ITAL-1010 Beginning Italian Language and Culture I

4 Credits

Introduction to Italian through multiple approaches with emphasis in interpersonal communication, interpretive listening and viewing, interpretive reading, presentational speaking, presentational writing, and culture. Practice in conversational Italian, aural comprehension, and basic oral presentations on topics of daily interest. Practice in writing basic sentences and short simple paragraphs on relevant topics, and reading short paragraphs.

Lecture: 3 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

OAN Approved: Transfer Assurance Guide OFL013 and OFL017 (1 of 2 courses, both must be taken)

ITAL-1020 Beginning Italian II

4 Credits

Development of proficiency in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing in Italian. Emphasis on strengthening conversational skills through discussions of selected readings and cultural topics.

Lecture: 3 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): ITAL-1010 Beginning Italian I, or one year of high school Italian, or departmental approval.

OAN Approved: Transfer Assurance Guide OFL014 and OFL017 (2 of 2 courses, both must be taken)

ITAL-1820 Independent Study/Research in Italian

1-3 Credits

Directed individual study. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student (see Credit Schedule of classes for current offerings). May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

ITAL-182H Honors Independent Study in Italian

1-3 Credits

Honors-level directed individual study. Must meet criteria set forth in the Honors Course Checklist used to approve regular honors courses. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; and must have earned an A or B in at least 3 honors courses. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

ITAL-2010 Intermediate Italian I

3 Credits

Increased vocabulary development and structural review through readings of cultural texts. Emphasis on oral expression and group discussions. Intensive exercises in written and oral expression. Grammar review and vocabulary building.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ITAL-1020 Beginning Italian II, or two years of high school Italian, or departmental approval.

ITAL-2020 Intermediate Italian II

3 Credits

Intensive exercises in written and oral expression in Italian with emphasis on conversation. Further improvements of written skills. Reading of selected texts in order to deepen understanding and appreciation of Italian culture. Additional grammar review and vocabulary building. Further exploration of Italian literature.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ITAL-2010 Intermediate Italian I, or two years of high school Italian, or departmental approval.

ITAL-2410 Italian Conversation and Composition

3 Credits

Development of proficiency in speaking, understanding, reading, and writing. Emphasis on strengthening conversational skills through discussions of selected readings and cultural topics and more conversational opportunities. Discussion of topics of everyday life, colloquialisms, vocabulary augmentation, and improvement of speech patterns. Practice in writing compositions. Emphasis on group discussion.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ITAL-2020 Intermediate Italian II or concurrent enrollment, and departmental approval: three years of high school Italian.

ITAL-2420 Italian Civilization, Culture and Literature

3 Credits

Introduction to the civilization and literature of Italy. Emphasis on the interrelationship between history and geography of Italy and its culture.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): ITAL-2410 Italian Conversation and Composition, or concurrent enrollment with departmental approval: three years of high school Italian.

ITAL-282H Advanced Honors Independent Study/Research in Italian

1-3 Credits

Advanced Honors-level directed individual study. Must meet criteria set forth in the Honors Course Checklist used to approve regular honors courses. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; and must have earned an A or B in at least 3 honors courses. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.