent in society by emphasizing the process through which social problems are identified, legitimized, and addressed across cultural contexts and time. Emphasis is given to the impact of social structures on creating and perpetuating social problems. Applying major theoretical perspectives and methodological frameworks to evaluate, analyze, and propose solutions to social problems.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS and Transfer Assurance Guide OSS025.

SOC-201H Honors Social Problems

3 Credits

In-depth sociological analysis of contemporary social problems in the United States, cross-cultural solutions and their implications for individuals, social institutions and society. Emphasis on application of sociological imagination, sociological theories and multiple research methods to understand social forces that promote social inequalities and their consequences, based on race/ethnicity, gender, social class and other factors. Course culminates in student's clarification and appraisal of personal values, and formulation of personal strategy to influence social policy and affect change regarding a specific social problem examined in the course.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Eligibility for ENG-101H Honors College Composition I.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS and Transfer Assurance Guide OSS025.

SOC-2020 Sociology of the Family

3 Credits

Historical, comparative, and contemporary analysis of marriages and families and their relationship to other social institutions. Sociological perspectives used to understand social, psychological and economic aspects of intimate interpersonal relations across the lifecourse and among a variety of lifestyles and cultures.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology, or SOC-101H Honors Introductory Sociology, or PSY-1010 General Psychology, or PSY-101H Honors General Psychology, or ANTh-1010 Cultural Anthropology.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS and Transfer Assurance Guide OSS023.

SOC-2040 Introduction to Social Work

3 Credits

Introduces students to ideas, venues, and susceptible populations associated with the social work profession. Stresses knowledge, ethics, principles, values, and skills that exemplify the foundation of a professional social worker. Presents a survey of theoretical and practical knowledge used in social work practice at the entry level.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology, or SOC-101H Honors Introductory Sociology, or ANTH-1010 Cultural Anthropology, or PSY-1010 General Psychology, or PSY-101H Honors General Psychology; and ENG-1010 College Composition I or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I.

OAN Approved: Transfer Assurance Guide OSS029.

SOC-2051 Introduction to Social Welfare

3 Credits

Surveys history, functioning, and social issues of social welfare system relating them to broader American socio-economic and political systems. Special focus on problems of economically and socially disadvantaged groups. Examine how social welfare as an American institution provides the foundation for the social work profession.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology, or SOC-101H Honors Introductory Sociology or PSY-1010 General Psychology, or PSY-101H Honors General Psychology.

OAN Approved: Transfer Assurance Guide OSS030.

SOC-2060 Human Behavior and the Social Environment

3 Credits

Social work perspective on human development across the life cycle. Focuses on the biological, psychological, social, cultural and spiritual aspects of human functioning. Human diversity approach consistent with needs of social work students preparing for practice.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology, or SOC-101H Honors Introductory Sociology, and PSY-1010 General Psychology or PSY-101H Honors General Psychology.

SOC-2070 Poverty in the United States

3 Credits

Survey of social and personal dimensions of poverty in the United States regarding individuals, groups and larger communities. For persons wishing to develop in-depth understanding and skills development regarding the impact of poverty. Designed for students interested in social work, education, nursing and other health related disciplines.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology or SOC-2051 Introduction to Social Welfare, or SOC-2040 Introduction to Social Work.

SOC-2100 Aging and Society

3 Credits

Cross-cultural examination of social, biological and psychological process of aging. Societies studied with regards to social characteristics of older people, their social roles, relations with various social institutions, social networks, voluntary associations. Impact of social class, race, ethnicity, gender, religion and the media on aging and ageism considered.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I or ENG-101H Honors College Composition II.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS.

SOC-2110 Death and Dying

3 Credits

Examination of death and dying through a multi-disciplinary approach to understand connection of death and dying in various contexts: sociological, ethical, medical, legal, psychological, and religious.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I, or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS.

SOC-2150 Deviance

3 Credits

Sociological examination of deviant attitudes, behaviors and conditions. Exploration of how actions come to be defined as deviant, theories of deviance, and methods of social control reaction. Different types of deviant behavior examined, including sexual deviance, crime, drugs, medical deviance, and other forms of deviant behavior.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

SOC-2160 Introduction to Criminology

3 Credits

To develop a sociological framework for examining crime. Review and apply major theories of criminal behavior. Critically examine how specific behaviors and social conditions become defined as crime. Use of sociological principles to assess the criminal justice system's ability to deter, punish, and rehabilitate offenders.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ANTH-1010 Cultural Anthropology, or PSY-1010 General Psychology, PSY-101H Honors General Psychology, or SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology, or SOC-101H Honors Introductory Sociology, or CJ-1000 Introduction to Criminal Justice.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS and Transfer Assurance Guide OSS034

SOC-2210 Dating and Intimate Relationships

3 Credits

Intimate relationships studied on life course continuum from early to late adulthood, taking into consideration profound effects exerted by ethnicity, race, gender, human sexuality, socioeconomic status, age and place of residency. Analysis of characteristics and trends related to various types of intimate relationships including friendship, dating, cohabitation, and marriage. Critical issues considered are relationship violence, gender identity, relationship dissolution, and/or resolution. Students use the concept of sociological imagination, public issues, and personal troubles to link events in society to the state of intimate relationships in America today with emphasis on the role of mass media and social media.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): SOC-1010 Introductory Sociology, or SOC-101H Honors Introductory Sociology, or ANTH-1010 Cultural Anthropology, or PSY-1010 General Psychology, or PSY-101H Honors General Psychology; and ENG-1010 College Composition I, or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I.

SOC-2410 Sociology of Gender

3 Credits

Analysis of the social construction of gender, gender roles, and gender stratification in American society. Compare gender assumptions within social and cross-cultural contexts. Examine socialization and social psychological influences on gender identity, the impact of gender in relationships, the importance of sex and gender in institutions and organizations, and the impact of recent social movements and social policies.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS.

SOC-2550 Race and Ethnic Relations

3 Credits

Analysis of sources, processes, and consequences of current intergroup relations in the United States; identification of various segments of population, their history and patterns of adaptation to prejudice and discrimination; and exploration of attempts to equalize power differences and structured social inequality. Includes cross-cultural comparisons.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I or 101H Honors College Composition II.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMSBS and DEI, and Transfer Assurance Guide OSS050.

SOC-279H Sophomore Honors Contract

1 Credit

Sophomore Honors Contract in Sociology complements and exceeds requirements and expected outcomes for an existing Sociology 2000-level course through formulation of a contract with a faculty mentor. In conjunction with a faculty mentor, student will formulate a contract that upon completion will result in distinctive scholarship appropriate to honors 2000-level. In order to complete the contract, student is required to meet on a regularly scheduled basis with instructor offering the contract for mentor-student tutorial sessions. A maximum of six Honors Contracts (six credits) may be taken at the College (includes 179H and 279H).

Lecture: 1 hours

Prerequisite(s): Must be taken concurrently with a 2000-level course in Sociology, whose instructor agrees to mentor the student in the sophomore honors contract. Departmental approval required.

SOC-2820 Independent Advanced Study/Research in Sociology

1-3 Credits

Directed individual advanced study. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

SOC-282H Honors Independent Advanced Study/Research in Sociology

1-3 Credits

Honors-level directed individual study. Must meet criteria set forth in the Honors Course Checklist used to approve regular honors courses. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; and must have earned an A or B in at least 3 honors courses. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

SOC-2830 Cooperative Field Experience

1-3 Credits

Open to students eligible for the Cooperative Education Program. Employment in an approved training facility under College supervision. Requirement for one credit is 180 hours of approved work. Students may earn up to three credits in one semester. May be repeated for an accrued maximum of nine credits.

Other Required Hours: 180 clock hours of approved work per credit hour

Prerequisite(s): See campus COOP Advisor for the Cooperative Education Program application