DANC-1100 Dance Appreciation

3 Credits

Exploring dance within diverse cultural, religious, social, and artistic contexts. Trace the origins and development of dance forms and styles, learn about important contributors, and develop a framework for discussing dance as a universal mode of human expression and communication. Emphasis on connecting dance to historical, socio-cultural, and aesthetic aspects. Includes viewing dance, discussing, reading, writing, and participating in experiential activities.

Lecture: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

OAN Approved: Ohio Transfer 36 TMAH.

DANC-1201 Conditioning for Dance I

2 Credits

Introduction to physical conditioning techniques to enhance dance training and performance. Exercises to improve strength, range of motion, alignment, balance, coordination, endurance, body awareness, and control. Learn basic anatomy, body mechanics, and injury prevention. Integration of science-based conditioning methods and mind-body (somatic) practices. May be repeated up to four times for credit.

Lecture: 1 hour. Laboratory: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

DANC-1220 Theatre Dance/Stage Movement

3 Credits

Basic stage geography, and theatre dance: jazz, latin, waltz, polka, and musical staging for singers and actors. Non-theatre majors learn techniques to analyze and control non-verbal communication (body language). Control and organization of space, energy and time, including basic stage combat, applied to group activities.

Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

DANC-1401 African Dance I

1 Credit

First in a two-course sequence. Introduction to the fundamentals and basic movements of dances from West Africa. Experience traditional dances that celebrate rites of passage, harvest, courtship and healing/celebration of life. Through these traditional dances and rhythms, dancers will understand the commonalities of dance and music in world cultures and build mutually supportive relationships, reflective of actual dance in West African villages. Community is achieved through dance and collective work towards a final presentation.

Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

DANC-1501 Dance Fundamentals

3 Credits

Introduction and practice of fundamental ballet, modern/contemporary, and jazz dance techniques. Creative exploration through basic dance improvisation and choreography. Emphasis on development of body and spatial awareness, strength, flexibility, and coordination within various dance forms. Exercises and basic dance combinations performed on the floor, at the ballet barre, and traveling through the studio space. Reflection on cultural and historical context. Discussion of related topics.

Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

DANC-1510 Dance II

3 Credits

Further study of secondary techniques of modern dance. Stresses dance as artistic form of self expression. Students identify variety of rhythms and perform secondary and intermediate dance combinations.

Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1501 Dance Fundamentals, or departmental approval: comparable knowledge or skills.

DANC-1520 Ballet I

1 Credit

First in a three-course sequence. Covers the fundamentals of classical ballet to prepare students for further training in ballet. Emphasis will be placed on developing strength, flexibility, postural alignment, and endurance in the area of ballet technique and conditioning. Students will follow a typical ballet class structure with an emphasis on mastering basic barre exercises. May be repeated up to four times for credit.

Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1501 Dance Fundamentals, or departmental approval: permission of instructor.

DANC-1530 Contemporary/Modern Dance I

2 Credits

First in a three-course sequence. Introduce and practice fundamental movement vocabulary and concepts of modern/contemporary dance. Warm up, center, and traveling movement sequences practiced on the floor, standing, and through studio space. Emphasis on body awareness, spatial awareness, and musicality. Discover the body as an expressive instrument. Build biomechanical, aesthetic, and historical foundations for further contemporary/modern dance training. May be repeated up to four times for credit.

Laboratory: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1501 Dance Fundamentals.

DANC-1540 Jazz Dance I

1 Credit

First in a two-course sequence. Introduces principles of jazz dance technique and styles. Covers the fundamentals through basic physical skills, terminology and history. The course is taught in progression, teaching basics in the beginning and each week building upon that foundation.

Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1501 Dance Fundamentals, or departmental approval: permission of instructor.

DANC-1550 Hip-Hop Dance I

2 Credits

Introduction to select hip-hop, street and related social dance forms. Emphasis on basic techniques, movement skills, musicality, rhythm, body awareness, and creativity. Performance of freestyle and choreographed movements. Survey of historical and socio-cultural context.

Lecture: 1 hour. Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

DANC-1811 Special Topics in Hip-Hop Dance

2 Credits

Introduction to select hip-hop, street and related social dance forms. Emphasis on basic techniques, movement skills, musicality, rhythm, body awareness, and creativity. Performance of freestyle and choreographed movements. Survey of historical and socio-cultural context.

Lecture: 1 hour. Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): None.

DANC-1820 Independent Study in Dance

1-3 Credits

Directed individual study. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student (see Credit Schedule of classes for current offerings). May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

DANC-182H Honors Independent Study in Dance

1-3 Credits

Honors-level directed individual study. Must meet criteria set forth in the Honors Course Checklist used to approve regular honors courses. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; and must have earned an A or B in at least 3 honors courses. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

DANC-2300 Dance III: Technique

2 Credits

Intermediate dance techniques, concepts and theories. Studio work challenges and nurtures students creative and interpretive ability and performance techniques.

Laboratory: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1510 Dance II, or departmental approval: comparable knowledge or skills.

DANC-2310 Dance IV: Technique

2 Credits

Advanced dance techniques emphasizing dynamic variety and challenging physical limitations and movement memory. Exploration of different modern techniques and dance accompaniment applied to studio work.

Laboratory: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-2300 Dance III: Technique, or departmental approval: comparable knowledge or skills.

DANC-2400 African Dance II

1 Credit

Provides a deeper exploration of the fundamentals and basic movements of dances from West Africa. Experience traditional dances that celebrate rites of passage, harvest, courtship and healing/celebration of life. Through these traditional dances and rhythms, dancers will gain deeper understanding of the commonalities of dance and music in world cultures and build mutually supportive relationships. Dancers assume leadership and increase individual contributions to community by working towards a final presentation.

Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1401 African Dance I.

DANC-2520 Ballet II

1 Credit

Second in a three-course sequence. Covers intermediate classical ballet technique to prepare students for more advanced training in ballet. Emphasis will be placed on mastery of fundamental ballet exercises at the barre, with intermediate-level execution of center floor combinations. Students will follow a typical ballet class structure with an emphasis on clarity of movement, and increased speed, and proper technique. May be repeated up to four times for credit.

Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1520 Ballet I.

DANC-2530 Contemporary/Modern Dance II

2 Credits

Second in a three-course sequence. Continued practice of fundamental movement vocabulary and concepts of contemporary/modern dance. Warm up, center, and traveling movement sequences practiced on the floor, standing, and through studio space. Further emphasis on body awareness, spatial awareness, musicality, and clarity. Develop the body as an expressive instrument. Build biomechanical, aesthetic, and historical foundations for further contemporary/modern dance training. May be repeated up to four times for credit.

Laboratory: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1530 Contemporary/Modern Dance I, or departmental approval.

DANC-2540 Jazz Dance II

1 Credit

Second in a two-course sequence. Continuation of the principles of jazz dance technique and styles. Students will further explore the principles of basic physical skills, terminology and history of jazz at an intermediate level. The course is taught in progression, teaching basics in the beginning and each week building upon that foundation.

Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1540 Jazz Dance I.

DANC-2600 Dance Improvisation and Choreography

2 Credits

Introduce and practice basic tools for dance improvisation and choreography. Engage in creative movement activities and develop short compositions to expand movement vocabulary and awareness, practice personal choice-making, and enhance creative and artistic skill. Explore elements of the creative process including sources of inspiration, research and development, collaboration, performance, evaluation, and feedback.

Lecture: 1 hour. Laboratory: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1501 Dance Fundamentals, or THEA-1500 Acting I, or THEA-1520 Improvisation and Performance I.

DANC-2620 Ballet III

1 Credit

Final class in a three course sequence. Building on the fundamentals of prior classes, students will apply technique to the execution of performing complex combinations across the floor. Development of spatial awareness, musicality, strength and flexibility will be incorporated with additional emphasis on movement dynamics. Proper jumping, leaping, and turning techniques will be emphasized. May be repeated up to four times for credit.

Laboratory: 3 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-2530 Ballet II.

DANC-2630 Contemporary/Modern Dance III

2 Credits

Last in a three-course sequence. Further practice of movement vocabulary and concepts of contemporary/modern dance with emphasis on increasing physical competence and application. Warm up, center, and traveling movement sequences practiced on the floor, standing, and through studio space. Further emphasis on body awareness, spatial awareness, musicality, clarity, and quality of movement. Utilize the body as an expressive instrument. Build biomechanical, aesthetic, and historical foundations for further contemporary dance training. May be repeated up to four times for credit.

Laboratory: 4 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-2530 Contemporary/Modern Dance II, or departmental approval.

DANC-2730 Teaching Dance

3 Credits

Introduction to the techniques, principles, philosophies, and methodologies of teaching dance. Covers the fundamentals of teaching dance in various settings. Recommended for individuals who have an interest in teaching dance.

Lecture: 2 hours. Laboratory: 2 hours

Prerequisite(s): DANC-1100 Dance Appreciation, and DANC-1520 Ballet I, and DANC-1530 Contemporary/Modern Dance I; and DANC-1540 Jazz Dance I, or DANC-1401 African Dance I.

DANC-2820 Independent Advanced Study in Dance

1-3 Credits

Directed individual advanced study. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student (see Credit Schedule of classes for current offerings). May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval, and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

DANC-282H Advanced Honors Independent Study in Dance

1-3 Credits

Advanced Honors-level directed individual study. Must meet criteria set forth in the Honors Course Checklist used to approve regular honors courses. Study/research title and specific content arranged between instructor and student. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits of different topics.

Lecture: 1-3 hours

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval and instructor approval, and ENG-0995 Applied College Literacies, or appropriate score on English Placement Test; and must have earned an A or B in at least 3 honors courses. Note: ENG-0990 Language Fundamentals II taken prior to Fall 2021 will also meet prerequisite requirements.

DANC-2940 Field Experience

1-3 Credits

Experience in an approved work activity under supervision of worksite supervisor and faculty member or program manager. Work activity may be paid or unpaid and must be related to a student's learning or occupational objectives. Requirement for one credit is 180 hours of approved work. Students may earn up to three credits in one semester.

Other Required Hours: Field Experience: 12 hours per week for 15 weeks. 180 hours per semester.

Prerequisite(s): Departmental approval.