DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I
4 Credits
Introduction to dental hygiene practice including professionalism, infection control, medical history, vital signs, oral inspection, preventive oral health, oral accretions, technique for oral prophylaxis and medical emergencies.
Lecture: 2 hours
Other Required Hours: Clinical Lab Hour(s): 6 hours per week in the Dental Hygiene Clinic.
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval: admission to program.
DENT-1311 Dental Anatomy, Histology & Embryology
2 Credits
Study of the form, function and comparative anatomy of primary and permanent teeth, tooth numbering, and dentition periods. Embryologic development of the face, neck, orofacial structures and teeth. Histologic study of the gingiva, oral mucosa and attachment apparatus.
Lecture: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I.
DENT-1320 Dental Hygiene Fundamentals
1 Credit
Reinforcement of first term clinical skills with an emphasis on radiographic imaging techniques, principles of instrumentation, occlusion and patient assessment.
Laboratory: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I; and concurrent enrollment in DENT-1331 Dental Imaging; and concurrent enrollment in DENT-1311 Dental Anatomy, Histology & Embryology; and departmental approval.
DENT-1331 Dental Imaging
3 Credits
History and development of the x-ray, its nature and properties. Biological effects of x-radiation with application of Safe Operating Procedures to protect the operator and patient. Theory and practice in fundamentals of oral imaging techniques including receptor placement, tube angulation, scanning, mounting and interpretation of images. Digital sensors and photostimulable phosphor plate receptors for periapical, bitewing, and occlusional intraoral exposures and localization techniques, and panoramic extraoral imaging techniques will be discussed. Students will expose image receptors on a manikin. Consists of lecture modules of instruction correlated with weekly laboratory modules.
Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Departmental acceptance and concurrent enrollment in DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I.
DENT-1341 Foundational Principles of Dental Hygiene Practice
1 Credit
Study of ethical, moral and professional topics in Dental Hygiene. Introduction to ethical theories and principles related to patient care and decision-making models. Exploration of ethical dilemmas through applied case scenarios. Discussion and application of required policies and procedures related to the health and safety of the dental hygienist and patient.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, or acceptance to the Dental Hygiene program.
DENT-1400 Preventive Oral Health Services II
5 Credits
Implementation of preventative oral health services. Students provide oral health treatment to patients in the dental hygiene clinic. Emphasis is on organizational skills in preparation for patient treatment, implementation of the study and clinical application of the principles involved in periodontal treatment, acquiring of dental images, application of preventive therapeutics and the development of individualized self-care education plans. Topics include treatment of medically compromised and special needs patients, tobacco use and smoking cessation, methods of oral pain management and care of dental prostheses.
Lecture: 1 hour
Other Required Hours: Clinical Lab Hours: 12 hours per week in the Dental Hygiene Clinic.
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I.
DENT-1410 Current Concepts in Dental Materials
2 Credits
Physical properties of dental materials and basic principles of their preparation. Application of principles of dental materials by manipulating gypsum, cements, bases, liners, resin, composite, impression materials, sutures, periodontal dressings and pit and fissure sealant materials in the laboratory and/or clinical setting.
Lecture: 1 hour. Laboratory: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I.
DENT-1420 Periodontics I
2 Credits
Study of the anatomy and histology of the periodontium in health and disease. Focus on the pathogenesis of the various classifications of gingival and periodontal diseases: microbiological, host response, local and systemic risk factors. Contemporary periodontal adjuncts considered.
Lecture: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1300 Preventative Oral Health Services I.
DENT-1431 Head and Neck Anatomy
2 Credits
Study of structure and function of head and neck. General anatomy of the skull, related muscles, vascular and nerve supply and lymphatics of the region considered. Focus on muscles of mastication and their relationship to the temporomandibular joint; facial and trigeminal nerves and their relationships to dental injections. Discussion on spread of infection and its clinical manifestations.
Lecture: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I
DENT-1440 General and Oral Pathology
2 Credits
General principles of pathology including, inflammation and immunity, neoplasia, metabolic and endocrine disturbances, and other systemic diseases affecting the general and oral health of the patient.
Lecture: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1311 Dental Anatomy, Histology & Embryology and DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I.
DENT-2100 Dental Hygiene Clinical Skills Reinforcement
1-2 Credits
Designed for students desiring to improve dental hygiene clinical skills. Emphasis on the reinforcement of assessment, instrumentation, calculus detection and removal, radiographic imaging techniques and medical emergency situations. Possible offsite clinical outreach experience included. Also appropriate for the licensed hygienist returning to the workforce or candidates requiring remediation of skills prior to sitting for a clinical board examination.
Laboratory: 3-6 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1300 Preventive Oral Health Services I, or departmental approval.
DENT-2200 Local Anesthesia and Pain Management
2 Credits
Study of the anatomy, pharmacological and psychological aspects, systemic complications and medical emergencies related to pain management in the dental environment. Laboratory experience in the administration of local anesthesia and nitrous oxide.
Lecture: 1 hour. Laboratory: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1431 Head and Neck Anatomy, or departmental approval.
DENT-2300 Preventive Oral Health Services III
5 Credits
Continuation of the study and clinical application of the principles involved in the provision of oral prophylaxis and periodontal treatment, acquiring of dental images, application of preventive therapeutics and the development of individualized self-care education plans. Students will develop and present a dental case in both oral and and written form.
Lecture: 1 hour
Other Required Hours: Clinical Lab Hours: 12 hours per week in the Dental Hygiene Clinic.
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1400 Preventive Oral Health Services II.
DENT-2321 Periodontics II
1 Credit
Study of advanced non-surgical and surgical treatment modalities and treatment planning for periodontal diseases. Additionally, presentation on dental implants, occlusal effects on the periodontium, periodontal emergencies and the human immunodeficiency virus and its clinical manifestations.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1420 Periodontics I, and BIO-2500 Microbiology, or departmental approval.
DENT-2332 Pharmacology and Therapeutics
2 Credits
Discussion of pharmacological effects of drugs and anesthetics, adverse reactions, and their usual indications and contraindications for preoperative and postoperative client care. Overview of agents used specifically for pain management and medical emergencies presented, referencing the health history and dental hygiene assessment for treatment protocols.
Lecture: 2 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1400 Preventive Oral Health Services II, and BIO-2500 Microbiology.
DENT-2340 Community Oral Health I
1 Credit
Study of principles of public health dentistry. Research design as it relates to scientific journal articles. Concepts of biostatistics, public health promotion, prevention of oral disease, and dental health education. The public health dental care approach to preventive dentistry. Community service exit requirement for graduation.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-1400 Preventive Oral Health Services II.
DENT-2400 Preventive Oral Health Services IV
5 Credits
Continuation of clinical experience integrating social and basic sciences within the scope of dental hygiene practice. Emphasis on professionalism, time management, and advanced dental hygiene techniques. Incorporation of dietary analysis procedures. Preparation for board examinations for dental hygiene licensure.
Lecture: 1 hour
Other Required Hours: Clinical Lab Hours: 12 hours per week in the Dental Hygiene Clinic.
Prerequisite(s): DENT-2300 Preventive Oral Health Services III, and DIET-1220 Nutrition for Dental Hygiene.
DENT-2440 Community Oral Health II
1 Credit
Review of concepts introduced in Community Oral Health I. Revision of principles of public health dentistry. Concepts of program planning, epidemiology, and organization of dental care delivery system. Research design as it relates to the planning, implementing, and evaluating a community outreach project. Community service exit requirement for graduation from Dental Hygiene program.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-2340 Community Oral Health I.
DENT-2820 Independent Study/Research in Dental Hygiene
1-3 Credits
Directed individual advanced study. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.
Lecture: 1-3 hours
Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.
DENT-2990 Dental Hygiene Practice
1 Credit
Capstone course in Dental Hygiene. Preparation for entry into the dental hygiene profession. Topics include seeking and preparing for employment, obtaining a dental hygiene license, legal and ethical concerns of dental hygiene practice, aspects of practice management and planning for the future.
Lecture: 1 hours
Prerequisite(s): DENT-2300 Preventive Oral Health Services III.