ENG-0800 Developmental Special Topics in English
1-3 Credits
Study of selected developmental topics of current issues in English. Provides student an opportunity to explore various topics in greater detail (see current semester Credit Schedule for offerings). Repeatable for different topics. May not be applied toward elective and/or program graduation degree requirements.
Lecture: 1-3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Faculty counterparts determine appropriate prerequisite/corequisite for each topic.
ENG-0985 Introduction to College Literacies
4 Credits
Prepares students for success in college writing courses by working on the fundamentals of reading, writing, listening, and proofreading strategies.
Lecture: 4 hours
Prerequisite(s): Appropriate score on English placement test; or departmental approval.
ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies
4 Credits
Prepares students for success in college-level writing courses through further development and application of effective reading, writing, listening, and proofreading strategies.
Lecture: 4 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-0985 Introduction to College Literacies Workshop or appropriate score on English placement test; or departmental approval.
ENG-1001 Intensive College Reading & Writing
3 Credits
Course provides support for students enrolled in ENG-1010 College Composition I through intensive instruction in academic writing, reading skills, study skills, grammar, mechanics, and test-taking strategies.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement score, and concurrent enrollment in ENG-1010 College Composition I, or departmental approval.
ENG-1003 Transition to College English
1 Credit
Intensive practice in writing for the purpose of preparing students for college-level English. Successful completion permits a student to enroll in ENG-1010.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement test score or departmental approval.
ENG-1005 Reading for College Courses
3 Credits
Improve reading skills so they can effectively read and use texts/resources in college classes. Texts/resources can include words, images, videos, charts, signs, or any object that can be read and interpreted.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.
ENG-1010 College Composition I
3 Credits
Study of and practice in academic writing; reading and interpretation of selected texts. Course may be thematically organized.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement test score, or ENG-1003 Transition to College English, or ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies with a grade of "B" or higher; or ESL-1310 English as a Second Language: Grammar for Communication III and ESL-1321 ESL: Reading and Writing III, and ESL-1331 English as a Second Language: Speaking and Listening III; or ESL-1510 English as a Second Language: Accelerated Grammar II , and ESL-1520 English as a Second Language: Accelerated Writing II , and ESL-1530 English as a Second Language: Accelerated Speaking & Listening II , and ESL-1540 English as a Second Language: Accelerated Reading II; or departmental approval. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements. Students who earn a grade of "C" in ENG-0995 are eligible to enroll in a co-requisite pairing of ENG-1001 Intensive College Reading and Writing and ENG-1010 College Composition I.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TME001.
ENG-101H Honors College Composition I
3 Credits
Study and practice in academic writing; reading and interpretation of selected texts. Requires intensive critical/analytical thinking, writing and speaking. Course may be thematically organized. Note: Course meets the ENG-1010 graduation requirements.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement test score, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TME001.
ENG-1020 College Composition II
3 Credits
Study and practice of persuasive and argumentative writing with emphasis on analysis and research; reading and interpretation of selected texts. Course may be thematically organized.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I, or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TME002.
ENG-102H Honors College Composition II
3 Credits
Study and practice of persuasive and argumentative writing with emphasis on analysis and research; reading and interpretation of selected texts. Requires intensive critical/analytical thinking, writing and speaking. Course may be thematically organized. Note: Course meets the ENG-1020 graduation requirements.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-101H Honors College Composition I; or ENG-1010 College Composition I and departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TME002.
ENG-179H Honors Contract in English
1 Credit
Honors Contract complements and exceeds requirements, outcomes and objectives for an existing ENG-1000-level honors course through formulation of a contract with a faculty mentor, which upon completion will result in distinctive scholarship. This honors independent study may also be taken with a non-honors course. When taken with a non-honors course, the Honors Contract adds an honor experience to that course. Honors contract requires student to meet on a regularly scheduled basis with the instructor for mentor-student tutorial sessions. A maximum of six Honor Contracts (6 credit hours) may be taken (includes 179H and 279H).
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): Must be taken concurrently with a 1000-level course whose instructor agrees to mentor the student in this contract. Departmental approval required.
ENG-1820 Independent Study/Research in English
1-3 Credits
Directed individual study. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student (see Credit Schedule of classes for current offerings). May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.
Lecture: 1-3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.
ENG-182H Honors Independent Study/Research in English
1-3 Credits
Honors-level directed individual study. Must meet criteria set forth in the Honors Course Checklist used to approve regular honors courses. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.
Lecture: 1-3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test., and must have earned an A or B in at least 3 honors courses. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.
ENG-2010 Creative Writing
3 Credits
Practice in imaginative writing; exploration of creative potential. Emphasis on sources of creativity and forms of expression in selected literary genres.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I, or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I, or departmental approval.
ENG-2020 Women Writers on the Experiences of Women
3 Credits
[This course is cross-listed as WGS-2040. Credit can only be earned once for either course.] An introduction to women's literature through the study of classic and contemporary readings. Involves analysis of theme, character, plot, setting, dramatic conflict, and writing style. Provides an opportunity to study literature by women authors that are not traditionally covered in most American and British literature survey courses.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-2151 Technical Writing
3 Credits
The role of writer and audience in the technical communication process; emphasis on the actual writing and evaluation of technical, business, and online documents; includes layout, design principles, and ethical issues as well as writing for diverse audiences. Requires individual and group writing projects and presentations.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I, or ENG-101H Honors, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TME002
ENG-2310 American Literature I
3 Credits
Survey of significant works of American prose and poetry from the pre-Columbian period through 1865.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, ENG-102H Honors, ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH and Transfer Assurance Guide OAH053.
ENG-2320 American Literature II
3 Credits
Survey of major works of American prose, poetry, and drama from 1865 to present.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH and Transfer Assurance Guide OAH054.
ENG-2350 British Literature I
3 Credits
Survey of major works of British prose, poetry, and drama from early period to 1785.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH and Transfer Assurance Guide OAH055.
ENG-2360 British Literature II
3 Credits
Survey of major works of British prose, poetry, and drama from 1785 to present.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH and Transfer Assurance Guide OAH056.
ENG-2410 Introduction to Literature: Poetry
3 Credits
Critical analysis of selected works of poetry, designed to develop an understanding and appreciation of poetry as a literary form.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-2420 Introduction to Literature: Fiction
3 Credits
Critical analysis of selected works of fiction, designed to develop understanding and appreciation of various modes of fiction as literary forms.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-2430 Introduction to Literature: Drama
3 Credits
Reading, discussion, interpretation, and critical analysis of a variety of dramatic works. Designed to develop understanding and appreciation of drama as a literary form.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-2450 Introduction to Literature: Science Fiction
3 Credits
Introduction to Literature: Science Fiction surveys the historical roots, literary forms, major works, common themes, and subgenres of science fiction literature.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-2510 African-American Literature I
3 Credits
Study of the sociopolitical, cultural, and religious influences of the major works of African Americans from colonial period to 1940.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Transfer Assurance Guide OAH062 and Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH and DEI.
ENG-2520 African-American Literature II
3 Credits
Study of the sociopolitical, cultural, and religious influences of the major works of African-Americans from 1940 to present.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Transfer Assurance Guide OAH062 and Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH and DEI.
ENG-2601 Literature for Children and Adolescents
3 Credits
Reading, discussion, interpretation, and written analysis of a wide variety of literary works written for children and adolescents.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II, ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-2700 World Literature
3 Credits
Study of diverse select works of global literature in English from ancient to contemporary times across historical and literary time periods, themes, and genres. Some works of Western authors may be used for comparative purposes and to demonstrate interconnectedness of global cultures. Course may be thematically organized.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-2710 Shakespeare
3 Credits
Critical analysis of selected works of Shakespeare.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, or ENG-102H Honors College Composition I, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-2730 Exploration of World Mythology
3 Credits
Reading and interpreting myths throughout history and from around the world including Africa, Asia, Australasia, Caribbean, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and North America (emphasis on non-Western cultures). Practice of various analytical approaches essential to building interpretive arguments and for identifying patterns across diverse cultures.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II or ENG-102H Honors Composition II, or ENG- 2151 Technical Writing, or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH and Transfer Assurance Guide OAH063.
ENG-2740 Literature and Film
3 Credits
Analyze various interrelated film and literary texts. Examine film and literature as distinct but related media forms, explore thematic relationships between specific films and works of literature, and analyze filmic adaptations of literature.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II.
ENG-2760 Detective Fiction: Mystery, Murder, and Malice
3 Credits
Study of detective fiction as a genre from the nineteenth century to the present day.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II; or departmental approval.
ENG-2770 Rhetorics of Gaming: Introduction to Video Game Analysis
3 Credits
An introduction to video game analysis, this course offers critical ways to understand games as complex narrative and cultural texts. The course explores theories of play, the history of gaming industries and game studies as an academic field, and a variety of analytical lenses through which to study this influential cultural form. Emphasizes playing, researching, and writing about video games and gaming culture in theoretically, rhetorically, and methodologically sound ways.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II, ENG-102H Honors College Composition II, or ENG-2151 Technical Writing; or departmental approval.
OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.
ENG-279H Sophomore Honors Contract
1 Credit
Sophomore Honors Contract in English complements and exceeds requirements and expected outcomes for an existing English 2000-level course through formulation of a contract with a faculty mentor. In conjunction with a faculty mentor, student will formulate a contract that upon completion will result in distinctive scholarship appropriate to honors 2000-level. In order to complete the contract, student is required to meet on a regularly scheduled basis with instructor offering the contract for mentor-student tutorial sessions. A maximum of six Honors Contracts (six credits) may be taken at the College (includes 179H and 279H).
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): Must be taken concurrently with a 2000-level course in English, whose instructor agrees to mentor the student in the sophomore honors contract. Departmental approval required.
ENG-2800 Special Topics: Creative Writing: The Memoir
1 Credit
The class will present the basics of memoir writing and will discuss the many different approaches to writing a memoir. The main focus of the class will be writing memoirs in a workshop environment with various formal and informal writing assignments. The class will also analyze published memoirs as models of effective memoir writing.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1010 College Composition I or ENG-101H Honors College Composition I.
ENG-2812 Special Topics: African-American Rhetoric
3 Credits
Exploring the rhetorical traditions reflected in historically salient and prolific African American written and oral political and social discourses of prodigious African American thought leaders from the 18th century to the 20th century.
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II or instructor approval.
ENG-2819 Special Topics - The Religious Imagination in the Modern Age
3 Credits
Study of a selection of texts that will serve as examples of how the human longing for transcendence is dramatized in the modern age by different authors with a broad variety of religious commitments. The core questions the course will address are “How is the longing for transcendence uniquely dramatized in an age that is largely informed by religious skepticism?” and “What are the unique challenges that writers and artists face in engaging with the religious imagination?”
Lecture: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): ENG-1020 College Composition II or ENG-102H Honors College Composition II; or departmental approval.
ENG-2820 Advanced Independent Study/Research in Literature
1-3 Credits
Directed individual advanced study. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.
Lecture: 1-3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.
ENG-282H Advanced Honors Independent Study/Research in English Literature
1-3 Credits
Advanced Honors-level directed individual study. Must meet criteria set forth in the Honors Course Checklist used to approve regular honors courses. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.
Lecture: 1-3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; and must have earned an A or B in at least 3 honors courses. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.